Why not anxious? That's a mess brother!

Sep 18, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00


One of the anxious Dude, that's a mess.

Hey, check this out.

I'm just in our cottage.

And it's looking pretty empty.

My voice is pretty echoey in here.

Normally this furniture and everything.

But now we've got a lot of empty rooms and my say, Why is this happening? Well, this is happening because we are moving away from Airbnb and moving into permanent long-term rentals.

And part of that, when it was an Airbnb, there was all furniture here.

And that has to go.

So my wife has had removals this week, and it's still going to exit clean; there's a fair bit of work to do.

But I want you to come in here and check this out.

Now, if you have been involved in living away from your parents or generally being a parent, you will recognize this scene.

This is, of course, an Ikea build.

And, look, it's a mess.

It's a mess.

Look, come and check out over here.

Check out how many parts there are right there.

There are a lot of parts.

There are pieces everywhere.

Here are some drawers that are already built.

So that's pretty cool.

But I want you to appreciate that my level of anxiety about this is minimal.

Minimal anxiety.

Not fast by this.

Yeah, it looks like a giant mess right now.

But why is there no anxiety? Well, the reason for that is very simple.

And the reason for that is this little booklet here, also known as step 13, which is now done.

I know I missed a piece.

I missed a piece on step 13.

But this booklet is the difference between this being an overwhelming mess and a built wardrobe.

How can that be? I've never built this wardrobe before.

I have built IKEA before.

So I knew what I was heading in for, but it was a bit daunting.

When I pulled open the boxes.

And there are a lot of pieces.

I was like, oh man, oh man.

So what do I do? Well, I just started with step number one.

And then, when to step two, step three, step four, and opposite step 13.

Right now, and no anxiety.

Why? Because if I just keep doing the next step, as is documented here in these instructions, guess what's going to happen? Eventually, the work will be done, and I will have the results of a built wardrobe.

Now, could I pay someone to do this? Yes, I could.

And they could follow these instructions and end up with the same result.

I could even walk away right now and get somebody else, and they could come in, and I could tell them and say, hey, we're up to 13.

Or even if I didn't tell them, they could go through the steps and recognize where I'm up to.

But it would be helpful if I said, Hey, we just finished the attendance; you can go straight to 14.

But I want you to recognize the power of this document.

This document here represents the ability to get stuff done.

And this is the same in most businesses.

Except it's not.

They don't have this manual; they might have a whole bunch of manuals that don't work that inconsistent, if they have manuals at all.

And then there's a question mark about why stuff takes so long. Why are there so many errors? Do you want to think about how difficult this job would be without the instructions? I might get there.

I might just kind of work it out through trial and error.

But I want you to look, I mean, check out how many holes are on this couple of pieces here.

This is just three bits of it.

Like to get this particular piece here, that has to be at hole 20.

If you put it at 19 if you put it at 22.

It's not going to work that's documented here.


Thomas Rolley  04:00


That one step alone might have added an hour and a half to this build, which doesn't sound too bad hour and a half.

But when you do that in your business over and over and over, that hour and a half add up, particularly because you're paying someone, you're paying your team to do this work.

And it's not getting done right because there is no documentation.

Now you might think that this is your fault.

This you might think that hey, well, I know that I've got documentation.

This is not new; this message is not new.

But what is the problem then? The problem is that it's not easy to use the manual.

It's easy to use this manual.

Why? Because it's right here.

Right here with the work.

That is the simple trick to getting your teams to work more effectively to get you out of working 60-80-hour weeks.

The structure of how you set this stuff up determines the results.

Get the structure right, and I'll give you a big hint if you put the manual with the work; it's a lot easier if you want to know how to do that; head over to systemio.dev, thanks for tuning in today. Look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results look forward to seeing you then.





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