Many businesses run successfully up to a point.
Then a “threshold” gets crossed, usually without fanfare or even a notification…
And things start to fall apart.
You begin to deal with more problems in your business.
Communications get missed.
Fires begin to occur and burn and become increasingly difficult to put out…
And you become “THE” problem-solver in your business.
This is a dangerous place to find yourself.
The benefit and rewards of solving problem after problem, telling your team what to do and how to do it - get you a little dopamine hit for each situation solved.
Wow! You made it!
You saved the day yet again.
And even though many of the problems are things you would NOT want to deal with, since they MUST be dealt with - you roll up your sleeves and make the calls, fix the faults, redesign the plans BUT…
It is very, very easy to get addicted to this “hero” problem solver because it feels GREAT at the moment.
The downside?
Next day, next week, next month… The fires start right back up again.
And you have just become the Number 1 Bottleneck in your business.
So how do you create something else?
A business where you know your time is maximally leveraged?
Where you are freed up to be thinking and making the big strategic decisions to grow your business?
The secret is… Documented Systems.
Instructions that are written down.
Your team follows them to get the work done AND improve, edit and change them as they do.
Nb. This is not new information. You have heard this before.
But here is your real challenge with systems…
How do you make it EASIER for your team to use the documented systems than not to?
Get this sorted and you will be freed from “emergency” problem solving once and for all.
Ps. There is a short training video on the solution here.