What happened after the blind LEGO challenge!

Jun 30, 2021

All right.

Hi, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of systemio.dev.

excited to talk to you today because last week, I shot the blind Lego challenge.

Now the blind Lego challenge was the idea that I would take a Lego set and try and build it just from the pictures on the outside.

So not using the instructions.

So went through that on Tuesday, and it didn't go so great look, I got about two hours in and then completely unable to build any of the back bits of the model, mainly because this was technical.

And without the instructions, it was just impossible.

The next two days later, I went back with the instructions, hey.

And complete the build, like completed the build, took about an hour in 10 minutes a little bit longer than I was expecting.

But page by page instruction by instruction, the entire thing got built.

But what I want to share with you is what happened after that.

And that is that my tape roll came up and said hey, can I play with that new Lego set? I was like, yeah, oh.

And I helped him dismantle it entirely.

Now I literally just built it five minutes before to pull it apart from all the way back down to broken down X Wing.

And then I had to go out for about two hours or so.

And I come back.

And what do you know, the thing is completely built perfectly.

It works.

As the front part works, the wings work the technique mechanism work.

And so you might say, Well, how did this happen? Well, it's of course, very simple.

He followed the instructions, He followed step by step by step, do the build, put this piece here, put the next piece here, put the next piece here, and wallah, the entire Lego X Wing got built by a 10-year-old who'd never done it before.

Now, this should be a potent lesson for you that with step-by-step instructions, a consistent outcome can be achieved.

Whether it's done by me a 44-year-old, or by my son, a 10-year-old, neither of us had built this thing before, or I had kind of attempted, but it didn't really work that well with the blind Lego.

But when we use the instructions, both of us successfully built this Now you would think, given this experience, and I don't think this is an unusual experience, and pretty much pull anybody who's over the recommended age and perhaps even some under the recommended age for building Lego.

And they will successfully complete this task.

Now, this should be the case for most things in life, anything that is a step-by-step process of which most things are in life.

If you had the instructions, then you could complete this not only completed, but you could complete it quickly, effectively, and consistently, as opposed to my experience without the instructions, which was and didn't really get the thing done.

And it took two hours and I was two miles away from completing it like maybe if I had 10 hours, but I don't think so.

I really think that level of complexity with the technique just was not possible.

And yet with the instructions hour in 10 minutes, me maybe an hour and a half to two hours for my son, done, consistently, the same model got built every time.

And you would think, given this experience that businesses would then be focused on creating step-by-step instructions for their business.

Why would you do this? Well, it means that your production is consistent, everything that gets done in your business would be consistent.

And suddenly you're no longer having to deal with what people remember, or people have been trained to do, but rather it's written out.

And yes, there might be levels of improvement in that process where they need to use the processes less.

But still, it's there for reference.

Remember that if I had built that Lego every day for 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 50 days, I'm going to be able to memorize that whole thing and I won't go to use the instructions.

But if I then didn't do it for a year and then I came back, I would still be able to do the exact same thing.

Why? Because the instructions are there.

If this makes sense to you, then you must ask the question.

Why don't businesses focus on that? Well, there are some that do.

Number one, those entrepreneurs that value time, freedom, money, freedom, and the capacity to leave the current business and move to the next one.

Those ones will be focused on step-by-step instructions.

Those that do not? Well, they're going to hit a level where it's just not possible to grow beyond that without sorting this out.

And so if you know that then eight, maybe it's worthwhile focusing on this, even if you're not at that $3 million in revenue, where you are now like going, Oh, my goodness, why doesn't this work anymore? Well, I can tell you why.

It's because you don't have the step-by-step instructions.

If you're interested in having the development these naturally occur by yourself and by your team.

Then I invite you to head over to systemio.dev, check out the training there, and work out how this could actually be done in your business and the benefits that come from it.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

I hope you got a lot out of it.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this exploration of the power of systems and processes in the business.





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