Two avatars? You have to choose one.

Mar 16, 2022

Two avatars, you have to choose one.

I was working with a client yesterday.

And it was so interesting to see the temptation to go to two avatars.

And it's not really that she had two avatars, what she had was an avatar at one level, and then that same avatar as if they had gone through their first experience with her, and then reached a new level, and then the second avatar to go from here.

So it's the same person, but two very different levels of problems.

And the temptation for her was that, hey, I want to sell to both of these people.

And I counseled her against it.

I'm like, Look, no, don't do that.

Don't do that.

Because when you start talking about the avatar that's made the journey that is now facing a different set of problems, more difficult problems, more challenging problems, perhaps, or, in her case, more just they wanted more of what they've got, that as soon as she started talking about that, to the people who were before that stage, she was losing them, as I hate, you're going to lose all of the people that are there at level one.

Or you can talk about his level one, and the problems and the difficulties of level one.

And you can talk about the possibility of being at level two.

And that is the journey that avatar is going on.

But as soon as you start talking about the problems, and the difficulties that open up at problem two, you're going to lose all these people.

So I was like choose one, you can have that next level product, but only when your people who have bought here and have successfully accomplished the journey, then you can talk to them about the new problems that have opened up for them.

But it makes no sense as a business to be talking about these next-level problems to someone who hasn't even sold their bottom problems, their first-level problems.

It's like just keep that away, keep that out of the conversation.

Otherwise, you're going to confuse the heck out of these guys at the bottom.

They're like, You know what I thought I was coming in because I've got this set of problems that now you're talking about some other problems that, you know, it'd be nice if I had those.

But I can't even believe that I will ever have those problems.

And therefore, no one box, no one buys, you don't sell to the people with the level two, they're like, well, you're also talking about these level one problems, which I don't have.

And the people at level one are like, well, I don't have those problems that you're talking about at level two, and no one buys.

So you've got to choose one avatar, one problem set one person with one set of problems, or one solution.

And when they have made that journey, then fine, you can offer your next-level stuff.

But to mix it all together, you're going to lose everyone, this is a discussion of marketing.

Marketing is the identification of who you are selling to and what problems you have got.

Yes, there is a discussion of what solutions and what results they will have when they have solved that problem.

But to continue that journey, on and on and on, you will lose them.

Marketing is about choosing one avatar, one set of problems, and one offer that goes to that avatar and says, Hey, do you want to solve your problems? Do you want to exit out of the painful existence you've got now and enter into a world of possibility that currently eludes you?

And if you do, then here is my offer that is specific for you specifically for your problems, and a specific way to get to that level of results that you're seeking.

And if you would like that this is how much it costs and they can exchange their money to get to that set of results.

So once you look at your current sales experience, how many people are you selling to? How many problems are you talking about? And how many offers are you making? Because if you're selling to two people, you're not going to make any sales.

That's all I got for you today.

it'd be a day ahead and got some exciting stuff for my father.

He has late-stage dementia.

And we need to go and talk to them, to Queensland tribunal see what decisions need to be made for his health and well being.

He's sick, he's really sick.

He has lost a large amount of weight in the last three months.

I'm going to go and see him this afternoon.

And, and I know that it could be goodbye, you know, it could be the last time that I see him I live about two hours south of here.

So it's a sad time.

It's a sad time, know that I will face this that you will face this, we are all going to die.

And so getting your life on point, saying yes to what's possible for you listening to your heart, and saying, You know what, yeah, I'm going to go for this.

I'm going to choose my one avatar, I'm going to make the most of my business, I'm going to sell the heck out of what I can because I know that people's lives will get better when you're in business.

It's confronting to go to see people at the end of their lives.

My father was once upon a time a very, very generous very sparkly, very, very powerful man.

And now dementia has reduced him to barely a skeleton.

Soon soon, no doubt.

Death is coming.

So yeah.

Means live today.

Live today.

Take a chance bet on yourself.

Grow some today.

Get the work done.

I hope you have an awesome day.

I look forward to seeing the next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems' create results.

See you then.





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