Two methods for getting things done!

Jan 15, 2022

But I had to put off some things that needed to be done for the business.

And they just didn't get done.

This morning, though, I had an interesting conversation.

I'm part of a small group, we get together every week and we talk business and one of the guys was stuck like he's just having a lot of trouble using a very interesting procrastination technique.

You may be familiar with this one.

And this is where there's one thing that needs to be done.

And instead of doing that one thing, going and doing a lot of other things.

Now, this is not so bad, this actually does get a lot of stuff done.

It just avoids the one thing that if He got done, then that would make a big difference.

And so we're discussing this and no looking at do you go on to onto some kind of self-help path? Do you just force yourself to get it done?

But the big shift was when it became not about him, but about his customers in serving his customers like, hey, it's not about you.

It's not about you, your inaction is costing your customers and your prospective customers, their dreams.

And suddenly, and that just hit that was like, Oh, hang on, yeah, this, this isn't about him.

This is about his customers.

This is about enabling them to get to their goals, to live their dreams to open up to a reality that would not be possible for them without his help.

And it was like, man, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? Are you just going to let them sink in and drown the that's where we got to I was like, look, it's like, let's have the headline, you know, 1500 prospective customers drowned today because you chose not to do what's required.

And it was a powerful frameshift moving away from him into service for his prospects and his customers.

So this may be news as well, you can actually get leverage on yourself to do what's done, because it's not about you, it's like, Hey, if you do that, particularly that one thing that's being avoided, then that will set up for you to be of service to others.

And that is where the money is, you see when you are of service to others, you are providing value to others.

And traditionally, or conveniently in our society value has a means of exchange.

And that is my like, there is a cool book that you should check out if you haven't read either the money tree or killing sacred cows, or both of them, there is a very clear understanding about what a transaction is.

So when I buy from you, there's a very interesting thing happening and this is detailed in those books, both written by Garrett Gunderson excellent books, what they are saying is that the money the financial the cash itself, is valued less by one party in exchange for what they value more the item or the service, the value that more than the money on the other side.

On the other side, they value the service or the product less than the money and so there is a difference of opinion about what that but we'll both of those things are worth how much is the cash worth? And how much is the product or service worth one side saying hey, it's worth more, and one side saying hey, it's worthless I'm let's swap, and in that the value exchange is the curse.

This was the most amazing thing it just opened up.

But the principle I want you to get here is that when you are stuck when you are procrastinating when you are avoiding.

You can also make this frameshift to go to well, who are you serving? Is this really about you? No, it's not.

It's about helping others about serving others.

And in doing that there is an exchange of value.

Now, there is a second method, this is a little bit more extreme, not for everybody.

But basically, you can have a bet with one of your buddies for a set amount of money.

In my case, it's 1000 bucks, that every day one thing will be done.

This is in existence for all of 2022 for me, and my buddy Todd out of surreal cycling is, is running this with me so far,, we've had a few close calls, He had a close call on probably one of the more dangerous days, the first of January, the habit is not established.

And New Year's was the night before.

And that was a high risk.

He said 4 pm is like, Oh, hang on, I've got my bit with Tom.

And I might Yeah, buddy.

Now, this happened to me about three nights ago, as I sat in the bath at 7:30 pm.

Again, the habit is not well established at this point, it's at risk.

And I'm sitting there in the bath, and I have this flash this memory come through and say, well, it's not done.

And so out of a bit like a bat out of hell, I'm like off to the shop to achieve what I needed to do, which was to deliver a present of chocolates and cherries to a friend of mine who helped me out.

And it got done.

And it was potentially a minor thing that could have been done the next day.

But that's not the agreement, the agreement is that it gets on done on the day.

And if not, then I pay him 1000 bucks, or He pays me 1000 bucks.

Now, we have not discussed what happens if we make it all the way through the year.

If that's the case, I think we probably both donate the $1,000 to our favorite charities.

So look, that is a second methodology.

Because notice with the second one, I want to let you know a little bit more thing.

It's not just the money.

It's not just the money it is the shame of having to say, Look, here is the money hand over the cash to my body saying look, I just couldn't get it done.

Couldn't get it done.

Sorry about that.

But yeah, you won.

So I don't want to have that experience.

I'm pretty sure Todd doesn't want that experience because I'm going to lap it up.

And that it will definitely be significant bragging rights.

So two methods, let's review two methods for getting stuff done.

Number one, it's not about you.

It's about who you're serving number two, bet a significant amount of money with a buddy of yours.

And then whoever breaks first pays the other one.

Alright, that's all I got for you tonight, a little bit of a frameshift little bit of a turn up from our usual conversation around the power systems but I hope you got a lot of value for I hope you can use this if you're stuck in procrastination or inaction.

Then use one of these methodologies and get stuff done action is the solution to anxiety to money problems to many difficulties in the world.

There is an action that you are being called to take take the action, get it done, and then you will get the feedback for what happens and you can then course correct or continue doing what works.

Do more of what works.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into power systems that creates results.

See you then.





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