Scaling secrets you aren't supposed to know.

Oct 26, 2021

Scaling secrets you aren't supposed to know.

Welcome to today's episode excited to talk about a systems problem that comes around twice a year.

I live in New South Wales, in Australia.

And in spring, and in fall, we have these chord changes.

Now I'm not such a big fan.

Why? Because I'm a surfer.

When the clocks go forward, that means that what was six o'clock is now seven o'clock.

And that means that there's less time to surf in the morning.

This is frustrating, this is annoying.

I'm actually a supporter of daylight wasting if there was such a thing where we could all begin work at 10 am.

And sure, you'd finish at six, but there would be better waves for the surface.

Now, just in case you're wondering, surfing is actually one of the more difficult experiences, and after, I think 1314 years, I'm finally getting it, which sounds ridiculous.

But if you have tried to surf, you will know that it is really not that easy.

It is probably the hardest thing, perhaps business businesses up there because there are so many aspects.

But surfing is difficult because there are just so few opportunities to practice.

And I really didn't get anywhere until I got a private one-on-one coach.

And He was like, Dude, your back knee, your back, knees going down.

You'll never serve anything more than two feet crumbly if you don't sort this out.

And so over the last six months, I've just practiced over and over 20 times in the morning, landing that back for getting it up first staying away from the need now does it still happen? Yes, it does.

It's amazing.

It's like that, that body memory still comes through.

But I am doing far better than I was.

But this Daylight Saving thing is interesting.

It's interesting, because for the first week, everyone's kind of like our man, what day is it? What time is it? There's this basic brain fuzz as we try and move everyone an hour forward.

And there's actually I was reading some stats is very interesting so that California has an increased rate of car accidents when you move the clocks forward.

Why? Because everyone's still half asleep.

Like you're basically moving people sleep chopping, you got the rug, you chop the bottom bit off, and you stick it on the top and go, Yep, we save some daylight I might know you didn't.

What you've got to realize is that we now live in a very different world from when daylight saving was introduced.

You see, I believe it first was promoted maybe in New Zealand of all places now like let's move the clock two hours forward in like 1840 or something like that.

But it really didn't take place until World War Two when everyone started moving their clocks forwards like okay, daylight saving may have made sense.

Back then.

Why? Well, there was no particularly efficient methodology for getting information around the world.

Come forward to 2021 Do we have an efficient methodology for getting around the world? Yes, we do.

Yes, it's the internet.

You see, your clients may be located in any aspect of the world.

My clients are located around the world.

And it's like, hang on when we all swap our clocks all the time.

It's a pain.

Because there are missed opportunities.

There's wastage, people miss meetings, they'll I thought it was an hour ago, I thought it was an in an hour.

All of these time changes worked in the 1940s and 1950s in the 1960s and 1970s.

World 980s world.

But as we started to kick in the 1990s, only a few people affected 2000s A few more people come 2010 2020 The whole world gets affected when these time changes come in.

I've actually got to be across all of the time changes when you guys change in California when you guys change in Europe when you change in the UK.

When you change wherever you are in the world.

It's like our man and yes, there are tools, I get that there are tools.

But perhaps we could shift to more personal responsibility.

Why don't we just line the clocks up with the sun at midday when the sun's directly above that's midday.

And then if you want to get up at six o'clock and go to work until 3 pm or 2 pm Hey, great.

That's great.

Guess what your clients might be in Europe and you're like, This works great for me.

Perhaps you want to work from 10 to 70? Like I want to choose that because my clients are in United States.


Perhaps you want to work? I don't know whatever you want to work.

So let's stop messing with the clocks and go you know what, you know how you want to live your life.

You want to stay up all night.


Okay, no worries, but let's get rid of these clock chains.

So stupid.

It worked in a pre-tech world that is not our world right now.

The difficulty is systems change.

Like that is a big deal.

It takes a lot of courage for a politician to go, you know what we're getting rid of this thing that is a relic of the past.

And recognizing when systems aren't working is an art form, particularly if you don't really understand systems in the first place.

Let me give you an example.

So I'm working on a new webinar.

And these new webinars got an interesting problem.

I went through and create tags if you're using Infusionsoft if you're using Active Campaign, if you're using Kajabi, if you're whatever you're using for your emails, you might be using tax in your CRM, you might be using tax.

And so when you come to assign those tags, I want to do a per email campaign and like, hey, when you opt into the webinar, when you show up to the webinar, there's a tag, there's a tag, if you don't come, there's a tag.

And irrespective of whether you came or whether you showed interest in all, here's the closing of the cart, here's a tag that now at the moment, the way that the system is set up, it's like, Hey, I got to do this tagging thing, five times.

But really, it's the same thing.

And I'm like, Man, this system isn't set up, right? This system isn't as efficient as it should be.

Now, the very fact that it takes a lot to get to that place is one thing, but know that I can do the work, work this out in its most efficient form, and then give it to you.

And if you are willing to follow the instructions or your team are willing to follow the instructions, then you will get the results far more efficiently than if you just go about however you do your webinars right now, a lot of times people like takes me three months, it takes me four months, it takes me six months.

I'm like, dude, webinars should be taking like two weeks, maybe even less.

If you've got multiple teams, you're like, Okay, when we can work on things in parallel, I want you on email copy, you're doing the slides.

You're doing the webinar, you're doing the graphics, maybe it's one week.

But you are not pulling that off without systems.

And you know, the interesting thing is that big players are like, well, I want to take the business that's doing 3 million, I want to take the business that's doing five, I want to take the business that's doing 10, and buy it.

Because what are they going to do? Well, they want to grow it to 100, they want to take that three to 100.

They want to take that five to 100.

They want to take that team to two 50 million, and how are they going to do it? Well, they're not going to do it themselves? Hell, no, they ain't doing that work.

What they're going to do is install those systems.

You see, that's the difference between 3 million 5 million 10 million in revenue, and 100 102 50 million.

Now here's the interesting thing.

Perhaps you want to play that game, perhaps you like you know what I'm doing three, I want to learn how to take it to 100.

And so what you could do, which I learned from website closers is that you could do a partial sell, you could sell 70%, you keep 30%? And don't just look after the money.

Yeah, you make more money.

That's great.

But what you're there for is to learn what they are doing.

How are they installing those systems? Why so you can do that? For your next idea.

You see, you've got all that cash.

Now, you've already been through the zero to three, and then you sold out to watch how someone else came in and systemized it to take it to 100.

That's the learning.

That's the power of these systems.

And they can do it over and over and over.

They're literally saying, hey, look, if you're a three to 10, and you'd like to go to 50.

If you'd like to go to 100.

If you'd like to go to 200, then hey, we're interested.

Why because they can buy a part all of you and take it to those numbers through systems.

If this is something that you'd like to do, you like you know what, man maybe these systems things are important because they are they're the difference between a business that can scale and the business that gets stuck at a hard ceiling.

It is very difficult to scale beyond certain numbers three 510 without having systems on point, if you would like to know how to integrate systems into your business if you are struggling with your project management system if you are struggling with your standard operating procedures, software if you cannot work how these work together, why you even have them.

Guess what, you have a systems problem and it is costing you millions, millions of dollars in revenue millions of dollars in future scaling.

This game is the game.

You cannot tell me that the multinationals are running without systems they are they are 100% running on System System for Travel system for production system for marketing system for sale system advertising system fulfillment system for taxes system for Legal System System System System System.

If you don't know how to do systems, you have a systems problem and you better learn how to do it.

Otherwise, you're going to have to sell out to someone who does if you want help with your systems, head over to

I hope you enjoyed today's episode.

I certainly did.

And I look forward to continuing this journey with you as we continue looking at the power of systems to create results.

I'll see you tomorrow.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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