Strange focus successful business owners use to 2x profits.

Oct 29, 2021

What is the strange focus that business owners who are successful have that 2x that profits? What is this strange focus? What makes them successful? How could you double your profits? Interesting questions to me interesting questions to me indeed, my okay.

What are we dealing with in business? Well, at its root, you are dealing with people.

You are having your team who are people do the work? And yes, you might have fancy automations, and software and all that sort of stuff.

But guess what, somebody set that up in the first place.

And that was a person that was somebody in your team, people, people involved in your business now, that could just be you.

And that's great.

But as you get bigger, you start to be able to interact with your team, you're like, hey, we need this done.

We need this done.

I want that done.

I want this done.

And then the problems begin.

Why is this? Well, because people are fallible.

People don't hear what you said, they might interpret it differently, they might just miss hear it.

They might not be clear on what the required outcome is, they might not have done that work for 234 weeks, and then I kind of a little bit, I kind of remember how to do it, but not really.

So there's a confidence issue.

But perhaps then or a deadline is just got to get it done, I'll do my best, but you put them in problem solving all the time is they try and work out what to do to get the work done.

And this is before you deal with communication errors and just people under stress, people getting sick, customers unhappy.

All of these stresses and strains mean that your people are fallible.

And you might say why isn't my business like McDonald's? Well, the reason that McDonald's was able to franchise and succeed so much is that I want you to think about McDonald's, like how many people are in that business working as they make the burgers, take the orders deliver the food.

But notice something about McDonald's is that you do not have the person who takes the order, then go run around the back and flip the burgers, and then go and bag it all up, and then take it back to the customer.


There's like four people doing one job.

One job, that's all that they're doing.

They're taking the order.

Do take the money.

The next person fulfills on the order, they they're just making the burgers.

And maybe there's two people there, there's three people there, there's four, there's somebody doing the burgers, that someone making the burger, someone making the chips, one job for person, someone takes all of it and puts it together in the bag and delivers it to the customer.

Now notice that the critical aspect of this is that there is just one person doing one job.

And that's all they're doing.

They've been trained on that one job, they know how to do that one job.

And that is the sole purpose for them to be there is to do that one job.

But it's likely that your business is not like that, that it's a little bit more complicated.

Perhaps you've got one person doing multiple jobs.

Or you've got one person doing multiple projects.

And they're involved in other things.

They've got multiple things going on at once.

And now your ability to work like McDonald's goes out the window.

Why? Well, because at McDonald's, you don't need to keep looking at the manual to work out how to flip the burger.

Like it's the same thing over and over, take the burger, flip the burger counter, put on the timer.

Ready, do it again, do it again.

It's pretty repetitive.

But it's likely that if you're not in a fast food business, but you're in a business that actually is serving people or delivering products, multiple products, that you've got a lot going on, and now you have a problem.

And that is that your people are fallible, your people will forget.

And so where is this strange focus that successful business owners place? Like what are they focused on? Are they focused on their people? Are they taking leadership courses? No.

Why not? Well, let's have a look at what they are focused on.

What they are focused on is the process documentation.

That stuff is written down.

Now it may not be in fine detail.

Guess what you don't need the fine detail, but you need some kind of structure for getting the work done.

And when you have this this gives you the power of your team to work on multiple projects at once to do multiple jobs in your business to have redundancy where you can take someone from one area and stick them in another because the documentation is there.

And you can get all granular you can get fine detail.

But at the beginning when you're just building out, you just want to know one thing.

And this is what they focus on.

Does that system work? Does it give the results that it's meant to? And if it does, okay, what are the steps involved? Okay, let's give them some names.

Hey, what was step one? What was step two? What was step three, because when they focus on that, there's a couple of interesting things that happen.

Number one, if your team will do those steps over and over, guess what, they're going to get the same result, just like the burger flipper.

But you can take them to another part of the business and do the different steps, but they still do step one, step two step three outcomes, a different result.

And what is what do they need for this, they need to have that result that process documented, they need to know what they're doing, or you need to do this, and then this, and then this.

And ideally, you would have them track it.

So you can see what they're working on.

So you know, what work is being done right now what work is falling behind? Makes it easier at performance reviews to look back and go, Oh, hey, what did you do over the last three months? Let's check it out.

Get it all tracked? So not only are they focused on having process documentation, they are focused on having their team track what they're up to.

Why would they do this? Well, it limits errors, limits mistakes, it decreases risk increases profit.

Why? Because you don't have to keep having your team go back and do the same thing.

Three times when the error was made, because they didn't use the instructions.

And it's not the people don't want to use the instructions.

It's just that most businesses either don't have the instructions don't know to focus on it or do but their team don't use them.

This is your real outcome.

How do you get your team to use your processes? This is where successful business owners are focused.

They're like, Okay, we got the processes.

Now let's use them.

We got the processes now.

Use them.

Process use process use, what is the purpose of having a process if your team doesn't use it? You may as well not have it, you may as well go back to telling people what to do and micromanaging.

Everyone loves good micromanaging, yet love being told what to do.

Now, this comes into the final stage of like, Why do successful owners focus on process why because they no longer have to tell everybody what to do.

Why? Because it's written down.

The recipe is written down, it's like go bake a chocolate cake.

They're like how it's written down, it's going to tell you your ingredients, it's going to tell you what to do, it's going to tell you how how hot to make the oven and how long to put it in there for.

And if you're a fan of like Master Chef, like that TV show called Master Chef, and you see these crazy lists of instructions.

Guess what, all that is process. Do this, do this, and do this.

And they are running multiple processes at the same time in order to for it all to come together.

Like those guys are good systems operators.

They might not know it, they might not think that they're executing a system, but they are taking those ingredients, processing them in a certain way in a certain timeframe.

And yes, there's still creativity, yes, they still need to test.

They still need to work out what's going on.

Or yeah, it's a little bit salty, going to add a little bit more flavor.

But nonetheless, this is the thinking that goes into successful entrepreneurship.

In order to free yourself from being a slave to your business, you're going to need to write down what works.

Document what works and then get your team to use that.

And that's your real awful you know, this, like this is not groundbreaking material.

If you read work the system if you've read the E Myth.

These books are saying hey, use the system, put your people into the system.

Guess what, that's where the solution lies.

What is tricky about those books is that you read them and you're like, Okay, well How am I meant to do that? How do I how do I build the system that I can see that I need to have my team execute systems? Now how do you do that? That is not in those books.

The mindset is the insight is the light bulb is.

And I was chatting to a friend of mine this morning, He actually said that there may be a second book that was written as well actually, that didn't work.

Why? Because most people struggle to know what a system is know how to build a system know how to get their teams to use them.

But you get this, this is the focus, this is where your profits are, this is where you successes.

Why, because your team are able to do so much more in the time available, realize that if a two hour job gets done wrong, and then it goes, gets done againcorrectly, and done againcorrectly, and then finally, at the fourth go, and realize that some of those errors might take far longer than the two hours that it took to actually do the work.

Like if you allow an error to progress down to a very significant place.

Let's say that you're an architect, and the design passes and no one picks up the error and then they build it.

And then you got to go pay for the fixing.

It is 100 times cheaper to fix it on the plants.

My wife and I have this argument all the time.

I'm like build the plan.

She's like, we already got the plans.

I'm like those plans don't represent what's going on get new plans.

She's like, No, I'm like, this is a recipe for disaster.

I will not sign off on a build without plans.

Are you willing to build a house without plans? What do you think the chances of success are? Small? Why? Because there's too many errors.

There's too much risk.

It's not there's not a written plan.

And even with the written plan, it's still difficult.

There's a beautiful Grand Designs episode where it stayed on time.

And it stayed on budget.

Why was that? What guy said I didn't change the plants.

What all the rest of them do, they change the plans and it makes it more expensive and slower.

And guess what that means in Brisbane in business, that means your profitability goes out the window.

You should be making more this is a key to have an increase revenues.

This is the key to having increased profitability.

And this is key to you having a life.

Do you like staying up to 2am? Till staying up to 3am? Are you having a good time with your wife or your husband? No, you're working on a computer at 2am in the morning.

What the heck are you going to do? Is this sustainable? Hell no.

Hell no.

This is not sustainable.

eventually something will happen.

Your body will give out.

Your marriage will give out if you're married, your relationship will end your kids won't talk to you.

Develop a decent addiction to alcohol or drugs.

I mean all of these risks because you won't learn how to systemize you think systems are boring.

You like man systems? Systems is like broccoli.

You know, everyone knows that.

You got to eat the broccoli? Have you greens? Some kind of chore? When are we going to get to the retargeting Facebook ads? When are we going to get to the new funnel? When are we going to get to the awesome experience XP fulfillment experience.

You know what's underneath all of those? A system.

The system to build your Facebook campaigns the system to run your sales experiences the system to fulfill the system to market to know your avatar to know your audience to know your problem to know your offer.

These are all systems, the systems to do your invoicing the system to do your billing, guess what you get the system and suddenly the work is done the first time.

And it's done right.

It's done correctly.

But not systems are boring.

Systems limit creativity.

Why would you even want to know about systems? I'm like, Dude, that's your key to freedom.

That's your key to your dreams.

That's your key to your next business.

All of these are held in systems.

It's not in that next course.

You already bought four courses to try and solve your marketing problem.

Every one of them is a system your problem is not buying another course, your problem is knowing how to execute, and get your team to execute that course successfully.

That is what your systems is, that is what they are.

They are your results when you build the system outcomes, the results.

And suddenly people can do the work successfully.

People you change people from being fallible, forgetful into them being able to work within a structure that allows creativity, but allows the work to get done efficiently and effectively so that your business runs without you.

And that leaves you in a great place.

It leaves you in a place of being able to go on holidays, and the profits keep coming in the money keeps coming in.

It allows you to sell and you have your systems on point.

They're like, Well, what about if your team lose? Oh, we've got a system for hiring.

One new hire What about when they onboard? Yeah, we've got a system for onboarding.

Sure, to me like, Yeah, fine.

Here it is.

802, hiring a two or three, onboarding.

And you're like, you know what I did copy those systems, so that you can use them on your next business, because realize that many of the systems of business are the same.

Irrespective of your business, if you're a tradie, if you're a doctor, if you're a widget maker, if you're a fulfillment by Amazon, if you're an Qi based or if you're a coach, if you're a consultant, all of these businesses run on very similar systems.

You get it once, and then you're done.

Like, oh, great, I can run the next business, you can run multiple at once you think that successful business owners are in there doing all of the work? No, they're making the decisions, they're at the high level making the strategic course.

And they know that because they're document documentation is on point.

This gives them the ability to do that their teams can do the work while they are free to look and see the strategic opportunities that are in front of them.

If you want some help, if you like, you know what Yeah, I read the books and I know I gotta systemize but I don't know how to do it.

Then come and see myself or go and see someone who does know how to do systems.

This is critical sorted out.

It's costing you a fortune.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you haven't wasn't I hope you got some value our today's episode, continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

We'll see you next time.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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