Testing is important.

May 30, 2021

Okay, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

I'm just here at the soccer fields behind me, I'm going to flip my camera and see Yep, you can check out there that I've got my eldest son, semi training at this point for his soccer.

He's had some injuries, he's struggling a little bit with that.

And we've worked out that psoas, which is a big muscle at the back of the abdomen in front of the spine has been tight.

And also probably some growing pains, let's call it that, that his body is going through puberty, he's growing fast, and there's the increased force going through the way the big muscle at the front connects into the pelvis.

So I'm here, I'm watching him, it's pretty cool.

I've had a long day.

And I'm just like, You know what, I haven't done my daily system’s video.

So like, okay, let's do this.

Now, what I wanted to discuss was the critical nature of testing.

So I've been working on a new funnel, and it's a very simple funnel, it's basically an opt-in page into a video, a training video that you can get at www.systemio.dev if you want to go through this.

But in addition to that, what is an email sequence? Now this email sequence links back to the video.

And what happened was when I went to test it, what I've done is that the email link didn't work, like what's going on here.

Now, I use the line funnel, I use Kajabi.

And those tools I'm like, Man, where is it? Where's it gone? Wrong? What's going on? Why isn't this probe? Why isn't this working? Is a promo deadline funnel deadline funnels awesome software, unlikely?

Is it a problem with Kajabi, it's the first time that I've used their custom email service.

So it could be.

But I looked at a setup to support it.

And they came back with an interesting thing.

We started sending test emails to myself and I looked at the link.

And when I went in and click the Test, it took me to the back end of Kajabi.

The back end of Kajabi.

Now, this, when it was getting sent by email, was sending up an error because I don't have a login.

Luckily, I didn't have a login, or perhaps for whatever reason, I do have logging on my own system.

So I'm not sure but it didn't take me to the back end, it got lost in a loop or something like that.

It didn't go to the front end page.

Now, this is a problem.

This is an interesting problem.

Now, why is this an interesting problem? Well, to me, it's interesting, not only that the critical nature of testing, yes, things need to be tested.

But in the system that I used for this, I had a group of documents for the copy for the webpage, then I had another group that was for the Kajabi pages.

But in actual fact, the actual reality of this is that there are three groups required.

And I only had two, one for the Google Docs, one for the back end of Kajabi, and one for the front end website.

And if I had done that, then it would have been clear, there would have been no mistake made when I copied the link across.

So the actual problem lies in the structure of the system.

Now, the good news is, I can go through, adjust that system, add that extra group.

And from now on, there will be three categories, one for the Google Doc for the copy, two for the back end of Kajabi, or Click Funnels or kartra, or whatever you use doesn't really matter.

But there's a back-end experience for WordPress.

And then there's the front end link and the front end link is what I needed to go in.

And for whatever reason, I put in the back-end, because I didn't separate those out.

So the lesson out of this is that details matter.

Not just inputting the correct link in or actually putting a link in at all, but also thinking through when there is a problem when something like this happens.

And I'm running a test and I get an error to actually spend a little bit more time to think about why did that happen? And so the identification is not just the sorry, the work is not just the identification that there is a problem and the solving of that problem, but also that little bit of extra work to go.

Okay, hang on.

I'm running a systems business.

Why did this happen? Oh, well, look, I actually need three groups in my assets, one for Google All dogs, one for the two for the backend, and three for the front end.

That way, when I cut and paste, I've got the right links, and my testing runs smoothly.

I hope you can see the mindset that is required here, that when a problem occurs, there's not just the solving of the problem, but there's the ability to look at the system that created that problem and correct it so that it fixes it and it doesn't happen.

Again, if this is a conversation that interests you.

Particularly if you are looking to grow from half a million or a million in revenue, up to say 10 Then you will run into these systems and processes problems.

It's it's a matter of course it is unavoidable.

To go from one you can maybe get up to three, it's going to be super stressful.

Or if you want to get to 10, then you're going to need to face the systems and processes issue.

If you want help around that head over to www.systemio.dev and go grab the training that we've been discussing today.

Thanks so much for joining in.

And I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to grow your business.

See you then.





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