What does taking out the trash have to do with business systems?

Jun 29, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley with systemio.dev.

It is a public holiday here in Australia today, or at least in New South Wales, not so much in the other states for whatever reason, they had a bunch of public holidays beforehand, but New South Wales had the Queen's birthday.

It's not actually her birthday.

But apparently, this is the holiday that we get for it.

So it brings up an interesting situation that I've run into before.

One of our peculiarities is that our house has its rubbish bins, or its trash is taken out on a Monday.

Now, this could be okay.

Except when it's a public holiday doesn't feel the same.

Typically, I'm coming home from work on a Monday, and on my art and Monday, I've got to take the bins out got to take trash out.

And I had been caught before were on the public holiday because it doesn't feel like a workday, I'd forgotten.

Now this has consequences.

This is a pretty unpleasant situation where the rubbish just gets more and more.

And suddenly, I'm dealing with this highly compressed, difficult, stinky, achy trash can.

I'm like, sucks.

So after a while, I realized that there were a bunch of other ways to work out that it was Monday.

So I could look at the street and notice that my neighbors had put the bins out, I could look in the eye and cry.

Remember what happened last week.

And my situation is that we have every two weeks, the red bins collected every the week after, and then every two weeks is the yellow bin.

So it goes red, yellow, red, yellow, so I could look in the beans, and look which one's fullest.

So there's a bunch of other ways, but I still had to remember that it was a Monday.

And all of these have risks as well.

So after a while, I went you know what I'm going to put a calendar entry in my calendar to take the bins out.

Now you may well have that as well.

Why? Because it makes sense.

It's a trigger to take out the trash.

And that taking out the trash, I want you to think of that as a very simple system.

Like literally it's like, yeah, take the bean and walk it to the roadside, but that nonetheless is a process.

It's a single process that fits within that system.

And that system gets run every week, one time for the red beans for me, and then a week after for the yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow.

And that's all successfully triggered and run every week in my house because there's a calendar entry.

Now the insight for you that I want to get to is that you should have your business systems on us on a similar schedule.

So you will have systems in your business that are being run daily, that have been run weekly, that are being run every two weeks, some are being monthly, some are being quarterly and some will be yearly.

Now, all of those should actually be in your calendar, or your team's calendar.

And when they come up.

Great, you are reminded to run that system.

Suddenly, your system as long as the people actually do the work.

And let's assume that they do that the reminder comes into life.

Yep, I've got to do this, then they can go ahead and do it.

Now the only possible exception about this might be something that's done daily, like this training.

For me, this is a daily occurrence, whether it's a public holiday, whether it's a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, this training gets done and so I don't tend to put this in my calendar.

What I do get if I miss a day is my VA saying Hey, where's Thursday's.

But at the end of the day, I'm checking through that I'm thinking have I done my my training have I done this live training for you.

So that's the only one but pretty much everything else.

In fact everything else I'm working towards or I already have them on recurring schedules.

Now the elite step is if you have your systems documented, then you can duplicate the system and run it so that your templates system remains intact ready for the next usage in a week in a month in a year's time.

And you have a working copy that you can deploy and execute so not only have you got the system reminder you also have how does this system work? Now this might be less on a daily system you like you know I did it yesterday I did a day before you don't really need the reminders but on something that gets done less frequently or something that is done with very technical steps.

Having the documentation makes all the difference in the world.

And really, if you are looking to sell or you're looking to go on holidays or you're looking to go on to your next venture, then you are in fact going to need even your daily systems documented so that someone other than you can run them.

If you need help with this, if you would like to learn how to deploy systems, run processes, and have the capacity to either go on holiday, or have a business that runs without you, or sell at a valuation that is significantly higher than a business that does not have any documentation, then head over to systemio.dev.

Go take the training there.

And if you're a match, then we can meet up and talk about your specific situation.

That's all I got for you today.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of Systems and Business and processes in business.

See you then.





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