How to get high performing people without having to constantly remind them about everything?
Nov 17, 2021How to Get high performing people without having to constantly remind them about everything.
You see, you may want high performing people, you may want a great team, you may want people who remember to do things over and over accurately.
But what you may find yourself having to do is constantly remind them you I do it this way, do it this, I remember we spoke about this, I want you to do it this way.
This will be particularly bad for your team members who are very well habitual eyes or trained to do things one particular way.
And then something changes, whether it's a outside force or whether it's something within your business that needs to be done in a different way.
But they're still trained and remembering and habituated to doing it the old way.
And so it doesn't get done.
Now, this means you have to come in and stop nagging you like hey, remember, remember, remember, remember.
And this isn't just for changes.
This is also in your training.
As you onboard a new team member.
You like guiding them through and telling them all sorts of things.
Maybe you have them sit with another team member who already does that job so they can kind of learn by osmosis.
Or perhaps it's close to Chinese whispers.
And then you might wonder, Well, why didn't they get it done? Right? Why didn't they do it, how it's meant to be done.
And you may come to the realization that the problem is people, these damn people, I wish I had better people, where can I get great people? If only I had a better team? Here's the wild thing that your awesome team may be possible, but it is at an incredibly high price, you're looking at the highest of high performance, those driven souls who demand perfection from themselves.
The problem is that they're a bit of a pain to work with.
It's like oh, man, yeah, that's so annoying, kind of drives the rescue team, Batty, like, ah, do my head in.
Perhaps is another way.
Is there another way? Well imagine instead of having to have your people remember, or for you to nag them, and for you to tell them or for them to learn by osmosis are learned by Chinese whispers or learned by observation that there was a system that you had in place that you used to get things done, that there was a documented series of protocols that told your team, hey, this is what you need to do.
And that could be even at a very, very high level.
He is the name of a process, He is the name of a process, He is the name of a process.
And when you're beginning out, that is pretty much all you need.
That there's actually significant advantages just from having the big picture names.
And as you go along, get better, you can begin to add in the smaller steps and go, here's the step, here's the step, here's a step in that first process.
And then here's the step, here's a step in that second process.
And here's a step here, step, heel, step, he's a step in that third process.
And suddenly, as you go along, perhaps you're doing the work or even better your team is doing the work, you're not even doing this, all you did was set up the essential structure in the first place.
And suddenly your team begins to learn that they can document these big picture processes.
And then they can document the steps.
And perhaps they've got a jiggle around, perhaps they see improvements, perhaps things change, and they change them up in the site, they are responsible for how they do the work.
There's a couple of significant benefits to this.
Number one, if you have a new team member come on, then they already have pretty good instructions.
Maybe it's not perfect.
You know, we're not talking about move, right click here and do this and do that you may get to that level on a system that is proven to work.
And that you know that the results that system generates is done every time He like, okay, yeah, let's bring this through to find level details so that someone who's never done that task before, can go through and successfully do it short.
They won't be as quick as somebody who doesn't every day.
But nonetheless, if you are desperate to get someone into that job to get it done, because there's a deadline, then you can pull him out of something that's not so urgent, say, Hey, you come and help here.
And they might only do it half the speed, but at least it will get it done.
And this enables you to catch up on backlogs, you can redeploy your team because your team is not specialized by the fact that they're the only ones who know how to do the stuff.
If it's written down, now your team is what's called redundant, which sounds bad but it's not not redundant means that you can pull a team member out of one section in your business and redeploy them.
And that they will be able to successfully achieve that work to the same high standard.
Why? Because it's written down, they just following the instructions think Lego, I can get a seven year old to take a box of Lego and build a pretty good approximation, if not perfectly accurate version of that Lego, you think works different.
But 9095 99% of work is not.
It's the same thing over and over and over and over again, whether it's done daily and weekly, or monthly, or yearly or just on demand.
There are a series of steps that must be taken in order to go from an input to an output to go from raw materials to a finished product.
And this is easy in a McDonald's, this is easy in a manufacturing experience.
Why? Because you can see the work.
But as you move into more knowledge work now becomes more challenging.
Why? Because the work becomes unseen unless you document it unless you have a way of tracking what's getting done.
And yes, there is an overhead to this.
But is it worth it? Is it worth not getting sued? Is it worth not getting tax bills because you forgot the date or your team didn't have the work done in time? Is it worth knowing that your team is operating at peak performance.
This can only come with documentation, you are not going to get it through Chinese whispers and having people teach other people about what the job is too much changes coming through your ability to cope with change.
When everything is spoken, we're then relies on people remembering, and people are not very good at remembering right now we have been indoctrinated and trained into a world that is instant, that is fast paced, this just scrolls of information.
And that means that your people at work are not able to remember the changes from three weeks ago from six weeks ago, from eight weeks ago at that meeting, it just will not happen.
And so they end up troubleshooting and problem solving.
Every time they do the damn work, which kind of works but it is slow.
It is error prone and it opens you up to significant downside risk.
You got to be able to manage your projects and you got to have documentation.
These are the critical factors for systemization every business and you do that.
And suddenly you can get by with significantly less people with way less risk of catastrophic loss.
And you can have a massive strategic advantage over your competition if that's something that interests you if you're like you know what, I'm sick of being burnt out frustrated, telling my team what to do.
I'm sick of working 60 and 80 hour weeks I'm sick of constantly firefighting, dealing with errors, or stressing out that some kind of massive catastrophic loss is going to come out of left field and take me out, then perhaps it's time to look at your systems.
If you want some help with that.
Head over to
Thanks for tuning in today as we continue this fascinating journey into the power of systems to create results.
I'll see you on tomorrow's episode.