Why I bought my VA a widescreen monitor.

May 10, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode, I'm up in Brisbane.

And we have come up for two reasons one today got to hang out with my father-in-law for his 75th birthday, which was pretty cool.

The weather up here has been rough, with lots of rain, but it was still a great day.

And now heading across to our suppose our favorite Thai restaurant here to have a birthday dinner with my family.

So I'm just heading over there after this, really looking forward to it love Thai food.

And it's kind of cool to be up in a city like because I live rurally kind of cities an adventurer.

It's like whoa, wow, check this place out, like so many advertisements and so many people.

And you know, the interesting thing is it works pretty well like cities are truly amazing things.

I personally would not swap it.

I'm not going to go and live in a city.

But man it’s a wonderful place to visit.

And for a holiday a little bit against what everyone else is doing.

Like we rarely run traffic because the traffic's all coming from the city down to Byron versus we're against.

And then when we're coming home, they're all coming home.

So it's somewhat liberating to be free-flowing, while everyone else is stuck in traffic.

Nonetheless, today's topic, I just got a notification that a 34-inch widescreen monitor has arrived at my VA home in the Philippines.

And I want to talk about that might say why would you buy a 34-inch widescreen monitor for your VA.

And the reason for that is that this replicates my setup, I have a 49 inch Dell, which really is too big like it is pushing the boundaries of too big it's like 20 to 27-inch monitors joined together.

And I read a bunch of reviews, it's they're significantly more expensive than just buying 27-inch monitors.

But the advantage is that if I run three screens on it, which often I will that there's no bar in the middle, that doesn't break up the flow.

If I looked directly at that middle screen.

Now my preferred setup, which is exactly what my VA is going to have as well as to have a laptop driving the widescreen monitor.

So I can have two or three windows open plus my desktop is free.

So I download everything to my desktop.

And I will download and upload a lot of files.

So I just download them to the desktop and chuck them in the beam.

And this keeps my desktop clean, it keeps my computer from filling up with endless files.

And it means that all of those files are really readily accessible should I need them.

And I found this to be a significant increase in productivity.

And that's what I want from my VA as well.

So the widescreen in itself should lead to a significant increase in productivity, like the capacity to have the standard operating procedures or the instructions and the actual work and be able to pull this off, I'm expecting 25% increased productivity.

So while that investment of a widescreen monitor may seem like a pointless expense, when He goes from working on a 13-inch monitor to actually having a 13-inch monitor plus a widescreen where He can put three windows, suddenly the work that can be done is more accurate, it gets done more effectively.

And the lesson out of this is how important structure is in determining function.

Like if you compare two VA s and let's say that they're exactly the same, they've got the same skills that type it the same, they think the same, they're identical in all aspects, except one's working on a 13-inch monitor and one's working on a 13-inch monitor with a 34-inch widescreen.

My expectation is it could be 25 even 30% more productive to have that VA with the widescreen.

And so I'm expecting that to show up.

I'm like look at this error rates have gone down, productivity is going up, he's getting more done in the same available time, which is what I want.

And so this might be something that you consider for your team like having a look at how their desktops are set up.

I have found this laptop with a widescreen to be really good.

It is more money and I reckon the sweet spots around that 38 If you're in the if you've got Western team members and you're like No How big should I go? The 40 nines are enormous like they really are quite an enormous screen, but Dell and a bunch of other companies make cool 38 I haven't tried the 34 myself, but I figured that the price differential on it like I was just like look, I just want you to have at least the capacity to do two decent wide screens, or potentially have three smaller screens on the wide screens.

So look, overall, the messages that structure determines function and an investment like this should significantly increase my VA got my VA is workload, my VA is capacity to actually use procedures far more effectively if that's something that interests you and you can see that the way that you structure your business affects your efficiency and your effectiveness.

And guess what that translates to straight down to your profit, how much money you take home, as well as how fast you can grow and scale.

You don't get this stuff on point.

Hey, guess what you are going to be up against somebody who does and they like you walk into their business and they've all got laptops with 38 inch wide screens, as well as they've said, You know what we want to VAs on that as well.

You are going to get smoked.

I mean, unfortunately, there is just such a significant advantage in the way that structure determines the function that this is something you should consider.

Alright, I hope you found this helpful.

If you want some help with this head over to system I O dot dev Papini name pop in your email address, grab the training there.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode where we continue this adventure ineffectiveness for running your business.

See you then.





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