So you are not getting the results you want?

Jul 25, 2021

So life is giving you results, it's giving you results all the time.

The question that you have to ask yourself, are those results, the ones that you want, you're getting them in your body with how your body looks and feels, how good your sleep is, you're getting them in your business, how much profit you're taking, how much stress you're under, how many how your team is running, you're getting them in your relationships with your loved ones, with your kids, with your partners, all of these are results in life.

And the question might come to you Well, what about if I don't like the results that I'm getting? What do I do there, the first thing that I want you to realize is that your results are not by accident, your results are not random, what you are experiencing in life is the result of things that are getting done.

And those things can be class together, and called a system.

So what I want you to appreciate at this point is that the results, you're getting a result of the systems that are being executed in your life.

Now the problem is, you probably have not got a lot of systems training, I was speaking to someone the other day, and they were like, Tom, most business owners run from systems run from processes.

It's too hard, it's too difficult.

And yet, this is what is creating your results.

So if you want different results, then you're going to have to create a different system.

And that begins by realizing that's where your results are coming from literally your systems or creating your results.

And you might say, well, I don't have any systems.

And I invite you to consider the fact that you do have systems, the fact that they're not documented anywhere, they're not written down anywhere does not mean that the systems are not active, what it means is very likely, you have varying systems that system is trying to be executed, but different things happen in the processes that make it up.

And so you get variable results.

And so the only way to approach this, and actually fix this is to look at the system, what went on to get that result, how did it happen, you can go back and track the actions that were done or not being done.

And a lot of the time, you know what should be done? Right now I'm thinking gee, probably should go in, turn off that often don't know how that happens.

Let's go for a walk duck, I got this fancy new thingamajig.

I don't know what it's called, I got Iris scope or something.

And we go like I can control.

There we go, I can control what it does.

It's pretty wacky.

It's a significant step up in the system that I was running.

That was just a basic one.

But with the increased capacity to do this, like I'm moving my thumb around, and the whole camera moved.

There's also increased learning.

So I want you to know that this is going on all the time in your world, just like the planets are going around the sun round and round systematically that there are these things going on in your life if you would only appreciate that this is where you must work.

Does that mean starting to document what's going on starting to examine what's going on? What were the processes that were active to create this result? If it's not the result you want, then you need to look at those processes.

What went on here? What should have happened, what might need to change in order to get us a different result.

One of the coolest things about systems is that you can run them and see what results you get to make one change in a process, see what the result is? Does it change? Does it change? Is it what you want? Because that's really the final question mark on any system.

Is it giving you the result that you want? Because if it did, guess what, you now have a system that you know will give you that result.

And you should continue to do that.

If that's the result that you want keep running that system, keep executing that system, it will continue to give that same result unless something changes in the inputs to the system, or it's not written down, and people don't do the system as it's meant to do.

But if the system stays the same, the result will stay the same.

And if that result is what you want to keep doing it, if you have this ability, this ability to create systems, or really recognize the systems that are getting you the results that you want, and changing them to the results that you do this ability to create systems, I think this is the holy grail in business, your capacity to look at what's not working and make it work your capacity to read a book and extract out the system that is required to get that result that presumably, you bought that book for your ability to go to a workshop and implement the training because you know how to create systems.

This is the holy grail of business.

Your marketing is not working, guess what, there's systems that have already been created by others that were that are proven to work, you need traffic, you need funnels, you need offers, you need fulfillment strategy, you need hiring strategies, these have been done business is not at days zero.

People have discovered stuff, stuff that works.

Your challenge is how do you turn it into a system so that it gets done over and over and you continue to get the results that you want in your life.

The coolest thing is, people have written them down.

They've written them down, hey, this is the system that I use to get this result.

You know how to do this, then you have the Holy Grail to create in your life as you see fit.

This is powerful.

This is the holy grail if this is something that you can see the power in and that you want.

If you want this capacity in your life in your business life, and to take the results that are creating cascade it through to your family, through to your relationships through to your team through to the very quality of life that you live, then I invite you to head over to, to come and talk about what the problems that you are experiencing in your business right now and look at how do you systematically improve those applied the holy grail of business the capacity to create systems on demand to improve those that aren't working and get them to get the results that you want.

Your next step is what I want you to do is head over to, put in your name, put in your email address, watch the training that's specifically around bridging this gap from where you are now through to having the capacity to create systems and the steps that are required for you to do that.

Thanks so much for joining in tonight.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

Consider the system to create systems as the holy grail of business.

This is a life changing capacity and skill.

If you get it, your life will change.

Alright, thanks so much for tuning in.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episodes.

We continue this journey into the power of systems and processes to not only change your life but to give you the results that you want and desire.

See you then.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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