Substitution tweaks?

May 06, 2021

All right, welcome to tonight's episode, it's a little bit late, I've had a long day.

And just wanted to talk about an interesting experience that I had, I had worked with a developer of a particular, like a Google doc script.

It's called advanced Find and Replaces.

And the cool thing that advanced Find Replace allows is the takes a full stop, and then it can add two new lines.

And so where there's a block of text, it allows me to split that out and make it much more readable for editing.

And I reached out to the developer, I was like, Hey, can you do this in bulk so that I don't have to log into every Google Doc.

But if I've got seven, Google Docs sitting there, that somehow this could just happen? It's like, Yeah, no worries at all, what I'll do is I'll set up a spreadsheet that runs a script, and it runs through and takes every full stop, turns it into a full stop with two lines.

And it's like, Man, this is so cool.

This is awesome.

This is extremely useful.

It just increases readability so much, and not having to log into all of those documents.

Instead, just log into the spreadsheet, hit click, and it does it automatically.

It's a really cool program.

However, I ran into an issue.

And that was that when I edit and put in three full stops, I think to believe it's called an ellipsis, that the program can't differentiate between three full stops in a row and just one full stop.

And so it takes for whatever reason, it takes the last full stop and turns it into two lines or one line, it doesn't work.

And I was like, Man, this is no good.

I was like, Ah, well, I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do about this.

So I reach out to the developer and say, Hey, is there a way to make this happen that it excludes the three dots, the ellipsis.

And He comes back and says, Yeah, of course, what you do is you run three lines, instead of one, the first replacement is to take the three dots and make it into a nonsensical stream, like six seats in a row.

And I was like, okay, then run the dot thing.

So that adds the lines, and then take the nonsensical six C's and turn them back into three dots.

And I was like, Oh, wow, that is so obvious, that is so clear, that works.

But what I came to was that, for me to get to that end, so it would have taken a lot of work.

If I got to it at all, like it could have been that I just had to accept that I would go in and have to edit all of these documents and look for where the three dots are.

But that kind of destroys the purpose of having an automated system that does all the work for me, it's like, hey, if I can't have a way of excluding things that I don't want to be included in a system, then it kind of forces me to do the work anyway.

And like, this is not much good.

But what I took from this was that this is a useful trick.

This may show up in other areas in other systems where like, I want everything except for that.

And this substitution tweak could be used in that situation, as well as this particular version of it that showed up today.

What I took from all of this was that often it's obvious after the answer appears.

And I believe that there's one company that has made this their, their master skill, and that is Apple, the amount of time that goes in, I think 1000s of people work and 1000s of hours to make a seamless experience where you just do things, and they happen as you'd expect like someone put a lot of effort into this.

And, you know, that didn't seem that special, but if you knew how much work it talks, then perhaps you would be perhaps more respectful and it's like wow, this is an amazing piece of technology, what a gift.

What an amazing miracle world that we live in that we can have these devices Yes, they have downsides of course very addictive, but they have the potential for creativity for living an amazing life.

That just was not possible going back to the 70s or the 80s.

But now with skills about how I use the phone, that is actually an amazing boon in we're essentially living in a science fiction world to a degree like you go back far enough and they have video communicators.

Guess what we all not all of us produce some people either refuse to or don't want to or can't afford whatever.

But many, many, many people most of the world now has technology that is straight out of science fiction Let's come back to the inside, though.

What is obvious in the answer is very difficult before you have the answer.

And this was very much my experience with the systems and processes thing like I was I had about a six to eight week period where all I was working on essentially was this problem, how do systems and processes work together to actually work.

And I was doing like 14 hour day.

So I was skipping sleep.

And I was just having this very high-level experience where insights would come in, I'd have to change a whole bunch of stuff to make things work.

I remember when I needed to move marketing to number one, I fought with myself for about two days, because the amount of work basically meant that I had to move marketing from two to one, and then advertising from one to three and sales and three to two.

But I did that because it just made much, so much more sense to have marketing first where I've got my messaging and my office and my avatars all done and then moving into my funnels for sales.

And then finally, when I've got my, my messaging, and my sales funnels did, then working on advertising, once again, utilizing that marketing experience.

But we'll first time I had it set up, I didn't have that I had advertising one and then marketing two, and then sales three.

And to change all of the numbers was a huge amount of work.

And I was just like, I hope this is worth it.

But when I did it, and suddenly it was like, Oh, this is great, this flow feels right.

And I get that is totally semantic like whether advertising is one or marketing one or sales as one doesn't really matter.

But for some reason, it just opened up a flow that felt natural.

And the work that went into all of the fine detail of going and looking for these numbers all through the documents that I'd set up was worth it.

If this is a problem that you would like to skip this six to eight-week period of hard hard work.

And that is again, just like me and the ellipsis.

Assuming that even if you put that time in that you would work it out.

If you'd like to just skip that.

Then I invite you to enter the conversation over at, head over to that page, www dot system I O dot there popping in a name, your email address, and enter into training that I put together for you.

Thanks so much for tuning into today's episode and look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this Exploration Systems and Processes. See you then.





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