Minimum Viable Results...

Jul 26, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Minimum Viable results.

I wanted to bring this idea to you that a business needs a number of results; it has to get those results in order for it to stay profitable for to stay functional for doesn't get those results.

And there are problems.

But what are the minimum ones? Like if you could say, Hey, these are the results that we must get, but we're not allowed anything superfluous? I thought I'd bring this to you.

Because what's interesting to me is that if results come from systems, if we know what the results are that we need, then we can identify the minimum viable systems for but without the results, hey, I mean, you can be building systems, chocolate cakes, or building systems for things that just are not what's required in your business.

So when you think about, well, hey, what are the minimum viable results that I need? In my business? What comes to mind? What do you know you need? I'll put out a couple for you just to open your mind to perhaps the minimum that I see.

And in marketing, things like, I've got to know the results of the Avatar, who is the Avatar, I need that result, I've got to be able to identify that, then I've got to be able to identify what their problem is, what my offer is, what my case studies are, and what my stories are, how do I end up in this business at all.

But those five things in marketing without those, it's very hard to take those marketing aspects, those marketing results and put them into your sales, put them into ADS, put them into fulfilment? And when we go to sales, well, like there's this guy called Russell Brunson, you might have heard of him.

But he's certainly made funnels, the internet marketing thing and businesses generally, that people go through a journey in order to not have to just say, Hey, I'm going to buy right now that there's a warmup time, there's an experience to say, oh, yeah, I've got that problem, or how can you help me solve it? Oh, I can see that you can get me results.

Oh, I'd like to work with you that the journey from the problem to the result is a critical aspect of the funnel; the funnel has to be able to do that.

So you need that result of the funnel, you need a system for creating funnels, and perhaps on the edge of viable but retargeting for the sales funnel, whether that's ads, or whether that email or whether that's messenger, but potentially leveraging the people that do come into that funnel by having those exhilarating methods.

So a result of that as well.

Outside of that, you know, I mean, you could consider a result of phone schools, getting them on an hour of zoom and talking to them.

So some kind of phone system, depending on how you sell.

So that could also be in a minimum viable system for your minimum viable result of having the ability to talk on the phone.

Advertising, okay, well, how you're going to do that there's organic, there are referrals, there's paid.

I think that's about it.

There might be your website.

They're all mechanisms of advertising, your, your business.

So they need results; how do I do each of those? They've broken down into text and images and video.

But overall, they're the main ones for advertising, website, paid content, or organic, and finally referral, you could do jayvees, as well.

But hey, if you can't get those other ones dialled in, then jayvees are going to have a difficult time.

They're like, you know, you got some data, you got some numbers, they're not going to be that interested if you haven't got a proven system.

In one of those other aspects of advertising.

We come into fulfilment, well, you barely be selling something that you can fulfil on.

So how do you fulfil on your product, you need that results?


Thomas Rolley  04:11

You definitely need the results of having, whether it's a service or whether it's a product, the fulfilment of that.

And if you'd like your customers to stay happy, then it would be worthwhile thinking about your customer experience.

This is different from the product.

This is how you treat your customer after they sign up.

How do you get them to continue to recognize that this is the solution that they bought into, this is the right solution buying from you that they don't immediately go into deep levels of buyer's remorse and ask for their money back and say, Oh, no, actually, actually, no, no, no?

That's customer experience.

So being able to create that and deploy that are both ViRGE, maybe you could get away with it.

And certainly, if you can't do the first bits, then you don't need that bit, but it is worth considering in terms of doing a bit of a business that works; you probably need the result that your customers have some support as well.

This is different from the experience.

This is the support; I've got a question, how do I get that sold? So that results from there? Get into the back end business a little bit accounting, doing the books, knowing your numbers, looking at profit and loss, what's happening, and your cash flows. That's pretty essential if you'd like to stay in business.

And then finally, your team.

How do you hire your team? How do you onboard your team? How do you train your team? How do you monitor your team? And how do you find your team? There are obviously many more results that a business could have.

But without these ones, it's going to be pretty difficult.

Have a look at where you are in getting those results across your business.

Are you missing them? And if you are missing them, Hey, what are the systems? What are the processes that must be in place in order for you to get them? I hope you got some value out of tonight's session.

It's cold dark windy here, but I certainly enjoyed producing this video for you.

Go after those minimum viable results.

Go get on with systems.

Look forward to seeing you next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

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