Project Management Software won't save you.

Aug 01, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, let's start off with the problem that you are facing.

You have gone to project management software and you like fantasy.

Finally, finally, we are going to solve our problems, my team will work together, we'll know what we're doing.

I watched the ad and I saw the DUNS coming up, and the colors changing, and the drag and drop.

And it was like, Man, this is what I need.

This is the solution to my problem.

So you went ahead and you bought that project management software.

And it doesn't really matter which one you bought, because they're like similar, you know, that basically fancy Excel.

But click up next Monday and asana and Trello.

He like, Oh, good.

Or maybe it's KISSFLOW.

Maybe it's a sweet process, maybe it's training.

Or maybe I need this, this is the solution.

I am sick of telling my team, what to do.

I am sick of them forgetting what I told them.

I am sick of them making up their own ways of doing things and forgetting that's got consequences on other people in this business.

And I am definitely sick of watching my profit go out the door.

Because we don't do things consistently.

You're trying to manage people, people are to manage, like, I don't know whether you notice that people are pretty nuts.

These days, we all know I'm nuts, you're nuts.

We all know, there's like whoa, I don't know whether we're designed to be working in this current reality.

Like it is so fast-paced, so quick.

So like you can do so much now that this has actually opened up for problems that we are ill-equipped to deal with.

And it's causing chaos in workplaces.

And that was even before COVID Before everyone then left the workplace.

And now working remotely and all of that ability to ask questions or hey, what help where are we up to on this project are you hear that all went out the window unless what you're going to run zoom? Eight hours a day.

So we got some problems here.

And the solution that you may have come to is right, I'm going to get project management software.

And that'll solve it.

But you may have found that this actually does not work that this has only temporarily improved things, but your actual problems have not been resolved.

And you need to think about why that is? Why is it that the software didn't work inverted commas? Is it the software, what I want you to consider is that you're trying to get the software to do a mindset problem.

It's you're trying to get a methodology out of software but you don't know what that methodology is.

You see systems are mindset systems is a method of thinking and doing.

And you may have read E Myth and you may have read work the system, maybe you've read clockwork you've been through and they hinting at it, you can see clearly that they have this mindset.

They have a systems methodology.

But it can be quite challenging to extract out that breakthrough, that transformational moment when suddenly you see that your life is a result of your systems.

You see your systems are creating your results.

And the fact that they're not documented means that you can't see them easily.

And you certainly can't change them easily.

And you can't very well speak to your team and say, Hey, this is how it was meant to be done.

What happened.

And they'll all look like I just didn't use the instructions, but at least you have the instructions documented.

The instructions are a natural outcome of a systems mindset.

Set it upright, get the methodology right and suddenly you can use any project management system.

So before you go and change from Asana to Monday or Monday to click up or click up to Trello or Trello.

Back to Asana.

perhaps consider the fact that your problem lies not in the software.

It's not the software.

It is the mindset.

And when you make that transformational jump to the system's mindset, suddenly your life will begin to work.

Your team will begin to work and you begin to experience the possibility of having multiple companies have sold at high multiples of freeing yourself from the trap that your business success has created.

You see the guys just beginning a business, the ones who didn't make it, they don't have these problems, you got to be good enough in business to actually open up the problem that requires a system mindset.

But if you try and proceed past that point, without getting your systems on point there is a world of pain waiting for you.

And those that have been there knowing, even if they're on their next business, they're like, I want my systems in place.

Because when we hit that growth, high level, like the rocket ship as it takes off, you got a choice of what you experienced at that point, smooth acceleration.

blasting off into outer space or by the crash and burn.

And that's going to come down to your mindset and your systems methodology, not your software.

The solution to your system’s problems does not lie in changing or getting project management software.

It lies in the very way that you think and that you see the world you get this and suddenly your life transforms.

If you want help with this, head over to, there is a training that lays out what to do.

You got to get this, you don't get this there is a cost to the world.

And that is that your entrepreneurial skills will be limited.

You get this suddenly opens up for whatever you want.

What do you want to create Next, you will have the capacity to build more than one business.

The first business to systemize is by far the hardest after that.

You're good to go.

Those who get this the world truly is the oyster.

I'm excited for you to discover this in yourself.

To make this transformational mindset jump and discover just how powerful systems and processes are.

Head over to

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems and processes in your business.

See you then.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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