What could go wrong?

May 18, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode, as you saw from the title, what could possibly go wrong? Well, fortunately, nothing went wrong.

But I wanted to talk about this because I just got off the 45 minutes session of brush cutting.

Now my brush cutting is fairly dialed in I live on two acres and during spring and summer, if I'm not on point on the brush, cuttings place goes wild like end up with like grasses that are head high, got to swap to the steel blade to actually cut the grass down.

Typically, we actually get an additional three to four hours of brush cutting done in summer just to try and keep up in winter in the order it settles down.

But today I went out and my great, it's getting a bit out of control, it's certainly not so bad.

We are heading into automobiles in autumn.

But I couldn't find a couple of things.

So first of all, I have one cushioned glove.

Now I saw my dog running around with the other one.

And I don't know where it is.

So I had the choice of one cushion glove, or just going to a normal pair of gardening gloves.

So it's like, Alright, look around with gardening gloves.

Secondly, I couldn't find the connector that goes between my phone and my headphones.

Now the headphones sit in here and the noise canceling.

And usually, it's critical on the zero turn mower, the large mower, they're pretty noisy brush cutting, I like to have it first of all to protect my hearing.

And secondly, so that I can listen to a podcast or listen to some learning material or even some music while I'm doing the work.

So that's missing.

And then the last piece My boots are missing.

I'm like man where my steel cap boots gone.

And I don't know, I'm going to put it down to the dog.

I don't know where else they've gone.

I have looked through the house.

In fact, I looked for all three of these things.

None of them were there.

So I went without I chose to go ahead and do the brush cutting without the headphones by wearing the gardening gloves and swapping the boots the seal caps for my gumboots.

Now, all of this stuff I'm okay with.

And like, you know what, I'm happy to assess the risk of these and say, You know what, it's okay.

But I want to bring your attention to one thing that I was unwilling to sacrifice on.

Do you know what it was? If you guess right, it would be eye protection.

Yes, eye protection.

If I could not find eye protection, I'm not going out and doing that.

No gloves, I can live with that.

No hearing protection, I can live with that.

Different boots, I can live with that.

But I protection, no way.

Now, it might only be one in 1000 times, maybe even one in 5000 times that a rock gets flicked up and hits me in the eye and makes me blind in that eye.

But that one in 1001 into 5000.

I just don't know whether it was going to be today.

Now, as it turns out, nothing flicked up that I was aware of.

But I want you to appreciate the downside risk here.

If that let's call it a one in 1000 chance, but it does take out my eye that has such severe consequences on my life, that I'm unwilling to do this work.

And what I want you to think about is, hey, wherein your life? Is there downside risks that either you're not aware of, or you're not actually saying, hey, that's such a significant downside risk, we should stop and not proceed until unless that is handled.

In this case, I have protection on the mower ear protection, like they're the critical steps.

And this will may be at play, let's call it maybe a play at some level in your business.

And there might be a lot of stuff that's getting done.

But if you don't have any documentation of what your business does, or you have documentation that sits in a shelf, and no one uses, then you may well be taking that one and 1000 chance without being aware of it.

And if that's something that you want to do, you're like, you know what, I'm going to take my one and 1000 chance I'm good with that, then that's a very different experience from you saying, You know what, I don't think we've got any risk, but in fact you do.

And so the important lesson here is that documentation of your business processes allows you to combat downside risk.

You got to document it out, you could go through and put a warning and say, Hey, don't do this task.

If you don't have eye protection, don't do this task if you don't have ear protection.

But if you don't have a documented or your documentation doesn't get used and hasn't been updated in six months, 12 months, 18 months, it sits up on the shelf and you're like, man, we never used that.

Then you may we'll just take a moment to think about, hey, where is my downside risk? And then if you know and identify these, then you've got your next problem.

How are you going to make it that this process stops if that downside risk has not been handled? If that is something that interests you, you're like, oh my god, actually, I can see that I am taking risks that I have no way of assessing or if you do no way of actually preventing them from going ahead.

If that's the case, head over to www.systemio.dev, enter your name and your email address and go through the training they're around processes and how they can significantly benefit your business.

Alright, thanks for tuning in for today.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

If we continue to explore the benefits of great documentation, great systems in terms of increasing your profits and decreasing your downside risk.

See you then.





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