What to do if your team won't track their work!

Oct 29, 2021

What to do if your team won't track their work.

Welcome to today's episode. My name is Tom Rolley, excited to talk to you about this because I've had some kickback, I've had some people saying, You know what, my team are saying that it's slower to do their work.

They don't want to track their work.

There, it's too much effort.

It's hard.

It's not what they're used to doing, that even tracking their work, doesn't help doesn't make it better.

I'm like, really? Is that true? Is that true? And they're like, Yeah, it's true.

I'm like, okay, okay.

Look, straight up, it is an overhead tracking work is an overhead, it is slower.

To make sure that you mark, hey, I'm working on this thing right now, to put in the link to what you're working on.

So you can find it quickly in case you get distracted.

To mark it done so that other team members know that's done.

There is an overhead to this, it might be two or three minutes now.

But let's let's go ahead and give you an example.

And say you don't want this overhead is really severe, it's 10 minutes per hour, every hour that your team members working, you are paying them 10 minutes to track their work.

So let's have a look at this.

Because the interesting thing that I have found that if you have the instructions there, and you track your work, and you paste in your links, that the work gets done quickly, that what may be takes three hours without tracking might take 45 minutes.

And so if you look at that, yeah, you got your 10 minutes of tracking, but you've done the work in 45 minutes, 55 minutes versus three hours.

But you might say, You know what, Tom, that is unrealistic, is it but let's say that it is, let's just say that it gets done half in half the time what was taking three hours will now take an hour and a half because you track because you've got the instructions because you've got the link because you don't lose the work.

Because there's no mistakes made because everything just gets done in order.

Because of the effectiveness when you've got multiple people working on a system.

Let's say it's an hour and a half.

Now, you've still got your 20 minutes of tracking overhead.

So it's an hour and 50.

What would have taken three hours without tracking takes an hour 50? And you're like, Well, okay, hang on up one hour.

Yeah, I had to pay the premium, I had to pay the price of getting my team to track, but you as the business owner.

And now one hour up.

Now you take that to all of your team, look at what they're on 3040 $50 an hour, guess what, you just got that back.

You don't have to pay them that extra hour, and it opens up for them to do something else with that time.

Oh, man, this is making some sense.

But this is not really where the tracking game comes in.

You see, in business, you might have an error.

Let's say that your team makes an error, they make a mistake.

They're two hours through this process that should take three without tracking.

And then make an error and you're like, oh, man, go back and do it again.

Now, sure, it may be further down.

You don't know where that error has happened.

So maybe they're an hour in and they've got to redo it, but you just added an hour.

Guess where that is coming from? Yes, you are now.

God, it's so hard to say you are now paying them.

You're paying them for their mistake because they refuse to track.

Where do you think that comes from? That comes out of your profit.

But the interesting thing is that some risks in business are not linear, that you make a mistake two hours in and you have to pay two hours or three hours back.

There are some mistakes in business that will cost you massively more, where you have to refund an entire job, you have to redo an entire job.

You have to spend many, many, many hours for that three hour job that had an error in it.

And it might take seven times or nine times as much.

Now you putting in 21 hours for your team's refusal to track 27 hours for your team's refusal to track and if you read work the system by Sam Carpenter, one of the few books on systems, he's like, Man, this is a fireable offense.

If you're unwilling to track your work.

If you're unwilling to use the system, you're gone.

Why? Because the downside risks are so great.

I will let you know that I've personally had an experience where if we had had a system in place It was four to six hours work.

But instead, because we did not have that system, I estimate 200 hours 200 hours of work has been caused by an error.

And that error was due to a lack of systems $40,000 For what should not have gone on at all.

And you're like, oh, yeah, I I'm okay, letting my team not track.

I'm not okay doing that my team track.

And I yeah, my do track, I want to know where you're up to.

I want to know where we're working in real time you track in real time.

You track what processes you're on, we track what results we're getting.

This is a non negotiable.

Why because a downside risk.

It's not the small errors where you have to redo the work again, it's the massive errors that come when people don't pay attention to doing it by the instructions using the system tracking their work.

Not only is it slower, it opens you up to massive risk.

And this makes business a nightmare.

Suddenly, you're working 60 hours, 80 hours fire after fire, you can end up very easily with toxic workplaces where people are blaming each other because they thought it was done this way and the other person thought it was done that way.

And this all comes down because you are unwilling to get your team to track.

Do you think that tracking is worth it? Yes or no? You're going to have to make a decision.

Are you willing to say that as part of your workplace as part of being in your business, it is a requirement non negotiable to track your work.

And when you bring that in not only will you see an increase in productivity, but also you will have protection against these horrible downside risks that can and do happen.

If you want to know how to do this, if you want to know how to set up a system, how to get your team tracking, so that you can increase your productivity, increase your profits and limit your downside risks that will potentially destroy your business.

Head over to www.systemio.dev.

Thank you for tuning in today.

I hope you got some value out of this.

And what is it going to take for you to implement tracking as a non negotiable in your business.

All right, thank you for continuing on with this journey into the power of systems to create results.

Look forward to seeing on tomorrow's episode.

See you then.





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