If you don't want to catch up...don't fall behind in your work!

Sep 14, 2021

All right.

Welcome to tonight's episode.

It's been a long day.

And one of the reasons for that is that I have just caught up on the data cards that produced the quote cards in the System IO, Instagram and Facebook feeds.

Now, you may be familiar with this concept, it's certainly been around for a while.

It's called Content multiplication or content amplification.

Basically, you take a video, whether it's a an hour long, weekly podcast or a five to 10 minute daily video, like I do, and you spin it, and you turn it into more content, it goes out to a podcast, it goes out to YouTube, it goes out to quote cards, it all gets produced, and turned into far more than just the five to 10 minute original video, or the hour long marketing podcasts.

This idea is documented in traffic secrets.

If you haven't got the secrets trilogy, then I'd highly recommend that you do.

It really is the essential Bible for online marketing, written by Russell Brunson.

And click funnels, it is epic.

But what is interesting is that a chapter that is maybe five or six pages long, is an extremely difficult system to pull off consistently.

And you may wonder, how does Russell do it? I imagine, potentially either he's got great systems, or He has a lot of people, you can always overcome poor systems with a lot of people.

The downside being that it is expensive.

But if you've got a great system, well, that enables you to do a lot more with a lot less.

One of the requirements, though, is that things actually get done on time.

So every week, why don't we have a look at at how this works.

So every week, I basically have my VAs pull out the last week's worth of videos, they download them, they transcribe them, they make a templated data card.

And then my role is to then go in and produce the data card, I go through and make the quotes and make the content write all of the material down.

And then from there, I don't have to do anything.

They they do the production of the cards, they do the scheduling of the cards, and it works pretty well.

But what had happened over time, is that I had got behind in the data cards, we learned early on that doing it daily was just extremely high risk.

And the original solution was to do it over a week.

So the week befores cards would then get produced that week and upload it.

But even that was a rushed experience.

It was difficult.

And so I was like, alright, let's add another week.

Week number one, we're going to extract the data and produce the video or the data cards.

And then week number two, we're going to produce the quote cards and the video, edited videos, all that sort of stuff and schedule them.

And that's been working pretty well except I am the limiting factor.

I am the constraint point.

And that is because I am the only one that can do the data cards, the rest of it can be done by my team.

But if I don't get those data cards done, then they cannot progress.

And for whatever reason, my job because I've been super busy.

I got behind.

And today is a celebration day that after about, I'd say four weeks, I'm actually done on a Monday with all of this week's data cards ready to roll.

Now is my work done? No.

Because guess what, this week, starter cards just got made today.

So I have to get those done by Friday.

And after that, I'm good to go.

It's been a very interesting experience of being able to maintain exactly where I am in the inability to catch up.

So basically, we're about no met, let's call it four days behind.

And so I was really quite good at remaining four days behind.

But the amount of work that it took to catch up was significant.

It's been exhausting.

Actually, it doesn't sound like much like each data card takes maybe 10, maybe 15 minutes to do from beginning to end.

And yet what was easy was staying with one a day so that we always stayed for behind but the extra ones, just just a massive effort.

But today, I got there today I actually we're back on track feels great.

And this, I think has been due to the addition of workforce, like the workforce was insufficient to keep it going.

Like it was it was just it was I was having a lot of back logs.

And so what I did was hire another team member.

And suddenly I'm like, Hey, you take care of this system.

You take care of this system, you take care of this system.

And they they've caught me up.

And interestingly, in that experiences actually opened up for me to catch up on the data cut, that there was a bunch of things in the business that were getting delayed just because we did not have enough people.

And I'm excited by that.

So I'm excited for the potential.

And I'm basically training him to work on systems.

It's like, okay, I already offloaded all of the regular systems that He can do.

Am I here? Take this one.

There's about six or seven systems that run the business.

I'm like, can you do most of these? He's like, Yeah, I got this.

He's loving it.

He's like, Oh, man, this, this system stuff just makes it so easy, so efficient, and so effective.

He's like, I I'm diggin it.

And I'm like, great, man, I appreciate that.

You'd like the way of doing it.

Because the other way, what's the other way, just kind of learning by osmosis or by copying or some stuff like that is it's just ineffective, it doesn't last over time.

But with the instructions with the written SOPs, that systems design actually gets you.

Suddenly things are possible to be done so much more efficiently and so much more effectively, that you actually need, like, half the team.

Like I'm running this whole business on myself into vas.

And it's like, okay, that maybe that's impressive to you.

Maybe that's not but I'm pretty sure that Russell has a lot more team than to vas.

And yet here we are pulling off the production of the assets every week, we can week out and caught up and ready to go.

How are we doing that? Well, it's because of one simple thing systems.

Remember that systems create results.

And if you want a particular result, you can do it far more effectively, and far more efficiently with well documented systems.

This is the system my method if you're interested in learning how this can be applied to your business.

And either you can reduce your payroll or you can increase the amount of work that is getting done in your business so that you can have increased profits and less time working in the business, then head over to systemio.dev.

I thanks so much for tuning in tonight.

Hope you enjoyed tonight's episode certainly enjoyed making it for you.

I look forward to continuing our journey into the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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