The Secret of Systems...

Nov 26, 2021

The secret of systems? What is the secret about systems? 

Like, why is this so much interest or so many business people like, hey, you know what you got to get your systems on point? Well, what I want to share with you is that there is a link that you must make and your team must make about systems.

You see systems are confusing before you get the secret, once you get the secrets like, Oh, my goodness, I get what systems are about.

When I first got into systems, I was extremely confused.

I knew that there was an idea about systems that should be used in business.

And I knew that there was an idea about processes like, actually the how to step, step, step, but the interrelationship between these was elusive.

I was like, man, what are they talking about? Like? How do these two things relate to each other? What is the system? What is the process? How do they fit together? And as I went down that little rabbit hole, a very interesting thing showed up? Well, first of all, there was another component called templates.

And you have seen templates you like, hey, templates are great time-saving usage, but how do they relate to processes and systems? So hang on, this is getting worse, I got systems and processes and templates.

And then there's one more factor.

So what's the purpose of these systems? What do they do? Well, one of the first Insights is that there is a result that comes from a system that results is what is made what is created by a system.

It's like, okay, hey, whoa, hang on.

Oh, my good now goes for things, systems, processes, templates, and results.

how they fit together? Are they just random? Do I just randomly grab a template and hope that it will give me the result that I want? Do I follow some kind of process? And perhaps that gets me a result? But what about if it's a little bit more than just two steps? What about if it's a 17 step process? Well, how does that fit in? And what is what how does Heather in a system.

And you see, while this may sound confusing, guess what it is confusing.

And if you don't get it, then your team won't get it.

And there will be no connection between any of these four things, they will stand as orphans, they'll stand apart.

And yet, what you must understand is that these things are all interrelated.

These are not four separate things.

But rather one thing, that one thing that wraps up all of them is called the system.

And the processes, which is the work that gets done, when you do those processes, you will get a result or results.

And the container that holds all of that together, the processes linked to the results.

This is the system.

And when you begin to see that the results come from the processes, the process gets done result comes out.

Now you make the essential link, you make the essential and critical link, that there is a link between the work that is meant to be done, the instructions and the outcomes, the results.

And if you have multiple processes or even just a single process, and a single result or multiple results, however it set up that entire container is the system that can move, the whole thing together is called a system.

And so there is not a separate system outside of processes and results.

No, the system is the container that holds the processes holds the result.

And now with this inside, this is the secret that these things are related.

The processes related to the results.

And the whole thing is the system.

This now allows you and your team to see the importance of process documentation that when you follow processes, you get results.

Instead of having them separate, that somehow processes are unrelated to the results that you're wanting to know.

They're the same.

They are intimately related.

Why? Because they're all wrapped up as part of one system.

For a long time.

This was so confusing.

I really had no idea Do any of this stuff was they seemed as, as linked as a no something that's just not very as, as doing the dishes, and driving a car is like what how, what is the connection between these things, there is no connection.

But what these are doing the dishes, dirty dishes, get washed, turn into clean dishes, that is a system, jump in the car, drive to the shops, buy something drive home, that is a system.

Now, these systems are playing out all the time in your business, typically not documented with no awareness that the processes make up the system and give you the results.

bringing that out in the open is the critical step for the vast majority of businesses unless you are in fast food or unless you're in manufacturing where you can clearly see the work that's getting done.

As soon as you move onto a computer or into knowledge work.

Now you have a distinct problem, which is your work becomes invisible.

And the only way to make it visible is to use systems you get the systems documented.

Now you can see the work just as clearly as if you walked onto a factory floor.

And you can see all the production lines in operation.

Exactly the same thing happens when you document your systems.

And they get used if this is something that you want for your business.

If you are like you know what we are having communication problems or having fire after fire, you're at risk of people quitting.

The great resignation is on and you're like man, we just had a key member quit and you do not know what to do or you have yourself dropping back into that role to cover it.

Then you have a systems problem if you need help with that head over

Thanks for tuning in today.

As we continue this journey into the power of systems create results.

Hope you got a lot of value from it.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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