Poor sales funnel results? You might be suffering from entrepreneurial overenthusiasm!

Jan 17, 2022

Poor sales funnel results, you might be suffering from entrepreneurial over-enthusiasm.

What am I talking about here? Look, I don't know whether you've ever had this happen to you, but you're in the middle of something, and the idea hits and you know that this is a great idea.

And this is going to sell this is going to change the world, it's going to be an amazing experience for you and for your customers.

And you go for it, you're like, Yes, I'm going to go, go go and, and you start and you jump in, and you're like, Okay, I'm going to get the funnel going.

And you crack open the software, whether it's Click Funnels, or drop funnels, or Kajabi, or whatever you're using, you're like, Yes, let's go and get into it, you start filling in the pages, and you know that this is going to be awesome.

And that continues, and you have a drive, you have a fire within you, that you get through and you start, you complete your opt-in page, and you do the sales page, and you fill in the blanks.

And you're like, yes, and then you've got to go to bed.

And then you wake up, and you're still enthusiastic, and you jump back in.

But overnight, you had a little bit more insight, you had a little bit more of a small tweak, a change here, a change there.

And then as you complete that sales page, you make those changes, and you take those in the checkout.

But you so enthusiastically, like, okay, great, now we're into the product, and you make some more changes in the product.

And then you like, okay, great, it's done.

Or perhaps you like, you know what, we're not going to make the product we're going to sell first, and then we're going to make the product afterward, which is an awesome strategy.

As long as you remember what you were promised.

So you go to the ads, and you make the ads you like, oh, wow, this, this is going to be the best ad.

So you run the ad.

And then you're getting good click-throughs on your ads, but it's not converting out the opt-in? What's happening here, and those that do go through, they don't convert to sales.

What's happening here? Do you know what's happened? There's an enthusiasm that has allowed you to build.

And the tools we have today are phenomenal, phenomenal like back in the day took so long, so long to complete a funnel, complete the software.

But now you can do it all in 10 minutes, perhaps really, I don't know, it takes me longer than 10 minutes, perhaps you can do it in 10 minutes.

But the idea that I want you to catch here is that there were subtle changes along the way, from the sales page to the opt-in to the thank you to the product to the ad.

And what this is going to do is create a jarring inconsistent message for your customer.

That when they clicked on the ad, they're expecting something but that opt-in page was done early in the entrepreneurial enthusiastic experience.

And it no longer matches the sales page.

And this can be very annoying, like seriously difficult when you realize this, you look at your funnel, you're like, Man, why is this not working? And you find that the sales video doesn't match the product or the product doesn't match the opt-in.

There's no consistent messaging throughout the entire experience from AD through to opt-in, through to perhaps there's a valuable experience an opening up of an idea where here are the problems, and here's what could be, and here's a couple of steps that's going to get you here.

Here's what you got to do.

And you're like, Yep, this is going to work and you hit the sales page like yes, but it doesn't match.

And so it throws off people's like what's going on here.

Hang on clicked the ad because I've got problem A but now you're talking about problems Zed or B or as or x or anything.

Like it's just not a problem A if you're stuck with problem A at the Add to problem A at the opt into problem A at the valuable experience to problem A at the sales experience to problem A that you're solving with your product, then there is a consistency that runs through that entire experience.

But that's not what happened because problem A got changed to problems seen on the sales page.

Opt-in is a problem A-C is the sales page, then you all probably give them some value.

So you've created problem F to go in the value.

And then the thank you page is still talking about a but then the product solves product problems.

G and an ad you like I yeah, this is going to be so cool.

Why don't we run with problem M?

So problem M doesn't match problem A, which doesn't match problem c, which doesn't match the actual experience that they're buying.

And this causes loss of sales.

This causes loss of opt-ins, this causes loss of clicking on the ads.

Hopefully, you still get the ad clicks.

So the people are clicking, but their problem doesn't match the sales funnel.

And you got to wonder where did this come from? You see in your over-enthusiasm, your excitement, to get this new idea to market and start testing, you forgot about something that is important.

And that is actually having some kind of consistent experience for your customer to go through this entire sales funnel.

And when they buy that the consistency continues in the fulfillment experience.

And if you had a blueprint, if you had some kind of plans, where you could look at, hey, what problem are we solving for who and how we're going to solve that, then suddenly, your life becomes a whole lot easier.

Yes, it may take time to create those blueprints.

But when you go to deploy to the sales, funnel creation, to the product creation to the ad creation, to the email messaging to the retargeting ads, all of this is consistent.

Why? Because you spent the time and actually invested in realizing that to build a consistent experience.

You've got to have consistent plans, and you build from those plans, you look at the plans and go, Yes, this is who we are serving, this is the problem that they have.

This is the offer that we are making the fulfillment feels on the offer, the sales page uses the offer, the problem is going to the funnel, and the problem is going to the ads.

But without that, because you're so excited, you're like, yes, what you actually did is take away the very experience that you were hoping to provide and provided a jumbled mess.

This sucks.

This doesn't help you.

And this does not help your prospective customer realize that they are still stuck with their problems.

They were hoping they were like yes, this is an opportunity to finally make my life better to end the problems in their life.

And you actually have the skill sets, you have the ability to do this.

But your lack of either knowledge, you don't know that you got to have the blueprints before you can create these things, or you're over-enthusiasm, your entrepreneurial over-enthusiasm, meaning that you just want to go straight to the software, you just want to go straight to the Facebook ads, you just want to go straight to building up the products it means that you get inconsistent messaging, and this means lost sales, poor opt-ins DNS annoyed customers, this is no good.

So if you want to get some help with this head over the systemio.dev check out the blueprint experience.

And looking forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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