What creates results?

Jul 28, 2021

Alright, let's begin with this very interesting question of what creates results.

My name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

I have come to appreciate that results are not by chance results, not by luck, or by some fluke, the results that I get in my life.

And the results that you get in your life are a result of things that were done, actions that were taken, even if it was thinking and planning and documenting on a pencil onto paper to create and then from there actions were taken.

But these results come from actions and those actions have a sequence to them.

If you do the right actions in the wrong order, you will not get the same results that you want or the desired results.

If you do the wrong actions, or there is no audit for the wrong actions, there's just the wrong actions.

Because if you line up these processes, these actions that have to be taken in a sequence, and you bundled that all together, I would call that a system.

And in business, it can seem overwhelming that there's so many things to do.

Because if you look at the process level, or the task level, the to do level, my goodness, it is overwhelming.

But what I'd invite you to do is to think that there are only a few systems that are actually required.

And if you're not getting the results that you want, excuse me, excuse me, in your business in your life, if it's not producing the amount of money that you want, for the amount of time that you're investing, then you've got a systems problem.

Let's talk through this in a specific example, let's have a look at the basics of business.

Like what every business has to do marketing, sales, advertising, and fulfillment or operations.

If you can't do those, then you're going to have some serious problems.

And many businesses can do a couple of them.

They might be great marketers, and great at selling, but their fulfillments are terrible.

And that comes back to hurt them in a marketing sense, or their fulfillments.


But their marketing is no good.

And their sales are no good.

So they've got this awesome thing that should be changing the world should be doing great things should be making people's lives better.

But because they are not any good, or in my mind, don't know the systems for marketing and sales and advertising their product and their service goes unheard.

They die with their song despite having something that's awesome.

So both of these are required.

Both of these are required.

So I invite you to think about the systems that are required in your business.

What are the marketing systems that you actually need? What are your minimum viable systems in marketing? How do you work out who your customer is? How do you work out where they are? How do you know what problems they've got? And what is the possibility that their life could be like if they were to invest in your product or service? How are you going to take them through that journey? To get them to say yes to that? And not just say yes to the sale to the buyer, but also then continue that journey that they actually complete and reach the final destination and get what they bought? How are you going to get the word out? How are you going to market? what's your advertising strategy? Is it going to be a search engine? Is it going to be paid ads? Is it going to email, all three of those are most likely required? If you want the best results from your advertising? And finally, how do you fulfill? How do you ensure that your customers have a great experience that they're up to speed on how to go and use the product or go through and get the best results with the service? And so out of that, what do we got we've got a system for finding people a system for knowing where they are in a system what the problem that they face, we've got a system for getting them to buy a system for getting them to know about the opportunity, and we've got a system to fulfill.

Now there's a bunch more on the back end, but really there you six, and some of those only have to be executed occasionally.

Some of them have to be executed frequently.

And so each of those may have many processes.

And each of those processes may have many steps.

And if you're not systematic in your approach in terms of your logical thinking through which one comes first, like there's not a lot of points, having a system for where are your people if you don't know who they are.

So you should probably find out who your people are that you're serving before you go find out where they are.

And so there's a logical application of this, but it reduces the number of required systems down, it takes business out of chaos, into the entrepreneurial curse, where you think you continually have to do something new in order to solve a problem instead of just getting it done right the one time.

And the way to do that is to think systematically to create the systems if you haven't got them, to install them or borrow them if you buy pro if you buy books or buy courses, to turn them into the systems if they haven't been able to do it already.

Don't expect just because you bought a course that is in a systematic four form.

Systems thinking is relatively rare.

Go look it up on Amazon, have a look at the number of books around systems.

There's a few for sure work the system, E Myth clockwork system ology.

But go have a look at marketing and sales and see how many more books there are there are systems is hard it becomes easy, and it's a mindset shift.

But once you know that your business results are being created by your systems or lack of this gives you a prime focus.

Once you know how to do systems, you can do anything.

It's just a matter of creating that next system.

If you want some help head over to systemio.dev.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems and processes and ultimately the results that they create.

I'll see you then.





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