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Oct 03, 2021

Welcome to today's episode, I have been called by my wife to tell me some bad news.

As I came home, she said, Tom, there has been a chicken massacre.

Like, just there's chicken feathers everywhere.

And I've come home.

And this unfortunately is the case.

Let's have a look at this.

And what you can see here is that the chicken is very dead.

And that is a very dead chicken.

Look at that.

It's kind of it's kind of blurred out.

Well, that was weird.

Okay, maybe Facebook is blurring it out.

So that's cool.

We'll turn it around.

Come back to me.

Is that like some kind of Black Mirror Effect perhaps is like, whoa, okay.

You guys showed showed that.

And that could be it could well be maybe the technology if you say no mask or whatever one let you do it.

So anyway, there's a dead chicken.

There is a dead chicken on my lawn.

This was killed by my dog.

And what I want you to realize is that this is a classic case of system failure.

How do I know that? Well, the chickens dead.

The design of the chicken coop was designed to keep the dog and the chickens separated and it has failed at that there must have been a gap somewhere.

Somehow this chicken has got out and then we have a blue healer, like our blue healer is adding it it's inbuilt.

It's in its DNA to hunt things the Kim obviously herd cattle, but also she she sits there and looks at these chickens.

And so unfortunately, we now have we have now chicken feathers everywhere.

And the important thing, couple important things here.

One is to realize that the system is still broken.

Just because the results of the chicken death has happened.

This does not mean that magically the problem that led to this I the chicken coop leaks is fixed.

This is not the case like I now have to go find how this chicken got out.

Otherwise the other three that are in the coop are likely to unfortunately suffer the same fate.

The chances of my dog changing its nature pretty small, we could work on it.

But I don't know I used to just nor on the necks of the chickens, but for whatever reason.

It just went bananas and and the dog to get chicken but the chicken coop needs fixing.

And this is applicable when you are dealing in your business and you have a adverse event like this something goes wrong.

You don't just have to clean up the mess that needs to be done.

Clearly that needs to be done.

But what typically happens is just the mess get cleaned up.

And then you don't think about what is the system change that must be made what needs to be fixed, altered in order to get the result that you're looking for.

Notice that the result that I was looking for was one thing, which was the chickens stayed in the coop, and they couldn't get out.

This one got out.

And unfortunately, there was a reason why the coop was designed that way the chicken didn't know that.

That's okay.

That's okay.

The chicken didn't know that.

It's like okay, well, unfortunately won't, it won't have the ability to learn from this experience.

This is a benefit that we as humans can learn from, we can say, hey, there was a problem, there's something went wrong, and it needs to be fixed.

If this happens in your business, something goes wrong.

It's it's not a excuse to go on.

Just clean up because guess what, it's likely to happen again.

It's likely to happen again, something must be changed the result that you wanted wasn't what you wanted.

This happened to me, this is literally how I didn't want the dead chicken.

Oh, my chickens alive.

I like the eggs, you know, I like is really good.

They're really beneficial.

And instead, I don't have that result.

So I got to go fix the chicken shed.

Where does this play out in your business, you must be able to analyze your systems.

Look at them.

If you got a result, there is a reason why this result happened.

There is a reason why this result happened and I must find that somewhere in that coop is a hole.

Just like in a business system.

If you get a result whereby your system was executed well and you got something that you didn't want then something must change something's wrong in that system.

You see the systems create results, we know this.

If the processes are followed, then the results are created.

If you got a bad results are an outcome that you did not want, then something in those processes must change.

If you do not have these documented and written down.

It's going to be really hard In fact, the ability for you to even have a consistent poor outcome will be extremely unusual.

And this can be a real trap.

Because sometimes you get a result is like, Oh, great, it worked.

And then sometimes you get a result.

It's like, I got a dead chicken, I got a chicken massacre, ah, but the reason that you can't troubleshoot that is because your variable execution of your system gives you all sorts of variable results.

Only when you are actually good enough to deploy your systems consistently, can you then go, I'm getting consistently wrong result, a consistent result that I don't want.

And therefore I can go back and look at the processes and change them, tweak them, make them better, give a different result, something needs to change.

I hope this is sinking in that this is making a difference in how you think realizing that variable results or results of poorly executed systems.

Once you've got a consistent way of executing.

Now you can say, okay, great that result happened, I know that I must change something in the way that we did things that lead to that result.

This is powerful.

This will make a huge difference in your business.

This will make you more money, save you considerable amounts of time and avoid large amounts of work.

Remember, I got to clean up this mess sucks.

It's It's It's unpleasant work.

But what will be even worse is if it just happens again tomorrow.

Doing work and cleaning up messes and fighting fires all day long because the system doesn't change.

This is something that is important to get on point.

If you need help with this, if you need to know how to execute systems consistently, if you need to know how to get your team to use the instructions to use the processes.

If you need to get to the ability to have consistent results, even if they're the result that you don't want.

And then have the ability to go and edit and review and change your system to get the results that you do want.

Then head over to systemio.dev training they'll go through, learn about the concepts learn about how systems work, you know, you need this, this isn't a new idea.

You know, you're meant to have systems in place.

And the cool thing about business you get to grow pretty good, pretty well for a while before you need to have them.

But when you need to have them they better be there.

You cannot delay this process forever.

You cannot delay your systems abilities forever.

You must address them if you want your business to become what it can truly be.

Alright, that's all I got for tonight.

I'm going to go clean up this mess.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.





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