What do family camping trips reveal about systems?

Nov 27, 2021

What the family camping trips reveal about systems, family camping trips, and systems at least seems like an exciting topic.

But one Welcome to what He had, what He had is about an hour and a half south of Byron Bay where I live.

And we're down here with a whole bunch of families, there's a whole bunch of my daughter's friends’ families here.

And it is just a great experience to get away.

Go camping, there is some receptivity in terms of being able to go live from here.

But essentially, there's no Wi-Fi, there are no PlayStations, there are none of the regularly engaged activities that go on for my kids a lot of the time on the weekends.

So I'm having a pretty good time, but we ran into some problems.

And if you've been camping before, you might well have had similar experiences.

And that is the Forgotten tubes, the Forgotten items list.

Now we had two big ones this time number one, sleeping bags.

Now sleeping bags are a bit of a problem.

But luckily it is coming into summer.

It's pretty hot at the moment.

So we will see how it goes.

But right now we brought two out of five.

And we'll come back to that second place is the hammer, the hammer in those pesky pins, those nail things that hold the whole tent down not such a big deal.

There's plenty of families around if we were more remote, or if we didn't know anyone, well, it would be an opportunity to meet a friend and get their hammer.

So not an incredibly difficult one, that one that was easily resolved.

But the sleeping bags cause some problems.

So last night, my eldest son hijacked the bed with the sleeping bag and pissed off my middle son.

And this caused some shenanigans at about 340 in the morning, but we got through it.

And this could have been avoided if we brought the session back.

So the question is, why did the sleeping beds get forgotten? Well, let's have a look at the camping system as it stands at the moment.

So pretty much each time we go camping, we load everything out of the designated camping zone storage area, which is in a 20-foot shipping container, we don't have that much stuff, it's got a bunch of other stuff in that 20-foot shipping container.

But there's an area where all the camping stuff goes.

Now for whatever reason, most likely, I had a bunch of friends over and they used the sleeping bags, the sleeping bags that migrated from the shipping container into the house.

And we're left there.

Now, this meant that when all of the camping gear was loaded up, those sleeping bags were not.

And so we headed off without sleeping bags.

Now I'll throw in another factor here, which is that my wife and I had had a massive fight the day before we were set to go camping.

Now, this meant none of the usual prep work was actually getting done at all.

So usually I'd be like, Okay, let's get a checklist.

Let's make sure we've got everything.

I'm pretty sure I have that checklist in the computer somewhere, print that out, run to go yep, go sleep bags, Yep, we got this, we've got the hammer, we've got the tomato sauce, we've got everything that we've forgotten, every other time.

Great, we're ready to go.

Now notice that the disagreement, the argument basically threw me off from doing that work.

And I'm like, You know what stuff on care right now, I don't give a flying F about any of this stuff.

So I'm not going to do the work we just managed as we can.

So I was a chief participant in the system have checked out.

And this may happen to you in business as well, like someone who's meant to be doing something just fails, they refuse to do it.

It's like well, that needs to have some a discussion about for me being the father of my family, I gotta have a discussion with myself about the consequences that I face in camping because I allowed my mood to transcend my ability to make sure that the family was cared for.

So that's definitely a factor who is doing the system is a factor.

Secondly, we've got the system itself, so the sleeping bags migrated out of the 20-foot container.

They didn't go back there.

That is the second aspect of the system.

So you've got to have trust in the rules of the system.

What are the rules that are must be in place in order to trust the system, ie if the sleeping bags get moved out, then they go back into the container?

This means that the system can be trusted.

However, I also bring in that mission-critical systems like things that make a big difference in your business or to a camping trip should be double-checked.

This should be a final checklist where it's like Yep, we've got the tents.

We've got the stove we've got the esky we've got the ice, we've got the food, we've got the night Got the forks, we've got the fry pans, we've got the spoons, the bowls, the plates, we've got the beds, we've got the pillows, all of those things plus more needed to be checked off.

Now that was not done.

So we've got a whole bunch of interesting factors, He luckily is not the first camping trip that I've done.

And so there is a lot of previous experience previous mistakes that have been made.

That meant that when we go to the shipping container, most of the stuff made it.

But this time, I want to take from it and say, Okay, I must take responsibility the night before to make sure that checklist is printed off.

And I am the one responsible for checking off and saying, Yep, as we drive out, we've got everything.

Yep, we got everything.

So they're the lessons.

They're the lessons here out of this camping experience.

And once you get these systems mindset, what you will discover is that there are systems lessons everywhere.

It's like, oh, well what happened there? How did that error happen? You see the mistakes that happen, that create results that you don't want just mean that the system is incorrect, or the system wasn't followed.

In this case, the system wasn't followed, and therefore we didn't have the sleeping bags on our trip.

I hope you're seeing the insights here about how systems thinking can make your life a whole lot better, and make you a whole lot more money in business.

So thanks for tuning in today.

I hope you're having an awesome day.

I'm going to head back to my family go hang out, play some soccer on the beach, maybe do some fishing.

Looks like we got a storm rolling in.

So it's looking action-packed.

afternoon and evening.

I hope you're having a great day.

I look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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