Make one change and test.

May 31, 2021

Okay, thanks for joining me on today's episode, I wanted to talk about an issue that I'm having in the setup of my email campaigns.

Now, if you've been in digital marketing for any period of time, you'll know that one of the key parts of marketing is to build your list and then develop your relationship with that list.

Now, one of the important things about an email is that the links that I include or you include in your emails out actually work, this has not been happening for me, we covered this Two episodes ago, where I was discussing the problem of deadline funnel with Kajabi mail.

So they're the two tools that I'm using the deadline funnel software clearly works for the vast majority of people.

And so I was like, okay, hmm, there's there could be a small chance of a problem there.

Or Kajabi could have a problem.

Now, Kajabi has made a change recently, and that is that they allowed the development of custom emails.

So previously, all of the emails got sent out of Kajabi mail.

And they brought in a new feature that said, we will send on your behalf from your own email address, which is Tom ad system, I O dot Dev.

So I was able to send it from there.

Now, I went and tested this, and it didn't work it I thought that the problem was that the link was encrypted deadline funnel, so that I had stuck the back end link into deadline funnel, but I've been across some checks that in actual fact, note, the link was fine, which left me with what to do.

Okay, so I've got this problem, my links aren't working, what am I going to do, I am going to make one change, not change 15 things not change two things, one change.

And that was to go back to the old Kajabi system.

I hope that worked, it's been around for a long time, I'm going to get rid of the custom email service and let that go.

And say, I'm going to go with the old service.

Now I've done this, tested it, and it looks like it's working, which is pretty cool.

I'm like, Oh, this is this is this is looking good.

Now, this was only the test service, though.

So in Kajabi, you can say send a test email, and I did that and it worked.

The next test I want to run which is at nine o'clock tomorrow.

It'll be I'm part of my own email campaign.

And so I'll get a link.

And I'll test that now.

That way, I will know.

Now, what I want you to appreciate here is that if I made multiple changes at once, I might have fixed the problem.

But I wouldn't be 100% sure that it was the custom Kajabi email that was causing it.

And so I might have thought it was a problem with deadline funnel, I might have thought it was a problem with Gmail, I might have thought, oh, wow, okay, I fixed it.

But I can't be sure with one change being made.

Now I can know that.

Yes, it is the implementation for whatever reason, with Kajabi custom email service now is that under my direct control, no, I can bring it to the attention of support, I can say, hey, I've got this problem.

But at the end of the day, what I really want is my emails to go out and the links to be clickable.

So I just let go of that.

And I'm not going to chase having my own email as the sending thing, am I Now could have sold this otherwise I could have gone to Infusionsoft I could have gone to Ontraport, I could have gone to Active Campaign, whatever the myriad of other email providers, but realize that all of those come with a cost.

There's a cost of actually implementing the changes, there's a cost of changing my systems to meet that new service.

There's also a risk that things go wrong, and that I can't send an email.

So I needed to be clear on what I really wanted, which was I want my emails to go out and the links to be clickable.

And if that could be done within my existing systems.

I'm going to choose that I'm going to let go of having this name thing big deal because I can live without that.

If I'm like killing it.

I'm like, Yep, this is worth it.

And we're going to make this big pivot.

That's a different story.

But right now, I just want those emails to go out.

That is the target that I want to hit.

So a couple of things out of today's episode one make one change at a time when you're trying to troubleshoot a problem because that way you're going to know whether that fixes it or whether it does not fix it.

You make multiple changes at once.

Even if you fix it, you can't be sure that it was which one of those it was it's a bit like playing Cluedo, like, was it the wrench or was it the dagger? And then that will lead you to the risk of it reoccurring.

Secondly, you might actually fix the problem.

You might break another problem so you think that it's still broken but in actual fact, you fix the original problem while creating a new problem that goes away when you make one change at a time.

I hope that helps you in the troubleshooting of your business problems if you want some help around systems and processes that make this all much easier.

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Thanks so much for tuning in today.

I look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's episode.

See you then.





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