What to do when all the alarms flashing red?

Dec 19, 2021

What to do when all the alarms are flashing red? Like I want you to imagine that the sirens are going off, the red lights are flashing, there is a major disaster, imminence.

And what would you do? You see, you would expect, you would think that you would take action.

Imagine you're in a plane like you're flying the plane, for whatever reason the planes going down, it's flying into the ground, the alarms are screaming, everything is telling you to do something to change the course.

And yet, why would people not do something? This is a fascinating question.

I hope it interests you.

Because it's like, Man, this makes no sense.

No sense at all.

The plane is going to crash, everyone on board is going to die.

Why wouldn't you do anything? And you might say, This is ridiculous.

Of course, they would do something the pilot would pull up, take action, take control of the plane.

But I want to share with you three scenarios.

Number one, there's a business owner, and He has costs of 37,000 a month, current revenue of 22,000 a month, every month in business 15,000.

Loss, how much longer can they go on for 15,000? Every month 15,000 loss is happening.

Eventually, this will not be able to be sustained, they will go bankrupt.

This is an example of red lights going on.

And yet what is happening? A question mark, a question mark has a reason.

Not much has happened so far? What about in a relationship? Where a partner is like, Hey, if you don't change if you don't lift your game if you don't, x, I will divorce you I will leave you and the partners like No, no, you won't.

You haven't left yet.

I'm not going to do anything.

Or perhaps even on a societal level.

I saw a report that said the United States inflation rates 6.

8% Like that's a lot.

That's hot.

Like that's high.



And it's meant to be what 2% And the leader has come out and said, Hmm, temporary, temporary we think this is just temporary.

I'm like I think it's temporary man, you've been printing money.

Like there's no tomorrow.

You've been telling people to stay home people are quitting.

There's not much work getting done.

And there's all this money around.

Like that means inflation goes up means things get more expensive.

My wife was complaining she was like, Dude, the petrol price, the gas price.

It's costing $104 to fill up our car.

And used to be 78 I think maybe three-four months ago $78 up to 104.

Like that's That is some inflation.

We've got to add blue shortage here in Australia.

Potentially the trucks that run Australia will stop running.

Like like Australia's a big country, we need trucks, like when the truck stop, we have mayhem.

And so this is a red light situation as well.

We've got another one.

So there are four.

We've got the business owner losing money, we've got the relationship saying hey, we'll divorce we've got the inflation rate, and we've got the AdBlue situation in Australia.

And all of these you would think that there would be one thing would be like, Hey, let's take what needs to be done action, someone does something, do something.

Take control of the plane and lift it up.

But no, no, that's not what's happening.

I've been thinking about this.

So I share two reasons.

One, one they are willing to accept the consequences or they want the consequences.

Or they imagine the consequences will be less dire.

Then they actually will like oh you know, if you crash the plane, the survival rate might be you know 80% I'll take a four and five I'm like dude, He crashed the airplane in the ground is not a four and five like you know, it's a plane wreck.

So an illusion about the possible consequences and illusion about if they do not take action that all of these flashing red lights all of these sirens going off a false alarm? And why No, no, not a flashing red for a reason.

They tell this is not orange like this is a red light, this is danger, take action now.

So one possibility is they have accepted the consequences are willing to go into the consequences and tell themselves that the consequences will not be as bad as they fear.

The second one is more interesting.

And that is that it's a false alarm that there is no reason to be concerned for some reason, the alarms going off.

But in actual fact, there's no reason to be concerned.

This is also known as lying, lying to yourself is like no, no, no, that's not an alarm.

My partner won't leave me, my business won't go bankrupt.

inflation's gone back down to 2% AdBlue, is suddenly going to drop from the sky, even though we've got no urea because China's not releasing it.

And we're all going to do nothing.

And then when the consequences do happen, they will be surprised.

They're like, Oh, I didn't expect it.

Where did this come from? Well, what are we going to do? Well, we're going to look for someone to blame.

Because that's what you do when you live in illusions.

Like that's your fault.

That's China's fault.

That's somebody else's fault.

No, it's your fault.

It's my fault.

If the alarms are going off, and I don't do anything, and I crashed the plane there.

That's my fault.

The crazy thing is I could grab the wheel and pull it up and stop flying the plane.

Taking action, those alarms might be false alarms.

But I would rather that they were a false alarm.

And I took action and went Oh, actually, that's a false alarm, then to miss the real alarm and suffer the consequences.

And yet, this is happening.

This is literally happening in my world.

I'm like, wow, people.

Really, really is this, is this where we've ended up.

So question for you.

What is that action that you know, you need to take? Now? Maybe it's not a red alarm? Maybe this is just a warning light? Or maybe there's nothing at all? Yes.

But you know, if you do not take that action now then eventually the orange and eventually the red will happen? How are you going to identify what that is?

And once you have identified it, whether it's set a green, and there are no consequences right now, but there will be if you don't, or it's an orange, how you need to take action, or it's a screaming red alarm? How are you going to get leverage on yourself to take that action today to get it done?

Because that is what is required.

If the alarms go off, it's taking action.

If the warning lights come on, it's taking action.

If you can know that the future consequences of not taking action to die or bad or unimportant, like unpleasant even.

Then you must find a way to take the action.

And if the alarms are going off, then maybe it's like wow, we really need to be clear on what it is like don't point the noise down but maybe it's pulling it up.

But even if you push the nose down to the plane, you're immediately going to see that it's all going worse quickly Oh another way.

So even though the wrong action will help you find the right action but no action will lead to disaster.

So those two questions for you.

Number one wherein your world is the action that you're not taking that you know you need to be a number two, how are you going to get leverage on yourself to get that action done.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you got some value from it.

Very interesting times we live in, make your choice your reality will be determined by the actions that you choose to take.

Thanks for joining today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

I look forward to continuing our journey into power systems.

Great results.

I'll see you on tomorrow's episode.





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