What are the characteristics of the best leaders in business?

Dec 17, 2021

What are the characteristics of the best leaders in business? Oh, to share with you a new book that I began, I know you might think, Wow, man, this guy reads a lot of books.

I'm like, yeah, I know.

I like reading the books, not only reading them, but actually extracting out the learning or the revelation, I use a particular technique that was taught to me by my mentor, Garrett J white, he's like, hey, just reading the books not going to do anything for you.

You've also got to actually take that learning and apply it to your business.

And one of the ways to do that is first interpretive first in, say, hey, this was the learning what are we going to do with it? And the method works, the method works really well.

So much so that I got through the last book, The unofficial project manager, starting in on the lazy project manager, and it comes with an interesting opening, not only representing Monty Python, with a classic line from Monty Python, which is a pretty interesting way to start a book is like, Okay, well we're going to do is start with some classic comedies.

So they begin with the introduction on the Brontosaurus theory, by Miss an elk all Brontosaurus is thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again, at the far end, that is my theory.

It is mine.

It belongs to me.

And I own it by Monty Python.

Very interesting.

But that is not what I wanted to talk about.

Because this book begins with I mean, it's very, it's very definition, not the unofficial but just straight up the lazy project manager, you're like, Man, how could you? How could you possibly lead a book with that title? Well, it is interesting because it references Prussian military history.

Now, if there's something that is like to be looked at, it's like the Prussian military was pretty well known.

pretty effective.

And why? Well, it appears that these General von Moltke, General von Moltke, I don't know mo LTK.

He, however, pronounced that probably murdering that from a German perspective, Mark Qi, something like that, who knows? He characterized leaders on two axes on one was dull, too smart, and one was hardworking too lazy.

Now, who do you think going to get promoted? Who are you going to put in charge of your business? Presumably not towards the dull ends? And that is true.

Also, the general mot said, you know, if you don't guess what we're going to get you either to do repetitive boring work, where you can't do too much damage, or we're really going to push it out entirely.

If you're, if you're lazy, and you are lazy and not smart, then no, we don't really have a great role for you.

If you're hard-working and not smart, we're just going to get you to do repetitive jobs.

So okay, great.

So then we come across the other side, the smart side.

And you would think, potentially, at first glance that the people that you would want leading the business would, of course, be the smart, hardworking, and the smart and lazy.

And you know, we'll leave you over here.

And whatever you do whatever you want, but the smart and hard lazy, that's who we want as leaders of the business, but this would not be correct.

This is not this is the assumption, but in actual fact, He said, Nope.

What you want are the guys who are smart and lazy to be leading your organization.

How could that possibly make sense? It doesn't make sense.

I mean, what are we the leaders are leading from a place of laziness.

How could this make sense? Well, it's very interesting.

What He suggested was that the smart hard working is liable to be micromanagers to manage everybody because they are so hard working.

And they're going to use methods in work that get the job done.

Even if it's not the most effective way.

It's like, Alright, what we're going to do is get a dull ax and chop the tree down.

It's going to take 10 hours, the tree will come down because that's how they think they're like, yep, this tree needs to come down.

We're going to hit it for 10 hours with the ax.

The lazy smart guy, though is like you know what? What about if we didn't do that, but instead we spent two hours sharpening the ax and we'll take one hour to chop the tree down.

Now you notice that? The hard-working smart guy knows the trees got to come They both know the tree has to come down.

But one of them takes 10 hours, one of them takes three hours.

Now, this could also come through in other aspects of work.

One example could be software coding where you can use a brute force method.

And you're going to have line upon line upon line 1000 lines of code, and it will do the job of brute force method.

Or you can have the lazy smart guy go, you know, what, what's the most effective way? Let's write 50 lines of code that do the job the same, almost likely better, with a simpler, more elegant solution.

And this is why you want the lazy smart people leading your organization because they will do the most with the least.

Have you heard that before? What does that sound like? Hopefully, it sounds like one word, which is called leverage.

That's right, when you put your smart, lazy guys at the top of the organization, they will seek naturally, naturally seek out the most leveraged position where they will get the most done with the least effort.

Why? Because they're lazy, and they're smart.

They're like, what's the most effective way to get this done? With me putting in as little as possible? How does this apply to systems? Well, guess what, when you can see what's going in an organization, then you can get more done.

Or if you're lazy, you can get more done by doing less.

Why because you stop doing dumb stuff, you stop making mistakes, you stop causing habits, you stop missing steps, you stop doing work that has to be redone.

All of these areas cost a fortune for your business.

And the lazy smart entrepreneurs like you know what, why don't we invest into systems? Why don't we invest in the system so that we can do a whole lot more with a whole lot less?

And we can get rid of two-thirds of our employees because we'll actually have the right work being done at the right time and just have to do it once.

You see systems are the ultimate smart, lazy solution for your business.

Get it done once Yes, you have to invest in the system upfront, maybe it takes you 10 hours, maybe it takes you 20.

But from that day forward, you save three hours every day takes you seven days to get breakeven on your time.

And then you are saving three hours every day because you were bothered, because you were enthusiastically saying, You know what, what's the laziest smart way to do this long and build a system.

And hopefully, with any luck, you built it so that you can get rid of that work entirely.

And you can have your team effectively do that work.

So you are getting an infinite return on investment.

Why? Because you don't have to do that work anymore.

The work gets done to spec it gets done accurately, it gets done by your teams without you having to do anything.

This is where you want to be if you want to have a business that works without you.

If you want to have two or three businesses that work without you, then you must invest in systems.


That's all I got for you today.

I hope you got a lot out of today's session.

I'm excited about the lazy project management.

It's starting off well.

The mindset is very interesting.

It sounds terrible.

Why would you want to be lazy because it gives you maximum leverage?

Alright, I look forward to seeing tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems' great results.

We'll see you then.





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