System errors appear so much faster now. Why could that be?

Sep 27, 2021

Hi, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, where we look at the power of systems to create results, I was having a chat on signal with my sister this morning.

And we were discussing why system errors and system problems seem to be occurring far more frequently than 10 years, 20 years 30 years ago.

So I'm 44.

At the moment, my sister is seven years younger.

So she's about 37/38.

And we don't remember what we were discussing, we don't remember the impact of system problems and system errors being so great as it is now.

And I was I was sharing with her that the reason I think that is, is that technology has sped everything up.

There's a lot of automations that play out, there's a lot of just abilities to do things far faster now.

And this means that system errors show up much quickly, more quickly, that before when we were dealing with paper systems, or we didn't have anywhere near as much computerization of work or of life, that areas would potentially be able to be picked up by human beings, that they would say, Oh, look, I can see that this is causing a problem.

Let's manage that.

But with technology speeding everything up.

This has meant that there's not anywhere near as much time for humans to recognize the impacts of whatever changed in a system.

And so there's problems, there's many more issues is like when people make a decision, and they don't think systematically, all they are thinking about is that one change.

But what they need to be thinking about is where does that change, operate within the context of that system? And what are the impacts going to be on the system? And that way, they can begin to prepare, begin to say, okay, great.

When this changes, I can see that this happens, and this happens.

And this happens.

One of the cool insights that I had is that I track my automations.

So I literally write down the Zapier, so I use a PA the Zapier link in the system, so that I know that if I have an automation problem, or that I'm trying to troubleshoot the thing, I'm like, where did that go? Oh, there it is, it's directly linked in the actual system.

Why? Because it's part of the system.

Makes sense to have all of the components of the system documented, all of the processes, all of the templates, all of the automations.

And you might say, Gee, that's a lot of work time.

That's a lot of work, you know, we can do it faster.

If we don't write any of that down and guess what you can, you definitely can you can get through the work really quickly.

But it has some downsides as well, it means that you're the one that knows how to do that thing, or one of your team members knows how to do that thing.

Now, if they're sick, or they're away, or they're on vacation, or you just want to go in to have a vacation, guess what you can't, because you're the one that knows how to do it.

And short you can train your team to learn how to do it.

But then you're into the game of Chinese whispers.

And things are changing fast.

Technology is changing how things are done very fast.

And so it's like, oh, that change that change that impact.

iOS 14.

5 came out, Amazon did something about that algorithm.

Google changed how it did it search engine then got slapped there, all of these changes coming in, let alone the government or whatever else.

The rules and the regulations do this do that all of those things coming in as well, like it's a inundation of information and trying to cope with this.

And when you do not think systematically, it's just overwhelming.

And this puts your business at risk.

This puts you at risk.

This is stressful.

You also have no way to compare what your team do to compared to what they're meant to be doing.

And so while you might get through that work twice as fast, let's say that you do it in one hour instead of two hours if you're going to document all of the work that you get through that work in one hour.

But you are now trapped to do that work.

You've got none of these capacities to actually build a business.

What you've got is a job you've become a craftsman which is great, it's beautiful, but you will never have it Business that works because you don't have systems you don't, you can't be bothered documenting the processes, you can't be bothered documenting where the templates get used in that work.

You don't even think about how the results that you want are created by the systems.

You don't even know what the results are up.

It's just some kind of random lucky event if you actually manage to produce what your business is meant to.

And yes, you got to slow down.

And yes, you've got to learn a little bit about how systems work, what goes into a system? And how do you get your people to work in a systems environment instead of them just doing the work willy nilly.

But these problems of technology are not going to go away.

You're going to have to learn how to think systematically if you are going to thrive in this tech environment, things happen so fast that your ability to troubleshoot your ability to sort out why things happen, all comes down to how well you can play your systems game.

And I get that Ed is not a topic that most entrepreneurs are very interested in.

Going to Amazon check it out.

You got books and books on marketing and sales and running your teams and leadership and even accounting comes ahead of systems.

And yet underneath all of those is systems.

Systems show up in every single part of your business when you do them poorly.

Every single part of your business is done poorly.

When you do them.


Every single part of your business has done well.

If you want some help with this, if you'd like to gain some insight into how to apply systems to your business, the benefits from them.

And the challenges that come when you don't do it.

Then head to

Thanks for tuning in today's episode, I certainly enjoy making it for you.

I hope that this system's mindset is beginning to infuse into your mind that this is the number one change that you can make to get the results that you desire, the money, the profits, the freedom that you seek from business all lies on the other side of mastering systems.

Thanks so much for joining me, continuing this exploration of systems creating results.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode.

See you then.





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