More money for the same frameworks?

Mar 04, 2022

More money for the same frameworks.

This is not my idea.

This is taken directly out of experts' secrets, by Russell Brunson, but I'm only really just starting to understand the idea itself.

And I was doing that, because I was like, Okay, well, how do I want my business to look? How much money do I want to take out of it, I was modeling that.

And I looked at the three classic options, one, do it yourself, number two, do it with you, and the last one does it for you.

And thinking about those, they can be exactly the same product giving exactly the same result.

And yet, one might be 10, or 20, or 50 times more expensive.

Let's say that is software that builds out your avatar and your offer and your stories and your webinar and your ads and your customer experience.

And that entire software might sell for, say 397 a year.

And that gives you the opportunity to do it yourself.

And yet someone might pay more for a done with your experience, perhaps five or six small group coaching, where you go through exactly the same process.

But what changed? Well, one thing changed.

And that is that there are no set times where you would be expected to show up, instead of allowing you to do it at some point, which is often never with the do it yourself, you actually get a held space, that the facilitator or the creator holds that timeframe, that 60 minutes, that 90 minutes, that three days, whatever the window is.

And in that window, you sit down, you show up and you do the work.

I've been through this experience, many times now with wakeup Aria and it works.

What is most interesting is how much easier is to attend these done with your experiences, then the do it yourself, do it yourself means that I typically have to fight for the time I'm carving out an hour here an hour there, versus when I take a two day or three-day events with them.

And I block out that time, that entire time is devoted to that experience.

And it gets done.

So that is why the done with you is worth more because the probability of results goes up.

And you excuse me, usually, the timeframe is going to come down.

Because it goes from someday sometime, which is never in many people's cases and lead a lead unless they have really worked on their discipline and their ability to reframe their mind and say, You know what, this is so important, I'm going to block the time and then actually do the work in the time.

That is not an easy skill set for most humans.

Why? Because a lot of our fears come up our thoughts about what about if this doesn't work? am I wasting my time? What about if it does work? Will I be exposed? Will I be laughed at will I will be shamed? Will I lose status with my friends as they say what are you doing? So all of those fears come up.

And without practice and solid mental skill sets to be able to manage those thoughts.

It's all too easy to end up on social media and up on YouTube, watching cat videos, doing many other things that are not the one thing that will take your business forward.

So we've got a do it yourself, which gives you the potential but no guarantee, and then we've got done with you which significantly increases the chances of it being done and then that final level, which might be I don't know 25,000 35,000 100,000 It might be a lot of money.

But why because the chances of results go significantly higher once again, you see there still be an opportunity for you to throw it away with the done with you that unless it gets fully implemented through to the final stage which tends to be expensive and typically not easily managed with a done with you experience but when you step up to that done for you, then the business that selling the Done For You is taking a lot of the risk away, you're actually paying them to take the risk away from you that you don't do everything that's required.

Now can people still mess it up? They can, they certainly can't.

And they can do all sorts of bizarre things even after having paid large amounts of money.

But if they choose to show up, then a lot of the risk of failure goes away.

And that's why that might be five or 10 times more expensive, even 50 times more expensive than a done with you.

The last factor that comes with the done for you is that there are typically high levels of constraints on businesses like they literally can't serve 1000 People at once is going to destroy most businesses that offer done-for-you services.

And so when they say, Hey, we only have three spots, we only have eight spots, we only have five spots, that is legitimately how much they can fulfill.

And while they are looking for people who are willing to pay and invest high amounts, they are looking for people that also realize that in paying those amounts, they are transferring the risk of not getting it done over to that business.

And if that business specializes in solving that problem for that particular person, and that's all they do, then that becomes a very valuable experience.

Why because the probability of success is extremely high, the timeframes to do it are extremely low.

And the amount of work required by the purchaser is also much reduced.

This significantly increases the value of the entire experience and allows a purchase price that is still significantly lower than the value that is provided.

If an experience a done for you experience was $100,000, then you might say, wow, why would I pay that? Well, if someone was going to make $5 million off it, then it's a very good deal.

They're like, Yeah, I'll pay 100 to get five, for sure.

For sure.

Now, if the business can't deliver, then this is a significant problem.

But due diligence is required.

But if they can provide those services at those levels, then this is still of significant value, even at apparently high prices.

Because of the purchase I get so much value in exchange.

Alright, that's all I got for today.

I hope you enjoyed today's episode looking at those three classic levels of how to get things done, but particularly why a higher-priced offer is so much more valuable to the right person.

Thanks for joining me today if you want some help with your offers with your marketing with your systems for your business, then head over to System IO dot Dev.

Thanks for tuning in today.

I look forward to seeing your next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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