So you became an entrepreneur...

Aug 08, 2021

So welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

It's been quite the journey for me over the last three days, and I want to share some of that stuff with you.

If you are an entrepreneur, if you are a business owner, then you know just how challenging it is.

It's a pretty interesting calling.

And I've just been up at 2 am in the morning for the last three mornings.

Now, why would I do that? Well, there are two summits that I have been looking to open up, the first one was a month ago was called soul purpose blueprint, basically going through and refining down to my strengths, looking at what my gifts are my strengths, knowing what I could double down on and go be gone.

And then the last three days has been warrior wealth boot camp, working on the frameworks for System IO.

Very interesting experience.

Now, these both are run by Wake Up Warrior, certainly not my first event with them.

And specifically back in 2019, Garrett ran a program that was called Big Money marketer.

That one was similar, built on the back of it, but this one was refined and brought down to its essence looking at the problems that entrepreneurs face.

And out of this experience, I took the commitment that it takes to actually show up and go to commit to a calling to say look, I am willing to take on a problem, I can see a problem.

I can see that something in life is not working, whether it's for people's health, whether it's in people's relationships, whether it is in money and wealth, whether it's even in spirituality, and say yep, you know what, I can see a problem and I'm willing to sit there and mull it over and work with it and go okay, well, what could this be, you know, what is the possibility and that exists for an entrepreneur because I mean, I've been playing I was thinking about it, so I mean, where did my journey start my journey started.

Back in the divorce.

My parents are back in 2009 Sorry, that's incorrect.

Rich Dad Poor Dad had just come out.

I reckon I got handed it in like 1998 I was in the second year of med school and family friends said Hey, tell me you might like this.

You might want to pay attention to this and they gave me Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Then two-three years later in 2001, My parents divorced and that journey was pretty messy.

I saw my father's sensual very, very interesting relationship with money.

He was an obstetrician-gynecologist, well paid.

And his relationship with money was well I don't need to look I don't need to care about money there's plenty of it and yet in that divorce that story was exposed as as being a major cause of the divorce his like He didn't pay attention to money didn't look at his books in handbooks probably I don't know.

He never we never really spoke about it.

And I learned the painful reality that divorce because of money was something that could be avoided something that could be got away from like you know, what if I am willing to pay attention to money and learn about it and study it and and in that arose of fascination with business and Rich Dad Poor Dad I mean Robert Kiyosaki is very famous.

I'm sure you know Him and if you don't go check it out you know, Rich Dad Poor Dad, but He speaks of three major wealth making games one being real estate, one being the stock market and one being business and the most difficult but most rewarding being business.

And look at that I just wanted the money is certainly part of it is like man, I see these guys I see these guys with with who are leaving a very luxurious inverted commas, lifestyle, the cars and the planes and the holidays and all that sort of stuff.

And by 2006, I had been captivated by the Internet and actually went to India and all places looking for Hey, what's what's going on? Here, none of that worked completely terrible.

Literally, the, that I thought I had any idea what I was doing was quickly exposed as, as horrific.

And I think I was looking at affiliate marketing, I made no money.

But I started to run into internet marketers, I believe Brendon Burchard, Frank Kern, Frank Kern, I think was the first marketer.

And I mean, this is back in the day of Frank with, with surfer, the ninth worst surfer in, in California.

And I believe probably around, I don't know, like, it must have been around that time.

Because we get back my wife and I get back from Ireland, and via India, back to Australia.

And we end up talking about business.

And one of our friends said, oh, you should go and talk to a friend of ours, Bruce Campbell, He runs, He runs a coaching and business coaching business.

So we go up there and we join up with sign up with action coaching, and we actually buy into bloom tools.

So bloom-tools is a website franchise, it builds, it's got a great back end, solid redundancy.

I mean, they, as far as I can tell, at one point, they were targeted as target practice by distributed denial of service, because they had like super solid infrastructure.

And a week later or so, perhaps coincidentally, there was a major attack on one of the government, Australian government servers.

So I think they are practicing.

That's my story.

I know what really happened.

It was a, it was a pretty terrible day, it was a tough day for buying tools.

But James Greg out of boom tools, excellent businessman, wonderful, backend solid front end, like really bloom tools is great.

So we went through the bloom tools experience, but we moved to Byron, and we sold bloom tools.

And all through this, I'm struggling, I'm like, man, what to do, what to do what to do.

And my wife actually begged me for a case of beer.

She's like, Dude, you have talked about this for so long? What I bet you a case to be you don't do anything.

And this was the birth of graduate medicine.

So graduate medicine at the time there was I'd come through my exams, my GP exams, and they were shit.

Like they're tough exams, difficult.

A lot of work.

And the hilarious thing at the time was that there was one course they're called the RACGP, the guys putting on the exam, run the course I'm like, okay, whatever, you know, Fox in the henhouse.

Take their courses.

They're not particularly helpful.

But at the time, there was nothing.

And I watched as all of us went through and made notes from the same textbook as they how do you do, you make notes and then you study it and you sit the exams is the same methodology that everyone had used in medicine for a long time.

And I'm like, Man, this is stupid.

This is pretty dumb.

Here's the problem that it took so long to make the notes that I only got through like, half the textbook.

And then luckily, I've been practicing for 10 years as a doctor.

So there's a bunch of experience.

And for whatever reason, exams have always been a very flow experience for me, like there is just the exam.

It's pure, pure focus.

And I often don't even remember taking the exams like it's like to drop in and pop out.

So out of the sunlight, right? Let's, let's go with noise.

Let's, let's get the noise out.

If you want to join up, it's 1000 bucks, and graduate medicine begins.

But out of that, I managed to create a bunch of my own competitors, people went through my course, man, oh, man, this is a good idea.

I'm going to start but this was this.

I didn't know anything about markets or looking at who my ideal customers are anything like that.

And the problem with the exam markets got to one it's really small, looking at maybe 1000 to 1500 people a year.

Like that's a small market.

And as I went along by 2017, I think there was like, about 15 competitors, like, you guys can have this.

This is a bloody red ocean.

The second problem was that it forced me to relive my medical exams over and over and I might you know what, I don't want to do this.

I don't want to do this.

But it took me a while to actually discover that when I was, you know, in a call in a group call with Wake Up Warrior, and the guy was like, you don't want to do this.

Why are you doing this? What what stop? It's like, okay, cool. I'm done.

And out of this whole experience, though, I learned that the desire to Solve a problem and create a better reality for my students or for myself.

That is that reality that exists on the other side, this the promised land, the green grass, heaven, whatever you want to call it, this call to something better.

But in that journey, I discovered some serious challenges.

Number one production, I could see that the profits were meant to come that it was meant to go from, here's a problem, and I'm going to solve it and make it make it better for a bunch of people.

This is the entrepreneurial calling.

And in that, I'm going to create a product or an experience or some kind of thing and produce that there's going to be some production experience.

And out of that should be should be a bunch of profit.

My brother must have heard the message, my brother is setting up a business as well.

So in that setting up he's got right, it's called Rapid edit.

So give him a call and a little bit.

He's doing really well.

It's if you if you're in the real estate game, and you need your photos edited, then head over to and Jack will take care of you there.

So So we've got this entrepreneurial calling.

And the problem is that the profits require production, but I knew nothing about production.

And I actually did not join Wake Up Warrior because of this.

Or they were like, Look, if you're a man and you're running a business and you're married with kids, you should you should listen to the message that we've got for you.

And I was like, Man, you guys got something around marriage.

I'm interested.

And I debated remembering Am I an entrepreneur? Is this for me because at the time it was 10 grand to play 10 grand like it was aimed at high-end businessmen?

And I might man I don't know and they move to a different model.

I moved to start bringing more people in it was 100 bucks to play and I say okay, yeah, look, I want what are you going to marry, but in that, I learned that the production problem could be solved at least for me struggling to have enough power to pull off the game.

Now I have a true entrepreneurial madness in me.

My neighbor is that he's he's runs a business.

Well, you got the you got the crazy gene.

Right? Yeah, man days that Yeah, me too.

You know, to take this on.

Not everybody is meant to be an entrepreneur, like, you have to be quite nuts to to take on this experience.

It's brutal.

At some point, I learned though, that it is one of the most rapid spiritual accelerants that can be done as well.

I mean, that was my main game.

When I came into worry, they talk about one-dimensional douchebags like I was strong on spirituality.

Like I've been playing spirituality games since 2005.

Hardcore, like, but intense spiritual experiences is like whoa, what is going on in this reality? You know, like I personally either have an extremely active imagination which I'm, I'm open to you know, that's been shared with me.

But my friend taught is like, either we got really active imaginations or there's something more going on in this reality and he's like it's a multidimensional reality there are other planes of consciousness there are other realms and this this isn't just make-believe from the spiritual woo-woo like if you look at brain theory and stuff like that Brian BIA and He then you end up with these models of 1011 dimensions dimensional realities that somehow they folded into our reality or it's very hard to to conceptualize, given that we live in a 4d world what a fifth dimensional reality, let alone an 11th dimension reality would be but the experience of business showing me how poor I was at production and so I joined warrior and if you want to join if you're like, Man, I want to I want to up my power game.

I want to learn how to have power to produce then you should head to play warrior.

io There's a 30 day challenge at least that's that's what it's out at the moment.

There may be a variant on that 30-day challenge for you to go through and look at what it takes to have the power to produce but in my journey, I like the simplicity of the power game, but in my journey, a second production problem opened up And that was like, well, well, how do I, how do I get stuff done consistently? How do I systemize? My business? How do I run a business systematically, because I got burned in graduate medicine.

Like you want to know how to spend some money really rapidly will take someone who doesn't know what they doing, and then scale them.

Like, I don't know whether you appreciate this.

If you've been down this game, then hopefully you recognize, I was like, Okay, well, what I'm going to do is scale fulfillments.

And I'm going to get a bunch of teams to look at fulfillments never having run a team before.

And in that, they're going to take care of fulfillment.

And now I'm going to have a bunch of time for sales and marketing.

I know whether you recognize any problems here.

If you're not recognizing the problems, then by all means, go ahead.

My recommendation, do not scale fulfillment, scale marketing, scale, sales scale, add when you have a fulfillment problem, then fine, go deal with that.

But your problems are not fulfilled if you have not got enough sales.

If you haven't got your ad game on point, like kick those working, but this was so I'm just like watching Money pour out.

The week.

I'm like, Whoa, man, I'm like, Wow, we got a bit of fulfillment done.

Well, I'm about to send this business broke.

So I had to fire everybody.

And I peel down to myself and one virtual assistant.

And I'm like, I'm literally so the trauma and stubborn, traumatized, whatever you want to call.

I'm like, I'm not moving again to this game.

Until I work out how to run the game.

Like what's the point? And I love the guys who do they lie? You know what, I know that there's this problem that opens up later on as I try and scale.

But you know, stuff, I'm just going to go and when I get to it, I'm going to watch myself burn the business down so that I can build because there's a comfort zone.

I'm so stubborn.

I'm like, man, there's no point in doing this.

This is dumb.

There is a problem here that must be solved around how to run a business.

I've been into Infusionsoft like if you'd like a lesson in how to rapidly learn that you have no idea what you're doing, then run Infusionsoft in that experience with system Lee, who's now old agency, Greg, is like, you might want to know what you're doing.

When you use Infusionsoft and I'm like, okay, yeah, I do.

And He was like, He was into structure and labeling and naming conventions.

Because Infusionsoft is like a is a weapon is a weapon, you can do some amazing stuff.

But wow, you can also cut off your arm pretty quickly.

So I go learn this on my Wow, okay, okay, I'm seeing some systematic ways of approaching Infusionsoft.

And I'd also got into the problem of team and profit factor with Tim Francis that opened up and again, like Tim's teaching around how to run processes and how to get people to do things.

And at this time with the team, I was like, man, okay, yeah, let's do this.

And so I'm trying to learn on the go with team.

I mean, it was It was messy, messy, messy, messy taken farm, it would have taken a vast more amount of cash and capital to pull that off.

But I was like, so I had these two experiences, I'm fusion soft learning structure and naming and then over with profit, factory learning, standard operating procedures, and I peel back and I'm like, man, okay, this these systems thing.

Warriors taught me to power into production, but in that production of the second game opened up around profit, and I remember being on a call with Garrett.

And he's like, Look, you got to do your marketing and your sales and your advertising fulfillment, the question came up, what about this other layer of systems and processes and people and optics? And he's like, Well, you got to, you got to do that at the same time.

But your focus should be on marketing and sales and advertising and get that game and then when your fulfillment problem opens, then deal with that.

But ideally, you're also starting to work the systems and processes now.

Come through December But 2020 and I go to one of these other wild warrior events like, again to I am, I don't know why I have to be cold at 2 am.

I think God's like dude, let's test your commitment.

Let's see whether you will get up at 2am.

So I get up at 2 am for a 12-hour experience called Counsel of kings.

And in that Garrett speaks to this idea of managing processes, not people.

Manage process, not people.

And I mean, this is a huge event.

Just think this thing is, I mean, there's so much content being downloaded into in that event, but out of that, I take that one sentence and I'm like, okay, and then at that same time, all hell breaks loose in my life as a doctor.

All hell breaks loose.

Like I, I had had an experience with another colleague.

And they were like, Dude, you are such a bad doctor, you don't even know that you're a bad doctor.

And she was like, I'm going to mandatorily report you to the H Triple C, the healthcare Complaints Commission.

Now, this is a big deal.

You got another doctor calling out to me saying you're so terrible at being a doctor, you don't even know how bad you are.

Typically, mandatory reporting is for like, the surgeon that is watching case after case or they've got a coke addiction.

They've got an alcohol addiction.

And it's like, Okay, wow.

Now, this had come about because I'm like, she's like, Hey, there's a problem here.

Am I okay? All right.

Yeah, fine.

I'm willing to look at all of my mistakes.

Let's get it out.

One of the big, big things in my training for Wake Up Warrior, also through the mankind project.

It's like vulnerability exposure to what has happened, what, what's going on here? And might you know what, okay, I'm willing to look at all of this.

Let's get it out in the open.

Let's talk about it.

There's a bunch of learnings here.

There's a bunch of stuff here.

But in that they will I know, no, I want a confidential Am I Oh, really, you want to do confidential as like no way? No way.

Am I doing confidential supervision, that is a dark path.

And that standard like this, suddenly sit in the sunlight now.

So I'm like, Look, you got problems with power.

And I'm calling you out.

And I'm like, all and then in that there was so pissed off, there were so I don't know, who knows what the fuck went on.

Anyway, they report me to the H Triple C.

And in this experience, I see that I end up here because our systems at my practice, nonexistent.

They exist in a classic experience of a business, which is that their standard operating procedures are done.

But they sit on a bookcase and they never get used.

They get used when somebody gets trained like people don't use the standard operating procedures.

They don't that the instructions are not used.

But there's a bunch of stuff that they just didn't even have instructions for.

And you might say, well, this is terrible.

I might Yeah, maybe not.

You know, general practice.

Family Medicine is a very unusual game here in Australia in that eat, it's socialized medicine.

Everybody just goes to the doctor, there is zero requirements for marketing for sales for fulfillment.

Business, a business that has no requirement for these skill sets can get away with really poor systems because there's no need for them.

They, they would never compete in a marketplace that actually required skill sets in marketing and sales that and so it just there's just no thought that business never.

And it's not just our practice.

This is across the board like that.

Yes, yes, there's maybe some, but most of the time, it's like particularly for doctors, like doctors or a weird breed.

It's like, oh, man, you guys are so amazing in medicine, you know, like all of that study? Well, you should know about how to do systems.

Yeah, how much distance training we got in med school, zero.

Genomics business training we got in med school.


Do you know how much nutrition training is? I think we got more nutrition training in about two hours.

Then legal business practice management.

I mean, I don't know Maybe Maybe I missed the classes.

And I'm open to that, oh, actually there was this whole, you know, 50-hour experience on business, how to run a business, how to market a business how to how to run teams? Well, I don't think so.

You know, that training us to be doctors.

But the funny thing about general practices that I operate in a business and it's, it's got a team, it's got nurses, it's got a receptionist, it's got a lot of moving parts.

And as I, as I went through, I've just been reviewing my journey into systems because it could arise like why the heck would I listen to a doctor about systems? Well, I went back, and I was tracking my experience.

And it was so strange, like, as I go through and, and have had to do this huge amount of work for this complaints thing.

And I get the work done.

And then these gaps for a couple of days as a goes off to gets reviewed by the lawyers.

And in that, all of this system stuff starts to come through.

And then there's this like more wave of the work of the complaint, and that gets done.

And then there's more system stuff.

And it's like this jewel pathway into weaving almost as if, like, my brain gets completely cleared everything in dealing with this complaint, like this complaint was a doozy.

I believe at some level it was designed to be impossible, impossible to actually deal with, like I the page count, somewhere, somewhere to two and a half 1000 pages of notes to go through.

Also made it a little bit more challenging because they don't come out in sequential order.

Like you got to get agree.

You gotta be kidding me that does not so so it comes out in sections.

And so the first piece was just to put them back together into some kind of like, what the heck has gone on here.

And I got six weeks to this like this was an intense six-week experience.

But I believe the purge of my mind basically opened up for I don't know what to make of this.

But like all of these insights started coming.

Like it was like having a download it was like more and look at this time and look at this time and look at this.

And I'm like, oh my god, wow.

I mean, luckily, Warrior trains, on, on reps on production.

And the craziest thing was that the thing that got me through this complaint was the big money market.

Remember back in the early podcast, I was talking about this thing called the big money market up.

Now, like it won't happen the first time through and as I started in this complaint, I had no belief that my first version was going to be anything like my final version.

But there was iteration and iteration and iteration in this game of marketing of iteration, to get down to the essence and the clarification that I've just been through again, with warrior Bootcamp that the same thing happened but out of this arose these insights around systems and suddenly I'm like, oh my goodness, oh my goodness.

Oh my goodness.

And there was a simplicity I mean, I estimate the system's download was around 500 hours of work, like just looking through like how much work has gone in I remember at one point having to change the numbering system and I looked at it I'm like man, I am tired.

I'm tired and I'm like really? Do you want me to change from advertising? Marketing and Sales the order so when I originally began advertising was one marketing was two and sales was three and I'm like so every document in those systems had to be renamed it was around I think around 400 documents I actually went through and cat on my I got to get grips on this before I can even begin let let define the problem.

Oh, wow.

I got 400 documents that need to be meticulously changed over.

Oh, man, okay.

But once I got a grip on the actual problem, then then the work went through and I moved.

Marketing to what? And you probably heard this before like this market.

The idea that why did I put marketing to one? Well, I didn't even realize that marketing, what marketing was, like for years, I thought marketing as search engine optimization like that was marketing and ads was paid ads.

And I'm like, wow.

And only in the experience like, this is just one of the breakthroughs.

I'm like, Oh, hang on.

No, SEO is advertising.

paid ads are advertising.

email campaigns are advertising.

Retargeting is advertising.

And suddenly this thing, what's marketing.

And I realized that marketing is, is the people and the problem that they've gotten a solution that the business provides and the offer, and all of the messaging and this structure is marketing, and then plays out into the sales experience, it plays out into the advertising experience, it plays out into the fulfillment experience.

So marketing in itself, may not produce a damn thing.

But it plays into all three of those business areas into the sales messaging into the advertising message into the fulfillment.

And thank goodness fulfillment was for, you know, because I went through and I and I moved, and I'm like, okay, great breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough.

And out of that came big refinements of an experience, am I Oh, wow, this works.

Why, why I have lived the problem of my medical practice being poured systems.

And it's not just them, it's mostly business unless you're a multinational, and you've put a huge amount of money into systems.

It can mess people up, it can mess you up, it can mess your team up, it can embroil you in, in legal problems, like systems underlie everything that you are doing in business.

So once you think about this, if you are an entrepreneur, and you're a business owner, and you are called to recognize a problem, and then create a solution that makes everyone's that you that your business comes into contact with better.

If that is your calling, and then you recognize in order to get to the profit, you need to get your production game on point, then you need to, first of all, assess well how's your power game, if your power game is on point, great, you can move to the problem of systems and profits.

But if it's not, then you should go to play a warrior.


And get your power game on point, particularly, if you happen to be married.

And with kids.

Like it is a requirement.

In my personal opinion, play a warrior.

io to save yourself, your sanity.

No one's come in to save you.

It's going to fall on your shoulders.

But let's say that you've got your power to produce a game.

And then this problem opens up of like, well, well, I've got some power, how do I implement that? How do I deploy that into my teams, so that we can serve our people so that we can solve their problems and open their realities up to a better possibility?

And perhaps in that you're seeing that you have a systems problem.

And you may be overwhelmed.

And like not even recognizing that you have a systems problem because you've got so many damn fires everywhere.

That there is no time to think about your exhaustion levels, your fatigue levels, you're just like the complexity of the problem that you are facing is overwhelming.

But you know, that there could be a better reality where your business runs on systems that takes half the number of people because your effectiveness is significantly higher.

You're not having to redo work.

It just gets done once to quality, and it's done.

If this is a journey that you want to go on, then head over to and enter into a conversation there about what this could look like.

Oh, baby, all right.

It's been a long Session you got to build a story about hey, how did I end up here? The system's game is powerful.

And there is a responsibility that falls to you as an entrepreneur that you are called to make this world better.

And your capacity to do that relies upon your power game, your production game, and your systems game.

What I want you to do is go to

Thanks for tuning in today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's session.

I look forward to continuing this conversation about how systems create results in businesses.

See you next time.





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