Systems create your Results!

Jul 25, 2021

Hello, and welcome to this very interesting discussion around what do systems do? A couple of days back, I did a training for you around the four components of system systems, processes templates, and this last one that I want to discuss assets, and I was thinking about assets.

And I've had this come up before I was working with some financial planners, and they're like, Well, Tom, we don't think of an asset as an outcome or a result, we think of it as a thing that generates income.

I was like, Ah, okay, I get it, I get it.

But at that time, I had considered the outcome of systems to be an asset to myself, to my business to my family, whatever that system was producing, was an asset.

But I've come to see that this is confusing that there is a level of confusion about this word asset because it suggests something tangible, it's a house, it's gold, it shares its stocks.

It's an asset, it's something real, it's something that I can touch.

But some systems don't do that says we've come in through the discussions before, we've looked at systems that do things that there's an outcome, that there is not a real thing, produced, there's no document, there are no stocks bought, but rather, something happened, the money got moved, or the team got hired or things happen and an outcome happened.

So in actual fact, we've got these two possible results from systems, one is an asset, something tangible, one is an outcome, something got done.

And so I want you to consider that systems are actually creating results.

And whether that result is a tangible thing, or whether that result is something that got done, both of those are a result.

So I'm going to actually change the framework.

And I'll bring this through to my clients today with an email saying, Hey, let's use different terminology, you're going to get rid of this idea of systems creating assets, but rather that systems create results.

And this in itself is very powerful.

Because if you are not getting the results in your life that you want, now you know where to look, it's not some mystery, it's not some incantation to God.

But rather, it is a result of the systems that have been executed, the systems that have been partially executed, and the systems that should have been executed, but didn't get done at all.

And if you mixed up those, then you are going to have the outcome of your life, the results that you see in your life are a result of the systems that have been executed, the systems that have been partially executed.

And those that should have been but did it this means you have a way of changing your life.

Because if you get better at systems, if you're able to create systems, if you're able to run systems if you're able to get others to run systems consistently.

So you end the idea that a system can be partially run, that is a result of poor system structure, you're not setting them up, right? If that's what you're getting if you're getting variable results from a system, there is something going on in the way that you think or the way that you've set up or the way that your team is implementing your systems, a system should produce consistent results.

If it is executed the same.

You take you do B you get C, it's the same thing now that B might be a whole bunch of processes.

But really, you take the steel and the leather and the electronics and you're putting together outcomes the car.

Henry Ford knew this mean it's an absolute genius for what He did, and this was a representation from an industrial age.

And it got a little bit more tricky was removed into a digital frame digital space because there are far fewer constraints on what can be done.

We were in looking at this couple of days back with the zero problems that it will allow you to set up any rules.

It doesn't necessarily force you to set up rules that work because someone using the program might want to achieve a different result and they need a different system.

What I'm suggesting to you is that it is imperative in your life, if you want the results that you say you want.

If you want to live the life that you know in your heart is possible, then you need to become better at the ability to create systems to run them yourself.

So that you are leading from what you believe.

And ensure that your team executes as well the outcome consistent results.

Whether that result is an asset, whether that result is an outcome, it doesn't matter.

But what I want you to get today is that the results that you are getting today are from the systems that are being executed, partially executed, or failed to be executed in your life.

And you get this on point, suddenly, you start to see the possibilities of what is possible what life could actually be like for you.

This is where you should put your attention.

If you need help with this, if you would like to skip the working out how to create systems, working out how to deploy systems consistently, and get others to do it.

Then what I want you to do is to head over to System IO dot Dev, pop in your name, pop in your email, watch the training that I put together for you that outlines the problems that you are experiencing, because of your inability to think systematically and to execute systematically.

At the end of that, there's an opportunity to meet up and look at where you're at, do you actually have a systems problem? Maybe you got some other problem and say, Hey, you actually need to work out how to get leads, you need to work out how to make sales, you need to work out how to get power in your life.

So you can take that power and put it into production.

And then we can talk about systems.

But perhaps just perhaps you do have a systems problem.

And in that case, I'd love to meet up with you to have a look at what's going on, work out what your strategic moves are, to get this sorted.

Realize that the first time you do this is the hardest.

After that, a lot of business systems are the same.

How you get leads, how you make sales, how you fulfill how you hire team, how you do your accounting, how you raise capital, how you do anything in business, these are systems that are being executed once you have created them.

The hard work is done.

Now it's just a case of executing them again, and again systematically.

He is the result I want He is the system that will create that result.

You get this on-point suddenly life becomes very different for you as an entrepreneur or business owner.

Alright, if that's what you want, head over to

Thanks for tuning in today.

I hope you have an awesome day.

And that this insight that your results are not variable your results are not what's the word, God.

They're not an accident.

Your results are not an accident.

They are a result of the systems that are being executed, partially executed, or failed to be executed in your life.

If you want different results.

You got to get this on point.

Alright, thanks for tuning in.

See you tomorrow.





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