Spiritually and business?

Jun 24, 2021

Well, welcome to today's episode.

It's a little bit late here.

And this is a reflection of my day.

I've actually had a really good day.

It's been a Saturday of a long weekend and crammed a fair bit including taking my kids out to Duck Creek mountain biking.

And so Sam and Pippa and I went mountain biking for about an hour hour and a bit, had a great time.

And then tonight, I have been at two events one was a kitten.

If you haven't heard of this before, you may have heard of a gentleman called Krishna Das quite famous in this world.

And He plays this funny instrument called a harmonium, it's an Indian, it's not Indian instruments a German in the instrument, but the Indians took it and said, Hey, this thing's great, we're going to take this to, to use it in our music.

But Christian das went to the went to India in the 70s came back, and I like it, I love it, there is an aspect of me that can connect to something greater than myself very easily through that.

So I got to perform for about 25 minutes, and I had terrible nerves.

Really interesting that I had such to be a nurse, what actually went on for me was that I thought it was 630, I got told I was on at 630.

And then I get this thing saying, Hey, you're on at six.

And luckily, I was on track to be there.

So that threw me though, and I wasn't able to particularly well recover myself.

So I was quite nervous, I was quite like, just a little bit unsettled.


This can play out in business as well, this can, things will happen, things will happen to you in business, things happen to me in business.

And suddenly I'm out of my center, and I need a way to come back in.

And that for me is a meditation that is breathing, that is a connection to something deeper.

In actual fact, I have been practicing a particular methodology, called the stack for about coming on two years, I'm not quite at two years.

But every day, for close to two years I've been doing this and this builds into a bigger conversation.

That Wake Up Warrior has introduced me to if that's something that you're like, you know, what I can actually see that meditation and the capacity to deal with what goes on in the business.

Particularly if you are an entrepreneur, if you're a business owner, then your stresses are high, you are running a show where you have your customers and clients’ results in the line, you also have all of your team’s requirements for money.

And that falls to your shoulder if you do not have a meditation practice, this makes the business very difficult.

And so head over to play a warrior.

io If this is something you like, you know what I probably should take care of this.

I had already had meditation practices.

So I have been a long-term Qigong practice, which is a Chinese medical form, of meditation.

So I had about 456 forms of that.

And then two particular meditations have come through warrior.

And tonight just being able to do the harmonium.

And then I went to a birthday party.

And that birthday party was at a cool place called Kiva spa that's in Mullumbimby.

And we've got to hang out and this is so different from my normal world, both the birthday party and the harmonium Kitaen thing, very different aspects of myself and I find it really does help just to let go of everything that I normally have going on as a businessman as a family man in terms of looking after my body in terms of doing work, all of that can kind of go and hold and for a short period of time connect to something greater and in that, I have found that is a significant benefit and that's something greater whatever you want to call it will talk to me that it will have messages, it will have guidance, it'll like to show me the way it'll make things happen.

And it's like well, okay, this is kind of weird.

You know, I like talking about some kind of god idea.

Yes, I am that perhaps there is more going on in this universe than just the material plane and that meditation not only helps business but it also helps me have a better life like deal with the big questions of what the heck is going on.

I have found as a businessman, that warrior Wake Up Warrior has dialed the scene to an art form they have the core four, which is the body being balanced and business and getting It's who started the whole thing, his discovery.

His breakthrough was that when his body was on point, and when he's balanced, which is his kids and his wife is on point, and his being, which is meditation connection to something greater.

That little business works better.

If you want to enter into that game and go and find out how it works, why it is guaranteed to work.

If you will do the work, then head over to play a warrior.

io Alright, that's all I got for you today.

Thanks for tuning into today's episode.

See what tomorrow brings? I don't know we'll probably return to more systems and processes.

But tonight, I just wanted to share this other aspect of my life with you.

So I hope you found it useful.

And I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode very shortly.





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