The missing piece struggling marketers are desperate to find.

Nov 06, 2021

The missing piece struggling marketers are desperate, desperate to find.

Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom rolley.

I want to share with you something that is quite astounding to me.

Like literally, I got into internet marketing probably around 2006 I think that was when I was like, Oh man, check this out, check this shit out.

This is this is exciting.

Google AdWords, AdSense, and they're talking about arbitrage we're going to drive, pay for AdWords and make money on AdSense.

I mean, that's how long ago this game has been for me.

And the craziest thing, check this out, check this out 2006 through to January 2021 15 years, 15 years of trying to work this shit out.

And this elusive piece what is marketing? What is marketing? And stuff yourself? Like right now take a little moment to go what is marketing? Are you a marketer? What the hell are you marketing? What is marketing? 15 years, I went through, like, what is this marketing thing? Never saw a book course, after course, after course, and it is there.

And it was spoken about.

And I was told what to do.

But I never made the connection with what marketing was.

And this sucked.

This basically meant that I could follow the instructions.

I could do what I was told, and I would get some results, but I never understood it.

I was just like, follow the recipe.

It says to do this and then do this and then do this.

And it worked.

Sort of you see for years, I thought marketing was SEO.

I was like, Okay, well, sales are about selling, that's pretty obvious.

And advertising is about advertising.

So that's what you pay for the ads.

And marketing then must be about SEO, you see, I thought that like there were like these two ways to get people into that sales funnel.

One was paid ads, and one was search engine optimization, and therefore marketing must be search engine optimization.

Now for many of you be like dude, of course, search engine optimization is not marketing.

Like, are you serious? But for some of you, but you might have fallen into that exact trap 15 years of this ship.

And what that cost me was an understanding of what marketing actually is.

And it kept me struggling, kept me trapped.

I'm like, Man, why doesn't it work? See, the problem with not knowing marketing is that problem then cascades into sales.

And it cascades into advertising and it cascades into fulfillment.

And so when I just had this void, or it was not avoid, in fact, it was filled by an idea that marketing was search engine optimization, then there was nothing that went through to sales, advertising fulfillment.

It was taken by a false idea.

Search engine optimization is marketing consumed the ability for me to succeed in those other three areas of business.

And the interesting thing was, it was only through an examination of systems that I finally got what marketing was about.

And I realized that advertising, advertising was about getting people to a sales funnel.

And that could be done with paid ads.

And that could be done with search engine optimization.

These days, you're almost certainly paying for search engine optimization anyway.

So it's not free.

It's just a different way of paying for people to get to your sales funnel.

And when I moved that, I was like well, what's marketing is marketing about them.

If it's not about search engine optimization, what is marketing and the interesting thing is the order the ordered that I had these things in was very interesting to me.

It was advertising, leading to sales, then marketing, and then fulfillment.

And going through systems, I realized that marketing comes first, marketing comes first.

Because without your marketing on point, you got nothing to put into your sales funnel or your sales funnel will be weak, your advertising will be weak and your fulfillment will be weak, this is less of a concern.

Because if you can't do sales, and you can't do advertising, then who really cares about your fulfillment game.

But know that marketing underpins each of those, the same marketing, underpins your sales underpins your advertising underpins your fulfillment.

And yet, it is not something that is directly seen by your prospects or by your customers.

How can this be? You see, when I realized this, I was like, Oh, my goodness, I now get what marketing is.

And I could see it in all of those courses that I taken on my own My goodness, marketing is about whom? First question, Who am I serving? Who? Who is this about? And you could almost link that and alternate between the second one, what is their problem? What problem are they facing? What painful issues are in their life? Is it about their health? Is it about their relationships? Is it about their wealth, but somewhere in there is a problem? Someone has a problem, this is marketing? Who has that problem? And what is that problem? And then from that problem, what is a pleasurable possibility? I have an A, a joyous place that they could get to, that they could reach.

If only they are willing to walk the path between these two places between A and B, short might take some work.

Not much in life is free.

Be very skeptical, of truly free, like cool going on there.

But if we know who, and we know what is the problem, and we know where the possibility exists for them to have more pleasure, more gain, more relaxation, more health, more wealth, better relationships.

And then some way of getting between those two, which would be fulfilled by an offer.

Say, Hey, I see that you're here.

And I suspect that you might be interested in going here.

And here's a couple of things that might get you between those things between A and B.

And if you'd like some help with this, then he's an offer that I got for you.

And when these marketing three, who who who is the target? Who has the problem? Who are we serving? Who next up? What is that problem? What are the pain and the problem that exists for that person? And then finally, what is the offer.

And with those three critical pieces in place, now you can come to your sales funnel, to your sales mechanism, your way of making sales, and plug those in, build them out.

But now there's a foundation of marketing that underpins sales and your advertising.

There is a foundation of marketing that underpins your advertising.

So that you can get people to your sales and that message is consistent.

It's to the same person with the same problem and we're making the same offer.

And then when they buy and say yes, you know what? Yes, please.

Yes, I'm interested in solving this problem.

Yes, I recognize I have this problem.

Yes, I would like to get to a better place in my life.

And yes, I would like to buy from you so you can help me get there.


faster, better, then I could do it by myself, you know, they can do it by themselves.

That's totally cool.

They can do it, they can climb the mountain.

But if you want to guide, like, hey, there's a couple of traps here.

Couple A few, you know, be careful as you go around that, that shot, right.

It's a, it's a fall off the edge and it's slippery, there's iceblock sad to see, you know, black ice, just their take is taking a few cautious steps around that corner.

But we'll get up the top, not going to carry you.

You don't want to do it, you buy and you don't work that's on you.

Not going to carry you up the hill.

But if you want a hand, if you want to click away, if you want better equipment, if you want to come in with a backpack that works, it's got your emergency beacon and it's got your food rations, and it's got your crampons, and it's got everything that we need to get up the hill.

Gotcha up there for sure.

You can do it.

It's totally cool.

But if you want to take me up on that offer, and they say yes, and now we then move that marketing underneath fulfillment.

And this is why I moved marketing to first because there is no point it will be sloppy, it will be messy, it will be awkward.

There'll be doubt to be like, Oh, hang on, I thought I was opting in for this.

I thought I had that problem.

But now you're talking about this other problem.

This isn't consistent.

I don't know if I trust you anymore.

This is why your marketing is so important.

Your systems for marketing are going to get you on point for this.

How are you going to do this? Well, you're going to work out who you're going to work out what is their problem and you're going to work out what is your offer, and when those are clear and defined and you have them and you can point in them written down.


Now you can go to your funnels now you can go to your ads now you can go to your fulfillment, and you will have a consistent experience.

If you would like some help with the systems to run your marketing.

Then head over to

You see the funny thing about systems is that yes, they underpin marketing, but they also underpin everything else in the business.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you had an awesome day today.

I certainly do.

Gotta go pick up my boys.

They've been playing soccer.

Hopefully they're pumped head back to the pool.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

I'll see you then.





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