1-2 ft at Wategoes beach...

Jun 16, 2021

Hello and welcome to today's episode with systemio.dev.

My name is Tom Rolley.

Look, it is a beautiful Sunday here in Byron Bay.

The day is absolutely spectacular sunshine pouring in, you would perhaps think that it was the middle of summer but Byron being Byron, it's actually the middle of winter.

I feel for those that are further south and cold, wet, windy, the Antarctic winds blowing up, making it most unpleasant.

But for some reason today, just the sunshine is truly spectacular.

I hear but I haven't seen the whales in very large numbers.

I don't know if it's a record or not.

But let's go large numbers.

And look barn.

The crazy thing to me is that this is a low period for tourism.

And like, have you guys actually been here in the winter? It is awesome, particularly if further south? Well, I get it.

If you're from Queensland, hey, you know, you guys got to have great weather as well.

But south of here, you know, it's certainly hard to beat.

This morning, I want to share with you a little experience I had, which was that I was out surfing water goes and I was getting a lesson with my friend Ben.

And it was great to see a reflection of myself in a couple of years surface.

Now the conditions wander to for not very big, kind of crumbling ways very easy.

And nine out of 10 people were out there on a longboard, so like 9396, maybe even longer, big longboards that are really stable, a lot like an aircraft carrier, like these things are super stable.

And what was interesting was to watch them under those conditions that a lot of poor habits could be still enable them to get up on the wave, like they could they could be getting up like kinda like they're climbing up the word on the board, instead of popping up, the balance was off, and they could still recover.

And the experience of catching the wave was awesome for them.

Like, let there's no doubt that once they got through that initial getting up part that the actual surfing was great.

But I recognize in this journey that this is how I surfed for many years.

And the problem is that once the waves get bigger three foot four foot faster, more difficult waves, the methodology that has been used to get up on a one to a two-foot crumbly wave of water goes will not work.

It just straight will not work under those conditions and to go out as a surfer using that, you're basically going to be a menace to other people.

And this is not a good place to be.

So in that space, there's a choice number one, I can either accept that I will never serve anything more difficult than one to two-foot crumbly waves that are very easy to get on.

Or I'm going to have to go back and rework how I get up on the board, how I actually serve, where my position is on the board, how I paddle.

All of the things that go in how I read the ways how my positioning, how do I get out of the way of other surface.

None of this really needs to be known at a one to two-foot water goes but it certainly does.

At a four foot of broken head, four foot broken head like these waves coming like freight trains.

And it is just my last experience was I need more help, I need to go back and get this right, this is not going to work.

And so here I find myself back surfing one to two-foot, we actually were even aiming for the Whitewater, just so I could get rep after rep after rep of Learning to Surf properly.

So that when it goes to two to three-foot or three to four, or hopefully four to six-foot that the techniques that I'm learning now on these crumbly one to two-foot waves are the right techniques.

These are the ones that will hold up under pressure.

And what I took from all of this was that this was a beautiful analogy for businesses that as they go along, they can get away with bad habits and get away with poor ways of doing things that work when the business is small but do not work as the business become successful.

And that unlike surfing, where it's easy enough to go you know what I am out of my depth here and I need to get back in the difficulty of successful businesses that are using poor technique, poor ways of running their business poor systems poor process.

assesses poor communication styles, that the business doesn't have the capacity to Haiti like you got to stay out there.

And now you're dealing with four-foot freight trains, but no capacity to go in.

And so this begs the question, when do you want to get your systems and processes right? Do you want to get them right on the small waves? Or do you want to get them right under pressure, where the consequences of not having them done means that there is stress, there is an expense, there is Team difficulties there's poor culture, or because you didn't realize that the systems and processes that are not required early will be required later on.

So if this is something that you're interested in, then continue in this journey with me so either like or subscribe to this podcast or video.

And we will continue to look at how the requirement to get these on-point early actually makes the growth phase when you are killing it far more enjoyable than the hellish nightmare that can occur when you simply don't have these in the place.

Alright, that's all I got for you, sir.

Hope you have an awesome Sunday.

I'm going to go and enjoy some more of this Byron sunshine.

See you tomorrow as we continue this journey into the power of processes and systems in business.

See you then.





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