Why systems under strain often fail...

Jan 04, 2022

Why systems under strain often fail.

This is an interesting topic right now because you're in New South Wales, or I'm actually up in Queensland at the moment, spending a night in a hotel with my wife, which has been awesome.

But the interesting thing about New South Wales is that they have had a massive increase in requests for PCR tests for COVID.

And what this has meant is that there have been errors, there were 400 cases that were reported negative that were actually positive.

And this was interesting to me because previously, the system's been handling it reasonably well.

But as the increased demand has come on, what has happened is that it's taking longer and longer for results to come back.

So much so that the entire purpose of getting the PCR test is to show that you are not infected within 72 hours of getting the test.

But the results are taking five, six, and seven days to come back.

So it's entirely a waste of time.

But when you show up for the PCR test, you don't know how long it's going to take.

It's only because of the increased demand on the system, pushing through so many tests at once that the delays.

Now, this shows an inability for somebody who's designing this to go with the flow point, you see, there is no point in taking 10,000 samples a day of a test, if you can only process 5000, what's going to happen every day that goes past you're going to backlog 5000 and therefore you will not get through them.

And you'll have a backlog as we previously discussed, it is very hard to run a system faster than 100%.

And when people don't understand where the sticking points are, it is very easy to make mistakes like this and say hey, we actually can only process 5000, we need to prioritize which 5000 You're going to get done.

Now obviously, it's more than that across the state of New South Wales.

But theory holds true like if your slowest point in the testing process is the 5000 per day k is zero point in taking 25,000 samples 10,000 samples there is no point in taking 5001 sample because your capacity for that slowest point is 5000s.

And the only way to get more than 5000 is to go to that slowest point and perhaps you increase it to 7000 or 10,000.

And you might think are Wow, I've solved the problem.

Now we can process 10,000 a day.

But this is not necessarily true.

Because you might find that when you have 10,000 at that level of the system, that is another level that can only handle 7000.

And that is now revealed because your current one has doubled.

But none of this is being taken into account at all they see it as fraud by number two, we need a whole bunch of people to get tested.

And therefore we will do that.

But the promises are getting broken, the system is under strain because people don't understand the system.

And we actually should go through and look at what's the maximum number we can do, there will be a maximum number if everything works properly.

And the more that the system comes under strain, the more likely it is that errors in the way the very system is done will be exposed.

This is a major problem.

And yet none is thought about whether we even should be testing everybody right now in Australia is a question.

Most people only do it so they can travel they don't see any symptoms.

They're already doing it so that they can come into Queensland.

Luckily, I live in the northern border zone which hilariously enough, you don't need to test at all, you can just come across and say yep, I'm in the border zone.

And I'm vaccinated therefore, I can come in now this makes no sense at all because we have had Sydney people coming to Byron Bay over the last five, six weeks bringing COVID with us.

And yet the rules for us are different from that facility, even though the limitation of COVID to behave differently in these areas is ridiculous that people think somehow the COVID knows what human rules are.

No, it doesn't mean yet all of this behavior going on.

The most interesting thing is to me that he's paying for all of these tests, you see that go straight and governments are paying for these tests.

And when no one is paying, and there's no cost involved and you get all these sort of weird things happening where people just like I need to travel, I need to get tested.

I'm not paying, Okay, God, I'll go get the test, even if that is not the best usage.

But that's what happens when we have it unlimited money, the money can just be printed or borrowed further until perhaps one day we can't.

And all of these behaviors that have gone on in 2020 and 2021 may come to a halt, maybe not, maybe not.

But most likely, it will come through that we do experience consequences.

Why? Because well, as we just discussed in this before systems create results.

And if you mess with the system, the way that it has been over the last two years, eventually those results will come through.

And it will be very difficult to pinpoint where it came from, what to change, and also, potentially even how to fix it if it is that broken.

Hopefully, we don't end up in that stage.

Why? Well, my hope, of course, is that more people learn how to do systems and it becomes obvious how to do these things in life, where you can get results far better, far faster, far more easily, far more effectively and far more safely than you can without understanding what systems are.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you're having an awesome day.

I look forward to seeing you in next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems that create results.

I'll see you then.





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