What gets results?

Aug 08, 2021

So what gets results? What gets results in life? Presumably, you're interested in this topic, why would you be? Well, perhaps life is better life is significantly better if you're getting great results across your body.

Like if your body is healthy, if you're full of energy, if you're sleeping well, then life is better.

Let's you do cool stuff.

You can go surfing, you can mountain biking, go hiking, have sex, lots of cool stuff is possible with a body that works where you're getting a result that the body is operational.

If your relationships are working, last of all funds great to have a great relationship with my kids or with your like your partner, your kids, these, this makes life significant with my wife, like if I've got a great relationship getting that great result, then Life's Better Body relationships.

What else? Well, at some level, Hey, what's this life thing all about? Like, am I getting a result with my connection to God or the universe or the Dow or whatever, whatever you want to call it? Like it is this life thing? It's pretty cool.

You know, like, and it's like, Well, is there a purpose? Is there a reason?

And so getting a result there, there's no doubt that when I feel spiritually connected, then there is greater energy, there's a greater connection, there's greater enthusiasm.

And finally, there are results around business around money around the capacity to get stuff done.

This is exciting.

is presumably why you're an entrepreneur or business owner, and you're looking for results.

And maybe you've looked in a lot of places because I certainly have taken many, many courses, we've covered the folder of despair before where I just bought course after course trying to same solve the same problem, literally the same problem, not realizing that I was trying to solve the same problem, I have given a lot of money to great marketers, and they marketed beautifully.

They're like, Hey, here's your problem.

And here's a solution.

But I never realized what was really going on.

Like, why didn't I get results? And you might be asking yourself the same question, why don't I get results.

And I want you to consider that the reason you get results or you don't is because of your ability to see that systems create results.

What I mean by that, well, a system is a way to get a result.

It's like baking a cake.

If you get the recipe and you get the ingredients and you follow the recipe, you will get a cake.

Now sure, there might be slight variations.

But the more accurate you are in following those instructions with the correct ingredients, the more accurately that result will represent the completed system.

Think about this, like you already have hundreds, most likely hundreds of systems.

They sit on your shelf in your kitchen, and they are called recipes.

But they specify the ingredients that you've got to have and how to put those ingredients together.

And then what to do to that mixture.

For how long you got to bake it.

Like you put all that stuff together and outcomes a result, it is no different in life.

If you want to get a better body, get a better system for creating the body result that you want.

If you want to have a better connection to God, then get a better system for connecting to God.

It might look like going to church on Sunday, it might look like meditating every day.

Like if you're not meditating every day, and you're an entrepreneur, what God What are you up to? Like this is a challenging job, significantly challenging job, you're responsible for a lot, the weight is heavy, and it's very easy to go cuckoo in the brain.

Meditation prevents that and it also connects you to something greater.

I'm going to name that look, I fully believe that there is something greater going on that there is this universal thingamajig I don't know what it's called.

Some people call it Bob.

I'm cool with that.

I know Bob, I call him Rom you might call it the doubt you might call it Universal Intelligence.

I don't care what you call it, there's something bigger going on.

If you want a better relationship with your wife, then maybe you could look at hate who's got a great relationship with their partner? How did they get them to get that well what systems were in place to create that what did they do? Changing the system gets a different result.

And you might say you know what, Tom, this is all great.

You know I kind of think that your systems creating results is a good idea.

But I've tried this I have a system and it didn't give me the results.

What it gave me was variable results over and over, I kind of got something but it wasn't the same.

I'm running the system, not a consistent result.

What do you say to that? What I would say to you is you're not running a consistent system, you're running a variable system.

How do I know because most people are running variable systems.

They don't track what went on in that process in that system.

They don't even have the processes written down.

Their lack of standard operating procedures almost guarantees in fact stuff almost guarantees that you will get a variable execution of that result.

Even with it all written down, it takes work to train people to say follow the instructions.

Think of it like Lego, you follow the instructions, the trap you've got is the people get better.

And they start to skip the instructions like we are learning machines were amazing.

And in that, suddenly the problem of Chinese whispers arises.

But if you have a system document way of a way of documenting systems, and you've documented the processes, and you run them accurately, you will get a consistent result.

If you have a system that's undocumented, and you either partially complete or variably do the processes, you will get variable results.

There's no question about that.

Your results will represent the accuracy of your system.

Full stop.

No system, that is not what's going on, you do have systems that are just not documented and they're not tracked.

And this invariably gives you want outcome variable results.

This sucks, variable results suck.

Like you're like, oh man.

Why did that happen? Why didn't we deliver consistent products? Why didn't we deliver a consistent marketing message? Why didn't that happen in sales? What happened to the ads? Why did we not get this track? How did this happen? And this means fire after fire after fire means stress, it means loss of profit, it means you're paying too much to get the work done.

It means that your life is a nightmare.

And you cannot get out of this by buying another course.

It's not going to solve it because the way that you do one thing is how you do everything.

If you do things systematically, you will do everything systematically.

If you do things haphazardly, chaotically, loosely, you don't track your work, you're going to get variable results.

Get this point suddenly, everything that you do in business and in life suddenly becomes so much easier.

And you will like Oh yeah, okay, I can see how systems create results every single time.

You can message me if this is a conversation that interests you, and you're on Facebook, head over to the System IO dot dev Facebook page, and send a message to me I'd love to hear from you.

Where are you stuck in this? Do you have any of these problems? Do you recognize fire after fire after fire? Do you recognize that you have spent a lot of money solving the same problem promoted by different marketers? You're like man, I bought that course and I bought that course and I bought that course and nothing changed.

Why? Because the way that you run your mind and the way that you execute your systems must change.

You get it on the point you get consistent systems and suddenly you get consistent results.

Go to Facebook, message me on System IO dear Facebook posts love to hear from you.

Thanks for tuning in as we continue to explore the power of systems to create results.

See you next time.





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