Processes that get used get better!

Jun 25, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of

We are looking at the power of systems and processes in business to increase the valuation of your business.

And also to give you potential freedom from your business, either of those two, you are going to need systems and processes in place.

Well, let's begin with the obvious if you're listening to the podcast, you won't get this but if you're looking at the video, you're going to see that I am sunburned.

Now, this happened this morning between the hours of 6 am and 9 am, I was on a surf lesson with my surf coach and Ben, it's the middle of winter here.

And so it was freezing.

It wasn't freezing, but it was not freezing, it was cold.

And I surfed yesterday, so I had a wet suit.

Now for those of you who have served before, you'll know that this is not the most pleasant experience for about 30 seconds.

But excuse me, nonetheless, it took my attention away from an important step in going surfing, which is sunscreen, and I left it off.

Now my assumption was that being middle of winter and early in the day, I'm going to get away with not wearing sunscreen, but clearly, it didn't work.

Transitioning out of that conversation.

We have been working together about three weeks now.

And Ben is my surf coach.

And he's like mate, you're in the grind stage, you're trying basically it's like I'm trying to go from a level two to level three surfer if level fives awesome and level ones never surfed before, he's like the kind of like a beginner-intermediate.

And that there's a grind period to go from that stage up to an intermediate surfer.

And an intermediate surface, suddenly, surfing becomes a whole lot more fun.

The conditions that we're in at the moment, we're at a beach called wategos Beach, which is a very expensive place for houses.

But it's a great way if these were, I'm thinking three to four foot but relatively gentle.

They weren't powerful pounding waves, three to four feet of broken head.

These things afraid trains three to four foot out water goes.

They're actually relatively soft.

But in my standard, it was pushing me to the edge.

It was a stretch for sure.

And so as we discussed the end of the lesson where He saw my requirements, He was like, Look, you got to get better at a couple of things.

Number one is the pop.

There's no doubt that in his mind, my pops just aren't up to standard.

Secondly, it was like you got to practice being on the feeling of the wave.

So that He suggested skateboarding, He was like, Look, you just need to spend time on a skateboard because it's very similar.

It's an unstable, wobbly board on a stable surface as opposed to a surfboard, which is a stable board on a wobbly surface is like, do 10 minutes a day, dude, He actually said do 10 minutes three times a day, three times a week.

And He was like work on your paddling, particularly paddling fitness today, whether it was from the sweat lodge last night, and I'm just like, not as hydrated.

But about an hour, hour, and 15 minutes in I was wrecked, like just so fatigued, couldn't actually do much at all.

And He was like, Look, you got to work on your fitness.

And it's interesting fitness.

It's not the same as say running or cycling, where it's just a consistent cardio workout with an elevated heart rate.

Surfing actually is much more like Fartlek training, if you're familiar with that at all, where they see sudden bursts of hard exercise and then rest hard exercise rest, hard exercise rest.

And so He was like, Look, you can swim in your pool with head above water and practice that or just paddle and go surfing and that He just is the most effective training for this.

And finally is like the Pops doom in front of the mirror.

We're working particularly on two things.

One is to have my hands at my chest and pressing up.

I've been slipping over the side.

And it wobbles the board and it's been leaving me crouched in a deep squat, which I can't get up from.

And I got I basically got two waves today, which was awesome like I was so it's so much fun like surfing is unbelievable.

It is just the most difficult sport.

And the second thing is to be able to get the head so So if my head and my feet are over the center of the board, then the weight will remain there.

I can stay upright.

If I come up wobbly on an angle, then it will not work and I'll fall off so it's like five pops three times more daily, and that will get better.

And so the lesson out of all of this the very obvious thing is that Which gets practice will get better.

If I go on a skateboard daily, I'll get better at that feeling of balancing on a board.

If I practice my pop daily, then I will get better at rising in line with the weight that has to go through the middle of the board.

And if I practice my paddling, even three times a week, but preferably daily, with some kind of Fartlek training or things that are going to be hard, and then rest hard, and then the wrist, if I do that, in that will also get better.

So this is the same as most things in life that which we practice, that's which we do, will get better.

And I want you to know that this is exactly the same as in business, that if your processes are used, then they will get better if they are sitting on a shelf.

And they come out when a new hire comes on board, or they come out when you like to look once a year, then they will decay they will fall behind they will not represent in the vast majority of modern businesses.

What's going on in industrial business where you've got a say, a set car production line, no worries, you know, what the way that production line gets put together doesn't change much?

But in a 21st Century Business and the Internet where things change all the time, you actually need to be using your processes all the time, so that they can adapt to the changes so they can be improved.

If this is a conversation that you recognize, if you're like, you know what, I need to know how to get my team to use my processes every time, then you should head over to, pop your name, and your email into the training there so you can start to get an understanding of what's required as a mindset in terms of getting your business systematized.

That's all I got for you today.

Thanks so much for joining me.

I look forward to seeing our next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems and processes in business.

See you then.





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