What to do when you are avoiding the one thing you know you "should" be doing...

Apr 30, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode at System IO dot Dev.

My name is Tom rolley.

I'm having a great day.

So far, it is once again, a stunning day here in Byron Shire.

And my wife has kindly organized already for me to have a massage experience, which was really awesome.

Just submit a drop out of the world meditate through the massage therapist was like, mate, your shoulders, like the tightest shoulders I've ever experienced.

What is going on? Let's just hang out here, is it okay, if we do more work on your shoulders and drop some of the other stuff? I'm like, Yep, great, fantastic.

And I was sitting there and whether the position of the of my head or for whatever reason, it was just straight through the traps.

And she's just hanging out doing some cool moves, they're just releasing the musculature, it actually feels really good.

But I know that I carry a lot of my stress level strain my life on my shoulders.

What I was really craving was Acupuncture needles, like just to be able to drop the needles in and get the trapezius to release.

That would have been great.

But it was massage.

So I just had to continually think of releasing working with her in terms of letting go, watching what stories came up what was going through my mind.

And the end result of all of that, and like, you know what that was, that was pretty good.

And I know that I need to go again, I've got Acupuncture regularly.

If you're a business owner, and you're not getting some kind of body therapy, whether that's Cairo, Osteo, or Acupuncture or whatever it is, be careful.

There is a serious strain that comes on from being a business owner and entrepreneur.

And if your body goes if you sacrifice your body in order to hit your business goals, well, you know, where does that really get you it's much harder to come back from a depleted body, a wrecked body than it is just to ensure that you wake up and realize that looking after your body is part of being an entrepreneur.

And so for me right now, it's a weekly Acupuncture with the occasional massage, I'd love to have a weekly massage as well still seeking that ideal therapist, my favorite of all is in Shiatsu as a massage therapist, as the recipient like Kaufman's and Shiatsu is awesome.

So if you can find a Zen Shiatsu practitioner near you, then definitely hook in for that.

I like Acupuncture as well.

The experience of the pain is short-term, the benefits are significant.

And that actually ties in pretty close to today's topic that I want to address.

So let's have a look at where I am I have a video.

That is after the opt-in page for Cisco.

And I've known for a while that this video needs some work.

It's actually already the third version.

But I have tweaked up my funnel a bit simplified it.

And I know that video needs to change essentially, it was just a holding video to a degree is like alright, what have I got? I've got this.

I don't know whether it's got a call to action.

I don't know even whether it's got like the next steps.

I don't think it does, I know that this thing needs to change.

And so last week, what was my target? My target was to make that video, guess what didn't happen this week, guess what my target is to make the video happen.

Guess what's not happened? I am now on Friday.

And this thing hasn't got done.

There's been a very small step.

So basically extracted out the previous keynotes were already done.

And I put them in a dropbox folder.

And that's as far as I got.

Like, it's a tiny little baby step.

And it's very far away from actually having a new video up on my funnel.

And so the question becomes, well, how do I deal with this? One way is to lie to me and go, You know what, actually, that's not that important.

What I'm going to do is do this other thing that I'm now making more important.

And so there is a renegotiation with me about what's really important.

That's a very tricky place to end up.

And that's a very slippery slope that suddenly everything can get renegotiated.

And I that new one that I made, I actually you know, that's not really this next thing is, and what's happening is, nothing is getting done, or at least the thing that counts is not getting done.

I personally would much rather stick with this failed target and go again and again and again until it gets done.

And then once it's done, that now becomes an asset for my business, the asset is deployed.

And I can start to look at moving to that second thing that I might have been willing to take on now or might have tricked myself into thinking that I should do that.

Instead, if I Stick with the first one and go, Okay, you know what actually is the one that needs to be done? Then I've got a second step, which is to get my mindset, right.

Most likely, in my experience, there is a mindset issue going on.

For me, there's some kind of deep protection, some kind of story, some kind of belief, something going on.

For me, that's actually preventing me from doing this work.

It's quite the art form, to be able to go, this is where we're going and just smash through relentlessly.

That is not something that I have experienced, I will now be able to get through a lot of smaller things.

But every now and then just like redoing this video, it starts to trigger off these weird feelings in me, I barely know what's going on.

And so I've got to have some way of addressing myself and going Tom, what are you telling yourself.

And usually, how I've come to see this is that my ego or my brain will start to go into a protective mode, it sees a danger in this work.

Now this is somewhat ridiculous, it's highly unlikely that I'm going to get physically injured by doing a new video but emotionally Oh, actually, you know what that could lead to people going, You know what, Tom, your videos suck your videos controversial, you're wrong, I get emails saying my your stuff is shit.

Now I've had this, I've literally had emails, I'm sure you have.

If you've been in business for any period of time you like, man, your stuff, you are so wrong.

And this can get really heated, like remember that the rules of engagement for the 21st century appear to be that things get said online, that would will not usually be said face to face.

It's like, well, how you really said that, okay, okay, that's cool.

I have to be cool with that.

But my brain or my ego may not be very happy at all.

And I have to get clear.

And this could be done with psychology, this could be done with a healer, this could be done with many different things.

The way that I have found most effective is to go to a tool called the stack.

This is by wakeup warrior.

And it's essentially a chat app to a degree it's like asking the same questions.

But I am forced to answer those questions.

And eventually, I hit the belief I hit the story that's going on for me, I might Oh, there it is.

One of the ones that I had, I had a major project that had significant implications.

If I did not complete this.

I got six days in a row, not being able to do it.

I'm like, clearly this needs to be done.

If I don't do this, this wrecks my life at levels that are almost incomprehensible.

No one's coming.

The lawyers don't care, the people with who I was involved don't care.

But I could see that something was blocking me and what I got to through this tool called a stack.

And it's not the only thing you could use a Google Form.

You could use a piece of paper, you could use a Google doc to write out the questions fill in the answers.

It's not the tool, it's the capacity to recognize that I've got a problem and go after myself and re-address my mindset.

And in that experience, were six days of this significant threat to my life and I'm unable to move and I get to this story.

I will be humiliated for telling the truth.

I will be humiliated for telling the truth.

And this story had me hostage had me captured had me unable to take even the first step.

Now I'm fairly experienced in what would be called like, I suppose, spiritual work.

And this thing just felt like it's jammed in my chest.

And I emotionally grab it or a man in my imagination, grab this rusty spike and pull this sucker out of me.

You know, and I this gaping festering horrible wound in my imagination, and then it starts to heal and guess what happens, I can then begin the work.

And I get this work done.

And I complete the essay, a 22-page report that I had to complete.

And it got done.

After addressing my mindset and getting down to that belief, I will be humiliated for telling the truth shifting that recognizing that there was a higher calling.

I don't know what my highest story was.

But I create this and I pull it out and go.

And then the third step from this, if you have it on point is then to duplicate the relative system, the relevant system that you've already got.

If you've already got a system for creating a video, then guess what your next step is to duplicate this and begin I have found a wonderful thing by having the system started that my mind is like it gets irritating hated by not having the system completed, it gets annoyed.

It's like, this is incomplete go back to complete.

So the number one thing I can do once I've got my mindset, and once I've realized that there's a problem is to then begin the system and start it and put started put working on, I'm like, I get great, I'm working on this.

And then I can move through step after step after step, if you do not have a system, then you need to at least write down the steps that you're going to need to hit, in order to end up with the final asset for your business.

In this case, it's going to be a video that will then get deployed on the funnel, I actually have this system.

So the first thing is to realize I got a problem, I have a problem right now, the second thing, address my mindset, I'm going to go stack this thing, get that handled.

Third thing, duplicate the system and go, if this is something that is recognizable to you, if you recognize that you have been there before, and perhaps you made that little deal with yourself, you're like, you know what, actually, that's not the one thing that needs to get done.

That's not the small domino that if that falls, everything else becomes easier, I'm going to do something else.

And there it is waiting for you because it doesn't change.

It's still the one thing even if you go and do the second most important thing, the one thing that will make the change is not done.

And so you eventually have to face it.

I have found tools as an entrepreneur with Wake Up Warrior that is awesome, that they have dialed this in across both the stack and a second tool called the door.

The door is where I realized that what is the one thing? What is the one domino that must go down? And then working on that is the singular priority.

When I hit Sunday, that I have to answer the question Did I take out my domino did I take out that one thing, if this is a conversation that you're interested in, I will let you know that the entrance gate is fairly ferocious, like Wake Up Warrior doesn't fuck around like that it is an intense gateway to even get access, you will need to do some soul searching.

If you're willing to do that, then I invite you to head over to Play warrior.

io Play warrior.

io and go through the initial training.

It's a challenge are super popular at the moment.

It's an awesome challenge, like it is phenomenal.

It is powerful, you will hit places in yourself that you're like, oh, wow, I can see now from a higher perspective.

And on the completion or in fact, not even on the completion during this challenge, you're going to start to see the power of these tools.

Beyond that, yes, there's a whole journey.

There are multiple summits that you can go through summit one summit to summit three, summit four, but they are all after the completion of the challenge.

So if you want great tools that are already done, as there have already been millions of dollars poured into these tools.

And one thing I know about worry is they will rip and they will get better and better.

So wherever it stands right now is like okay, this is good.

And you should have seen at the beginning, go back to what it was original, you'll hear stories of the kingdom software is like oh my god, what the fuck.

But where they took it then into the apps, and they still work, for sure.

But the mindsets and the skill sets that come from Wake Up Warrior as an entrepreneur will take you faster to where you want to go, than you believe possible.

Like I'm three and a half years into this journey right now.

Where I am is literally astounding.

I look back at who I was a year ago, and a year before that.

And the year before that, and I How did I even think that anything was possible? How could I think that I could take out a target successfully?

This stuff has been dialed in.

And it is a critical toolset a critical mindset, a critical set of skills that you must have.

Because your competitors have defined this and they're competing, they will outpace you logarithmically.

So head over to play a warrior.

io jump on board, the training, it's 100 bucks to play.

Go all-in on that experience.

Like as in all things in life, you will get out what you put in.

So know that when you put down your money, it is not cash.

It is an opportunity for you to discover a better higher, more powerful version of yourself.

Go do that now play a warrior.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue our exploration of systems and processes.

And I look forward to sharing that adventure with you.





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