You've got to be really good to not prepare...

Jun 22, 2021

All right, hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of

I have been experimenting in the last three days with the idea that I could just go live on these episodes with the framework.

Now it's a framework out of Wake Up Warrior.

And I was testing whether I could just go with the idea and go live, my experience has been that it's been less than optimal, that my previous modality, where I would actually go and take the topic, and take the framework and write it out and then go live actually ends up being a far superior experience, rather than trying to do it on the fly.

Now, it's not to say that in time and with repetitions, over and over and over, it could not be done.

But right now, where I'm at, that work makes a big difference.

And that work may never be seen, you're not going to see the page that I wrote out of these ideas before actually going on here.

And what is on there is not exactly what's showing up right now.

But there is something in having done that work.

That translates into a fast, smoother experience.

When I'm actually doing this episode with you right now.

The first time I saw this idea was back in May 2019.

And I signed up for a program called Big Money marketer.

And this program had seven weeks of training before the event.

Other events, I've been to no training, maybe a one document to read, this thing had like seven weeks of pretty intense work to go through and create, and Reloop again on ideas.

And then finally we get there.

And the big reveal that all that work was just to open up the pocket for the ideas to drop in at the workshop.

And what I learned was that if we hadn't done that work, that what came through on those three days would have been very different, it would have been difficult to tell what was awesome and what was terrible.

Versus having done all that work.

That already been a purging process, that the gold had been separated out from the not so great, the wheat from the shed chafe chef wheat from the chaff that wasn't in my prep the wheat from the chaff and it allowed that to be separated out.

And this is not dissimilar to the problem that you face with systems and processes in your business.

One idea that I've come across is that, hey, your systems are already been executed in your business.

And this is true.

So all you have to do is go ahead and video them and wallah, you will have documentation of your systems.

Now there is a massive assumption here.

And that is that your systems and processes are on point that they're already optimized that they're already as efficient and as effective as they can be.

But that's not been my experience at all.

Rather, He is a particularly powerful methodology for getting out what's being done now.

But video is relatively poor for optimization, it's really hard to take a video and cut it up and move pieces around versus with text super easy, particularly if you are trying to work on a whole system.

In the early days of system optimization, I would run into a problem where I've just looked at one process and moved bits and pieces in that take a chunk out of here and move it somewhere else perhaps even to a different process in that same system.

But the risk was that I wasn't looking at the whole system.

And so I learned that when I'm optimizing I want to look at all of the processes, and cut and paste works 1000 times better than video.

So video is extremely powerful to document what's being done right now.

But my strong encouragement to you is then to take that video and type it out into text and document into the pro session have that system.

And from there, you can now begin to optimize, you can begin to improve, you can add a link, you can reference a document.

And when the process is stable, that it is optimized, it is as good as it's going to get.

Then once again, you could choose to video.

And the advantage of this is that someone who's never been through that system and never done those processes before, has a double version, they've got the text version, but they've also got the video version.

The second advantage is that your experienced players, the people who've done this work 10 2050 100 times and they might just need a single link.

But if that link is just randomly placed, or it's mentioned in a video, how are they going to access that link and click it.

But if you put the combination, then you have something that is elite, something that represents a process that has undergone the work.

It started out being documented.

It has then been refined and optimized, and now it comes out as a very powerful business asset.


That's all I got for you today.

I'm interested in how you have documented your systems and processes.

Are you a video? Are you a text? Are you a combo? Let me know in the comments below.

Alright, thanks for tuning in today.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems and processes in business.

See you then.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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