What systems should you use when deadlines are fast approaching?

Dec 11, 2021

What systems should use when deadlines are fast approaching? Imagine that you are under the pump under stress, you've got deadlines to meet, you know that you've got to get the work done.

But you've also had an epiphany or an awareness that systems hold the strategic advantage at such a level, that you are committed to getting systems into your business, this can present a very difficult dilemma.

Because perhaps if the deadline is approaching, you have timed it beautifully.

So there's exactly the amount of time remaining before the deadline in order just to do the work as you do it now.

But you might have a bet on yourself and say, You know what these systems things there, they get work done more quickly.

And what I'm going to do is invest in getting the system working, and hope that the increased productivity is going to allow me to hit that deadline.

Now, this is a dangerous strategy, this is not recommended at all if this is your first system.

Why? Because most people, their ability to actually create a system is very poor.

And when you've got that added stress of hitting a deadline, it's just not going to work.

If on the other hand, perhaps you know exactly how to build systems.

And you know that any investment into that system is going to give you a strategic advantage that you're like, you know what I'm going to make this happen.

And particularly if you're good at it, and you can just get the bare bones of a system down that alone will increase your productivity, let alone small little changes as you go along.

But this all requires you to have the ability to run systems in the first place to design systems to build systems.

And if you don't, this is going to be very risky, what's going to happen is most likely your stuff up the system doesn't work, you'll get or down on systems if you like, man.

And now you won't hit your deadline either.

But let's go in the case that you don't know how to build systems, you don't know how to fit them together and make them work so that they get consistent results.

What do you do? Well, my suggestion is that you get the work done that you hit the deadline.

Why? Because there is a reason for that deadline, there are consequences if you don't hit that deadline, and you get the work done.

Now, at the end of that deadline and the work being done, most people are going to do what they're going to kickback.

Man, we made it, we made it.

I hope that never happens again, which of course is ridiculous because most likely there was a reason why there's a deadline being missed in the first place that we're at risk of being missed.

And so exactly the same thing is going to happen next time.

Now as they kick back and they say, Oh, we made it.

The next thing is then to go grab the coffee, go grab a beer, go grab wine, go grab something to smoke.

They made it, congratulations.

But guess what, you're going to go through exactly the same experience once again.

So this system that you want to use is that the end of hitting your deadline is to make some kind of notes, some kind of documentation around, Hey, what did this work involve? How can you do it better because it let's say that it's something that you've had to do 18 times, you now have 18 reps, 18 repetitions of that work, there have been improvements, most likely, as you did the first one it was slow.

But the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth got quicker and quicker as little improvements came through.

And right now at the end of that deadline, carve out 15 minutes for yourself, to make some notes to make some documentation and hopefully keep it in somewhere that's organized.

So that when you come to this same situation in two weeks, four weeks, six weeks, 12 weeks whenever the repeating and currents have this problem is that at that stage, you don't just jump straight in, but rather you look at your notes.

And this is the foundation of a system that those notes come up even if you just review them for five minutes.

And notice what you learned from doing it 18 times for the next 18 Guess what you're going to be at a level of maybe the 15th or the 16th one instead of the first one and then having to try and remember the improvements or recreate the solutions over and over and over.

You say this is what's going on most of the time and this Is that the root cause of why the deadlines are at risk in the first place is because systems are not getting used.

So you're going to have to make a decision about whether you're going to continue operating as you are stressed, long hours, mistakes are at risk of errors at risk of lawsuits at risk of complaints at risk of unhappy customers that have an at-risk of Google reviews, Facebook reviews, dealing with fire after fire after fire, or you're going to say Enough.

Enough of this, what has to change, we've got to get some documentation.

We've got to get some processes and some systemization going in this business because you are sick of it.

Sick of the stress, the strain, the problems, the lack of cash flow, the telling people what to do, the mistakes, the telling the people what to do, again, the same thing that you told them last week and the week before that, and the week before that, or because you are unwilling to invest into learning how to do systems.

What's it going to take? Are you sick of it yet? If you are, head over to System IO dot Dev, there is a training that is there for you that I put together to help you begin to get the mindsets that you need to optimally create systems in your business so you can finally go home on time.

Finally, have enough money from your business.

Finally, take your kids on the vacation, take your wife on a date night and discover what's possible for your business.

You see, that's the really sad thing.

Your business is operating at 2025 30% of capacity and you think that it's 100 you think that is what your business is capable of.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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