Avoid this 'easy to make' mistake when handing over a system to your team...

Oct 22, 2021

Avoid this easy-to-make mistake when handing over a system to your team.

Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley, excited to be talking about a loop problem that I have just realized that I've had.

And that is it's Friday here in Australia.

And that means that traditionally, I wanted to look at the data for what's been happening over the last week or so in a business that would be looking at the ads looking at the email production.

What are we behind on what needs to get done? Is there anything that needs to be caught up on? But what I realized is that I had handed over a lot of the grunt work the actual like data gathering to one of my virtual assistants.

And I had that system dialed in nicely with the assumption that I would do it and then look at the data.

And this made sense, like when I was doing it, I just go through all the data, and then I would naturally have the data there to look at.

But when I handed it over to my team, there was an interesting thing that happened.

Can you tell what it is? Guess what they did the work, they followed the instructions, they use the standard operating procedure.

And that standard operating procedure did not have one critical step, which was like, send the completed report to Tom.

Send the completed report to Tom.

Now, why wasn't that there? That wasn't there.

Because when I did the system, it was obvious that the data was right there.

I just completed all the data.

I'm like, okay, cool.

Yep, can move happily to the next step, which was to analyze the data.

But because when I handed that over, I didn't think can go, oh, hang on.

I'm going to need them to pull all the data and then let me know that it's done.

I want to get an email that said, hey, the data is ready to look at you ready to look at your data? I'm like, Yeah, I'm ready to look at the data.

But that wasn't happening.

And so the last two or three weeks? what is there something missing? Something missing? Something doesn't feel right.

Yeah, haven't looked at my data.

Because I forgot that step.

So guess what I did? Can you guess what I did? Well, I went into the procedure, excuse me, the procedure for the gathering data, and added one little line, just what it says it says, hey when you finish this, send it to Tom to let him know that it's ready to do.

This requires a couple of things.

And if you don't have your processes documented, if you've got no operating manual, or you've got an operating manual that no one uses, which is your real problem, by the way, like if you're good enough to create a manual, then you can know that you can get work done you like Yes, see the value in systems, I see the value in processes.

So you go ahead and document everything.

But then you run into the real problem, which is your team doesn't use it.

For me, I'm like, Hey, I know my team uses it.

Why? Because we set it up that way, we put the structure in place.

And so when He goes through, and he's like to extra step, extra step here, send completed data to Tom.

And now, I will get an email, not just this week, either.

Notice that next week, the system that the procedure will remain the same I get an email, get an email every week, just the emails come every week.

Why? Because it is documented.

And that is what my people are using are your people using the instructions, guess what, it's way harder.

Without the instructions, you will run into all sorts of problems all the time, you just won't have the capacity to add that one line, send an email to you, or not to me send an email to you for your data.

So notice the difference here between these two systems, one where I did the work, and therefore I was in that system.

And it was natural for me to make that decision about analyzing it, it was right there for me.

But when I handed it to my team for them to do all the work to get the data ready, there needed to be an additional step added which was notify Tom or notify you in your case that the data is ready that the report is ready.

This is easy to make a mistake that happened to me for three weeks.

I'm like man, last three weeks, no data analysis, this week data analysis.

That's the difference.

You want some help with this.

If you want to know how to get your team to use your operating manual to use your systems use your processes.

Then you need the magic board.

This is the board that puts it all together and makes it structurally obvious for your team.

It makes it easy for them to use the instructions rather than not use them.

Head over to systemio.dev and if you'd like to check out training that I put together for you and then you If you're a match we can meet up and discuss your particular needs for systemizing your business thanks for tuning in today I hope you got a lot of value out of it I certainly enjoyed making today's episode for you as we continue into this journey of the power systems to create results are seeking tomorrow.





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