What you do next makes all the difference.

Nov 03, 2021

What do you do next makes all the difference.

Let me say that again.

system failures are inevitable.

What you do next makes all difference.

system failures are inevitable.

I just had one I just have one tonight.

I'm going to share that with you just so you can see that, hey, this, this is going to happen.

It's going to happen in life, it's going to happen in business.

This was a relatively simple one, not a big deal.

Pack the dishwasher.

Go to the cupboard to get out the little dishwasher tablet, no dishwasher tablet.

Now what is interesting is about four dishwashers ago, I was like, oh, man, we got to get more dishwasher tablets.

But I did not do anything with that.

And now.

Now there are no dishwasher tablets, I got no way to make the dishwasher run on like, Ah, this is bad.

It's not that bad.

It's really not that bad.

Look, it's a dishwasher, no big deal.

Worst case, pull out dishes and wash them.

That's cool.

That gets the job done.

I've still got the Squeezy stuff and stopped the soap bubbles, I could do that.

What is important is what I do next with that information.

You see, most of the time in life, people will resolve the problem, go by the dishwasher tablets and not think about it again, it will just be an inconvenience, a pain neck, and annoyance.

But when you come from a systems mindset, which I hope you do, then you begin to think differently, like how can I ensure that this does not happen again.

And it's a tricky one.

Because it's not just me, putting the dishwasher tablets in.

It could be my wife, it could be my kids.

But somehow, we're going to need to remember when there's about 10.

Left that we need to reorder.

Like, okay, great, there's 10 left, maybe you have a little sign.

If there are less than 10, dishwasher tablets reorder.

This is one way to do it, there is another way, there is another way.

And that is to have an entire spare box.

And when you empty it, you move that box across and then you order the box.

And so you've got one box that's being used and one box that's ready to be used.

And that is your trigger.

Again, still needs to be remembered.

But it gives me time as perhaps the system's maintenance agent to go, hey, oh, well, we had a box, we used all the box, it's going on here need to reorder even better, even though it's my family's to write this stuff down.

What is critical in your business is that you do write it down, you see a dishwasher that doesn't work for one day, two days, three days, look, it's not that big a deal.

When in your business, this could be a big deal.

And sometimes it will be a small deal.

If you can't fix it sometimes will be a big deal.

Start to run into shops in America without any items to sell.

This is a problem maybe soon I'll go to the supermarket and there will be no dishwasher tablets.

Oh, okay.

I hope we've got some YouTubes on how to make my own dishwashing liquid.

Hopefully, we don't get to that stage.

But we are seeing systems problems begin to snowball begin to appear as the strain of 18 months of COVID change has begun to have an impact.

The interesting thing about systems is that often there will be a lag between an event and a result.

Particularly in big systems like an economy.

Something happens three months, six months 12 months ago, and you only see the effects.


What's scary about that is that if we are seeing effects from 12 months ago, we still have another at least 12 months to go have difficulties.

And even more interestingly, at least in my experience, it is more difficult to recover than it is to slow down.

It's relatively easy to chuck a spanner in the engine, you know the whole thing blows up.

It could be considerably more work to repair that engine, pull the whole thing apart, find out which gears are broken, replace those, order them and replace them test it doesn't work.

And so why chucking a spanner in only took a small amount of work.

Restarting that engine could be more, particularly, if you are not thinking systematically like, Oh, we're going to pull it apart.

Do we have any parts? Maybe not? Oh, we do need these pots, but we don't have them.

They're out of stock.

What are you going to do? The curious thing is that by having a slightly more than just in time, mindset, so we've got one set of dishwasher tablets getting used and one set of dishwasher tablets ready, it gives a safety margin, you see, just in time, requires a much larger system, a much larger economy to be working.

And that is not what we're dealing with.

Right now.

We're dealing with problems, we're dealing with slowdowns.

And the curious thing is that the effects of these may exacerbate exactly what you don't want to happen.

We've seen this with toilet paper, people panic buying, like oh my goodness, we're going to run out of toilet paper.

What are you going to do if there's no toilet paper? Well, you could wash your water, soap and water can totally be done.

But the panic buying strips the shelves.

And as they were replaced more was purchased immediately straight back to zero.

And this could happen if the dishwashing tablets became a sticking point for me, I was like, well, maybe maybe I'll need some more.

Maybe I'll buy four packets, eight packets.

So getting our systems right actually affects all of us.

The ability to go to a shop, I go to buy our food, go buy our dishwasher, tablets, go buy a toilet roll, all of these things are actually a part of much bigger systems.

And when those systems are disrupted, err, they have been going to need to think systematically to get this stuff going again.

Just like repairing that broken engine, that could be a lot more moving parts that got damaged than we were aware of.

Perhaps we need to bring in a smaller engine that's working while we repair the bigger one.

We'll get to smaller ones.

Okay, how can we? How can we manage this just like the ships? Can we send it to Mexico? Can you send it to Florida? Can you send it to Oregon? Can you send them to Canada, if LA is overloaded and not going to recover? How we're going to deal with this sort of thinking needs to become more prevalent if we are going to expand through this experience of COVID.

The disease is one thing, but the impacts may resonate for some time yet so get ready.

What can you do you can learn to think in systems just like my dishwashers.

What can you do? What works for you? It's got to work.

Maybe the 10 warning sign works you like okay, everyone's on board.

When we get to 10 orders.

Perhaps you need a little bit more lag time you're like Okay, hang on, we always have an open one, and a ready one.

And when that ready one is used, then we know it's time to reorder.

I don't mind how you set it up as long as it works for you.

And as we come back to the original problem, which was most people do not learn from their system errors.

The dishwashing tablet is a system error.

And the correct response in my mind, perhaps yours if you're beginning to learn about the system's mindset is to ensure that system works from now on who needs to be involved my wife, my kids myself, write it down.

Maybe if it's written down, then that is the solution.

But when there are no dishwashing tablets, it's like time to reorder.

Alright, that's all I got for you tonight.

Hope you enjoyed tonight's episode.

We continue to explore this journey into system screening results.

See you next time.





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