Hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO.
I wanted to talk to you about a difficult topic and this topic is the folder of despair, the folder of despair.
What am I talking about here? Well, I don't know about you, but I have a folder that is littered with a number of courses that I have bought over the years, got Frank Kern stuff, Jeff Walker, Ryan Deiss, from Digital Marketer, we've got systemization stuff from system Lee, we've got Tim Francis, there is just course after course, after course.
And some of it, I managed to implement some of it, I pulled off some of it, I was like, able to actually execute.
But most of us, and including all of the business books that I've read over the years, most of it went nowhere.
Most of it just kind of ended up in either knowledge.
Okay, yeah, I learned something.
Or I forgot about it entirely.
Very rarely did it actually get implemented.
And what I want to share with you is that I never realized that there was an underlying problem, that there was a problem underneath buying a course buying a course buying a course, yes, I had a problem.
And I wanted to solve it.
But why would I keep buying the same problem? Because I couldn't implement and I couldn't implement because I had no systematic way of doing the work.
No systematic way of actually going, here's step one, here's step two, here, step three, I just finished.
com secrets for another third time, I think.
And it's very interesting.
from a systems perspective, it's like He basically lays it out in the conclusion, which feels a little like Dr.
Strange putting the good stuff after all of the info, but it's like, Hey, here's a couple of setup steps and then get a funnel going, makes a million dollars from that, then you can start on your second funnel and make a million dollars from that and then go to a third funnel.
And do this is all laid out step by step by step.
But what I know, and this is reasonably common knowledge that the number of people that buy that book, compared to the number of people that actually execute is very small.
And it is laid out across this, like here, do this, do this, do this.
So the question is what's going on.
And I want you to know that the underlying problem is a systems problem.
And this doesn't just affect marketing.
This also affects your sales processes, your advertising, the way that you feel, the way you do accounting, the way you hire your team, the way you look at your optics in your business, the way you play your tax game, the way you do your legal, your insurance.
All of these things are systematic problems.
And if you know how to do systems, then guess what all of these become solvable, you can take a course you can take a book and extract out the steps, create the system, and execute it.
And even better, you get good at this, you don't even have to do this, your team can.
It's a lot like Lego.
Here are the instructions, build the model.
Here's the instructions, build the model, we want to Starwars model, we want to see the model, we want to technic model, we want this there, here are the instructions, you got those, suddenly business starts to work.
And the cool thing is that it frees you up as the business owner as of the entrepreneur because you may well be stuck and trapped in your business.
It's kind of working, it's working pretty well.
But to go to that next level, you're going to have to get your systems on point.
And the interesting thing is if you're going to have to do it later on when you've got five to 17 You could just do it now.
At least the essence of the systems.
You don't need to go to full documentation of every single step if you're adjusting that under 1 million in revenue.
But to have the system's mindset suddenly opens up for you to do things way more effectively, way faster.
And if you're like Hey, Tom, how do you know what I invite you to do is to go look at my Facebook page.
Just do my own Facebook.
Go see what happens.
You should see three Facebook posts Where do those quotes come from? They come from these videos, the underlying system that runs that thing is not easy to do.
So you now have a gauge for when you're assessing, Hey, who do I want to work with, systematically go and look at their front-end marketing.
It will be obvious whether they are able to systemize their marketing.
If they are, you're going to see consistency.
You're going to see a video a day, you're going to see quotes cards coming out, you're going to see a deployment and a leveraging of the expert’s knowledge into further marketing assets.
And guess what, if it's working in marketing, then it's can be worked in all of the other areas of business, across sales, across advertising, across fulfillment across team across optics, across accounting, across taxes, across legal across insurance, and ultimately, taking home profits that go and serve you and your family.
So that you can continue to expand and bring through the gifts that you bring as an entrepreneur, if you've been struggling with this, and you're like, Oh, my goodness, I can see that underlying all of my problems in business is a systems problem.
Then what I want you to do is to go watch the training that I put together for you, you can get that at systemio.dev.
Go watch that if it's a match for where you are at, then let's meet up and talk about your specific situations.
I hope you got a lot out of today's video, go and identify your folder of despair.
Look at how much money you have invested into courses and experiences and books and look at how much actually showed up in your business because if it is less than 10% You have a systems problem and you must resolve that in order to expand your business and free yourself as an entrepreneur.
Alright, that's all I got for you today.
Have an awesome day.
Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode.
Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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