Small improvements add up.

May 24, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I just back from a run and was super nice out there, just watching the sunset go down, hadn't done my half a point for fitness, playing Wake Up Warrior.

If you want to go check that out, go to play warrior dot games that's play Warrior Games.

Go check that out.

A great, extremely helpful if you're in business.

And watching this beautiful sunset got me half a point for fitness.

And I've had a really good day today, Saturday, Saturday morning 4 am I have an hour and a half to two-hour call with my brothers in a group called a trifecta.

Now trifecta is not called trifecta, because there are three of us, there are actually four of us.

It's called trifecta because we run a system of where we are now, where we're going in the future.

And then and then spirit or God or whatever this relationship between who I am today who I'll be tomorrow, and God.

And that actually works really well.

It's an early start, I got two early starts per week one is 3 am on Wednesday morning for the shield call.

And then 4 am on Saturday morning for the trifecta.

Now, what was interesting was that I'm on at 4 am like 4 am, early, and my other brothers in this group get up there on Friday.

So they're in the States, and it's during the day, so they hang out with me on that.

But I'm on first and I'm like, hey, oh shit, maybe I got the wrong zoom link, but one of my brother's dogs jumps on and he's like, dude, how do you get the link? And I'm like, Well, you know, I put it into my calendar.

It's like, oh, man, that's a good idea.

I'm like, yeah, no, it's a good idea.

It's really, you should do it, too.

And he's like, Yeah, I should because what He described was that the link originally was very easy.

It was a chat somewhere.

And you could just find it, but because that chats got a lot of stuff over the last two, three weeks, that link has disappeared back.

So what was easy early on, then becomes more difficult to find.

And He was like, Yeah, okay, great.

I'll copy the link into the calendar entry.

Now, what's hilarious to me is that this shield call on Wednesday is exactly the same situation.

But 3 am, I'm barely functioning I'm like, oh, man, what time like it's early.

It's super early, I go back to bed after the call just to get some more sleep.

But the interesting thing about that is that I have not done this for myself on the Wednesday morning court.

I haven't actually stuck the Zoom link into that.

Why am I Oh, that's silly.

That's dumb.

Why don't I do that?

So I'm going to change that.

So I will have both my Saturday Trifecta call and my Wednesday shield call both with the links, the calendar entry comes up, boom, I'm ready to go.

Now, it may not seem like such a big deal.

Like seriously, it might be all the 15 seconds, 20 seconds, in order to find that link, particularly the shield when I know where to go, I'd go into the workplace and then I go to this link, and then I go there.

And that's where the link is.

Now, that is only a small amount of work.

But a 3 am gap nice just to click and go.

And certainly, 4 am with it.

They're clicking Go.

I'm on first.

And Todd's like, oh, man, I'm going to implement that.

So I'm realizing that small improvements add up small little improvements.

10 seconds, 15 seconds if barely seems like it is worth it.

But you do enough of this, and you get good at it, then you start to see where major effectiveness of major efficiency improvements can be made.

Because you're used to making small ones and every now and then there'll be one that's big.

And it's like, Oh, what about if we move that to there because perhaps there's like three bits, and then it fits in logically and it hadn't been fitting logically.

But that small change leads to big efficiency, process improvement.

Now, this idea of linking things that you need to your calendar entries is really good.

It could be a Zoom In short, but it also could be the client file.

It could be a resource that you need.

It could be whatever you need, but it's ready to go.

And it may seem natural, but maybe it's not.

Maybe it's a small tweak that you're like, oh hang on.

If I link that thing that I do at 10 am on Tuesday every day, to every week to the item that it goes to like even just being able to find that template or find that process or find that system or find that client file or find that whatever, that if it reduces Is your search time by 10 or 15 seconds? Maybe it's 30 seconds.

Sometimes it can be like minutes.

It's like why won't the search term show up.

But you do that overtime for you and for your team, and these benefits add up.

All right, that's all I got for you today.

If this is something that resonates for you, then I invite you to head over to the System IO Facebook page and click like, if you're not already on the Facebook page, go do that.

Click LIKE, SHARE it up with anyone that you know could benefit from this.

This could be a team member, or this could be someone else who's in business.

Alright, that's all I got for you.

I'm going to go hang out with my boys.

They're playing NBA on the PlayStation four having a great time.

I'm going to go and join them.

Have a great day.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue to explore the power of systems and processes for business.





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