Most business owners run from systems.

Aug 01, 2021

Alright, so here's an interesting fact.

Babs is not a fact, it's an opinion.

But I was talking with a business owner.

And they said, you know, Tom, what's really interesting is that most business owners run from systems.

It's kind of interesting.

Like, they know that they're important.

They know that they're critical in order to be to be able to expand to grow.

Those who've been there before, and not had systems know how difficult it is to try and run a growing business without having them on point.

And it's like, oh, man, we've got to get this sorted.

And yet, this comment struck me as it struck me as like, wow, most people have no idea how to do this.

Knowing that systems are critical in a business, and yet the business owner is running from them, suggests that there is a mystique or a difficulty in these that is not easily conquered.

And you must take the opportunity right now to confront yourself.

Like when I say, systems, what do you think? Like, are you Yeah, man, we got to systemize we know we've got to do that.

We've got to get our systems on point.

And so maybe you like, know what, I don't really know what this thing is.

But I'm going to put my team on it.

All right, create a system for me.

And the team goes off, and they like they come back.

Guess who they come back to you.

They're like, hey, so so.

So what do you want us to do? Like when you tell us to make a system? Like, what's that look like? And suddenly you like, you know, yeah, it's one of those system things.

You know, they do things, they kind of businesses have them, they're really important.

And they let you run a business without actually being there.

And kind of, you know, it tells us kind of what to do that thing.

And they like, uh, yeah, okay, cool.




So how do we do that? And you will be exposed? As not? So? Um, yeah, I don't really know, which is great.

At least you can own that you don't know what the system things are? Like, far out what are these, the I don't know, they're kind of important.

Looks like the businesses that get them to grow.

The businesses that get them are worth way more.

But you know what, I'm exhausted.

I just worked 60 hours a week.

The last thing I want to do is sit down and try and sort out some conundrum, some difficulty, some crazy problem that everyone else is running away from.

And you know what, maybe I'm going to run too.

I'm just going to continue leaving, as I am, you know, business pretty good.

Yeah, we've got a bunch of problems got a lot of fires that happen.

In fact, you know, if I'm honest, it's the same fires over and over.

But I, you know, I like I read the book, I read the E Myth.

And a kind of, yes, like, yeah, this system thing, I got to work on the business, but I don't really know how to do that.

So you can't outsource it to your team.

They're not going to, they're not going to be able to solve this for you.

You've got to work it out.

You got to get on point with this thing and a little bit more challenging than perhaps they look, but you can do these other people have worked it out.

It's like it is workable, to know what a system is.

To know what makes them up to know why they exist to know why you have systems, what they do, what results in they create, what questions you need to answer in order to get a system working, how to design them, so that your team can use them, that you can see what's going on in your business so that you can expand you can have free time you can spend time working out what that strategic move is for your next million.

Perhaps it's even more than that.

Perhaps this is like where you get to a stage where like I got this system thing dialed and you have the option to continue to take the profits from your business and go again.

You actually do not need to be there.

You are so systemized in that business.

And here is a fascinating problem that opens up.

This is a long way from where most businesses are but you get so systemized, you don't need to be there at all.

And the entrepreneur in new is like what are they doing? don't need me.

They don't need me anymore.

I might well you know, maybe you want to go again.

Because all of those systems that you developed like a bunch of them are the same.

Like every business needs to have their marketing on point and their sales funnels on point how they get a customer, how they advertise on point, how they fulfill, these things are not so dissimilar, that you cannot take a big chunk out of the first working business that systemized and go again, does you can even buy businesses that are partially broken like a kind of like, valued low, because they're not systemized dial on the systems and sell dial and you basically flipping businesses at this point.

If you can do the front end, and you can fulfill because you can systemize Hey, what do you want to play with next? You got to get this pace.

Unless you don't want to, unless you like, you know what I'm okay.

Just kind of works.

That takes me 6070 hours a week.

But you know, the results are okay.

And I'm going to deny my frustration and my anger and my emotions, my difficulty, and my team that just does not seem to work.

And is it really, or is it just because you cannot get this system’s thing on point, it underlies everything in your business.

Even on day one, you could make an argument to say that dialing in systems is going to give you the capacity to take a business book and turn it into a working system that actually makes a difference in your business.

And you can do this for any area of your business.

You need to improve your hiring of people boom, you take that book and you systemize it, you need to improve your sales funnel, you take that book, and you systemize it you need to get traffic.

You take that book and you systemize it across the board.

If you need help with this if you're interested in this conversation if you can see the possibilities that await you when you get this on point, head over to

Thanks so much for tuning in today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of this and facing the reality that most.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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