What do I do with all these templates?

Aug 08, 2021

Let's have a look at templates.

If if you've been around at all in business, then most likely you've picked up a bonus or two that has included eight free templates, 12 free templates, 22 templates.

So perhaps even you bought whole products that are essentially templates, someone else's email someone else's copy, and then you can adapt it.

And you might think well will, hey, I bought these.

Now what? And that's a really good question.

Because if you don't know what to do these templates, then it can be pretty frustrating, like, oh, man, I just spent this money, I got promised that I would get all these templates, and they great.

But if you don't know what to do with them, then we'll, what do you do with them, most likely, they will join the other courses and videos in the folder of despair.

What's the folder of despair? If you haven't heard this reference before, it is the place where all of the courses and all of the training and all of the investments that you have made into becoming a better business person going live, really to be looked at? I wanted to dive deeper into this, because you've heard me reference before this idea that systems create results systems create results.

And they do that through processes and sometimes templates.

So some processes use templates.

And just like I explained to you that all your processes need to be in a system, will your templates need to be in a process? And you might go well, why do I need that? Well, why don't why should a template be required to be in a process? Well, first of all, a process is going to tell you what to do with that template.

You know, it might be as simple as hey, copy this into an email and send it.

But you need to think about that.

It may not be apparent when you bought the template, what it was exactly for, I've had this, I bought a product recently, and it literally had one document with about I know 22 email templates in them all really useful.

But in that form of one document, just having all these templates and not so useful.

Why? Well, it had no organization, it didn't tell me when to use them.

Am I going to do a bit more work in order to extract out that template and actually work out how to use it, which is also known as a process?

But I wanted to share with you a different concept on this different idea.

And that is what about if you didn't have a template at all.

And this gets into the idea that all templates need processes.

Why? Well, any template could be described in a process.

And what would that process look like? Well, it'd be like, open a new document or create a new document, create a heading, this heading and that heading in that heading in that heading.

And then fill in this and then do whatever you want to with it.

So so some templates will be already pre-written and you just got to change a little bit, but some templates will be questions.

And these could also be called forms where you fill in the answers.

But irrespective of that these whole templates could just be eliminated and put into a process.

And you might say, Well, why don't we do that? Well, basically, because it's a lot quicker just to have the template, you copy it, you move it, you rename it and it's ready to go.

And you don't have to describe all of those steps after pasting this paste in this paste in this make this heading one, make this heading to change this to read, change this to blue, all of that work is already done.

And it's almost like a mini little program.

That template is a mini-program of all of those things that have already been done.

And then all you've got to do is to execute that program.

So when your process says, copy the template, rename it, move it to where it needs to go, and use it.

That essentially is a shortcut of a long process description.

This is an interesting idea.

Why is it interesting? Well, it could then be helpful for you to really clarify what the heck's going on.

If you've got a system that uses a process and it creates a result, then this is the thinking.

System process creates results system processes create results.

systems create results.

How does it do that process Some processes will have a shortcut called template.

And that templates are all set up.

And the advantage of the template is not only that it's all set up.

But if you make a change to that template, that every time from then on, that template will carry through with that change.

You don't need to go into the process and type in all and change, change, change, you've got the template, copy and go copy and go copy and go.

But if you do not put your templates into a process, how are you going to use them? How you find that they're just going to sit there and just join the rest of the stuff that never got used.

You got to work out how to do systems because that is what creates results.

And you can call it different things you can call the process checklist.

You can do whatever you want, you can bundle up one giant system and say, right, this is all of the things that are going on in my business, I'm just going to have one system called my business, you could it's just going to be very overwhelming to run that is like, right, we're going to run the system, you're like, Okay, well, how are we going to do that? Well, we probably need to break it down a bit and have a few smaller systems like, Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

But I want you to catch this central idea that a template must be linked to a process because all it is is a shortcut of a process.

And without a process describing how to use that template, it's never going to get used.

The big takeaway systems use processes to create results.

If you want different results in your life, then you need to work out what the systems are that you're running right now and make a change.

If you need help with that head over to systemio.dev, and go through the training.

There is an opportunity under that for us to catch up.

Look at the specific system at the specific systems that you're running and your specific situation and see if there's an opportunity for us to work together.

Alright, that's all I got for you.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

I hope you continue on this journey where we explore how systems create results.

I'll see you next time.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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