Why do successful COO's find it so easy to say NO.

Nov 02, 2021

Why do successful CEOs find it's so easy to say? No.

They do this because they understand something that many do not.

You see, they understand that when you do particular work when you do a particular step, and then another step and another step, and that's those steps add up to create a result, then it gives them a frame of reference to say yes or no to work.

And not just for them, they're the CEO, they're all operating the entire business, they're the implementers are getting stuff done.

So they have a particular constraint, they have a limited amount of resources to get the work of the business done to execute the strategic objective and get the results for the business.

So they must be efficient and effective at what work gets done.

What's that got to do with systems? Well, you see, if you see that step, step, step, those steps get done, and then there is a result.

This gives you the judgment to say, Hey, what should we be doing? Realize that there is an infinite amount of work that you could do.

I could go out and dig holes, one foot deep, one foot deep, one foot deep, dig a hole after hole after hole, and what would I have? Well, I would have a garden full of holes, but wouldn't do anything? Probably not.

If I dug one hole and then planted a tree in it and watered it, then I would have a tree that eventually would grow fruit.

Realize that digging hole after hole is a representation of the work possibilities for you.

It just doesn't do anything.

It's not very effective.

But if you dig the hole and plant the tree, okay, that was a valid use of the digging experience that was invalid why? Well, presumably, the result that you wanted was a tree that was planted in the ground.

If you did not want that result, if you did not want a tree planted in the ground, then that was a terrible use it even if the tree got planted.

You see, this is why the results that the CEO is choosing must be defined whose job is that? Well, that's the CEO.

They're like, Hey, this is what I want.

And then the CEO comes in and goes, Okay, well, what steps have to be done to get that result? And you see if a step or work doesn't get that result? Guess what they say? That's right.

No, that's not the work that we're looking for.

We're looking for the work that gets us those results.

And if you do that work, step by step, and it gives you that result.

And that is a system that you want in your business.

And so the CEO can say, yes.

The interesting thing about life is that there are far fewer systems, there are far fewer collections of processes that give desirable results.

But those that are they say yes to the rest, they say no, I don't want that.

That's not going to give me what I want.

That's not what we want in this business that isn't our desired result.

And so it's easy to say no.

And this can be confusing.

For people.

They're like, Hey, this is a great idea.

And the CEO is like, No, it's not.

Why not? Well, it's not the result that we're looking for.

If it is a result that you're looking for, and you have the steps listed out, then the CEO will say yes.

Why? Because it matches with the strategic objective of the business.

And the system works, it gives the results.

Now here's the trick, though, here's the difficulty for many.

Some of those steps may be unpleasant.

Some of those steps required to get a result may be difficult.

But the universe doesn't care.

Life doesn't care whether they're difficult or unpleasant, whether you want to do them or not.

Whether the CEO directs you to do them or not.

If they get done, then the result comes out.

If they don't get done, then you'll get a different result.

Not necessarily good or bad.

It's just a different result.

You see, the way that you execute the steps in a system determines the results if you do not exercise.

If you do not, do one of the steps, hey, guess what, you're not going to get the result.

Now, not all things are like this, sometimes you can get away with it.

You don't have to be perfect in life.

But if you skip out enough steps, or you refuse to do a critical step, then you won't get the result.

You won't get it.

And like, Man, why didn't I get what I wanted? Well, you didn't do the work.

And this is the game.

This is why businesses that focus on documentation and getting that documentation used, need both of those things, both of those things must be in place to get the results for the business.

If you've got the documented processes, and your team executes those documented processes, then you will get consistent results, the Universe works like this doesn't just magically appear stuff.

At least, as far as I can tell.

Strange things may happen, but and there may be processes that I'm unaware of that you're unaware of, there may be other things going on.

But if we could see those below, all right, that's it, that's a clear outcome.

But for the vast majority of the world that we can see, there is a very clear link between cause and effect.

For the most simple things is very often, if I want to make scrambled eggs, extend, I'm going to take three eggs and put them in the bowl and mix them up and then put some butter and heat that up and put the mixed eggs in there.

And then kind of staring at it a few times watching it.

And when it's cooked, I got scrambled eggs.

Now, if I don't put eggs if I don't use eggs, and I put in something else I put in milk and flour and I make those, mix those up.

And then I follow the rest of the system, I will not get scrambled eggs.

If I get my eggs and mix them up, and then I don't put them on a hot stove, I won't get scrambled eggs.

If I mix up the eggs, put them on a hot stove, and then don't stir it or get an omelet, or I'll get burnt eggs.

And when you think about it in this thing, this is a system for scrambled eggs.

It's not that hard.

But the same game is playing out in your business irrespective of how advanced or difficult the systems are.

And sure you might get into some really advanced things where systems impact other systems.

If you're running a nuclear power plant, then maybe you need to move beyond this.

But for the vast majority of businesses, it is literally just stepping step, outcome step step step outcome, you wrap them up in a container called a system and execute the system and you will get the same results day in, day out, which is why your customers will love you.

They're like you go to McDonald's, you order the burger, and it comes out the same whether you do that.

In San Francisco, you do that in New York, whether you do that in Sydney, whether you do it in London, perhaps not in India, you get a different burger at a veggie burger be similar.

But the rest of the time you go into McDonald's, you get the burger.

This is a good thing.

This is a good understanding.

And this is why it's easy to say no.

Because if it doesn't get you the results, then you can say no.

If it does, then you say yes.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you got some insight into the system's mindset.

Oh man getting to get this.

Hopefully, the example of that scrambled egg helped you understand what a system is.

If you want to extrapolate that out to your business head over to systemio.dev.

Thanks for joining me today.

As we continue to look at the power systems to create results.

See you next time.





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