Legs are killing me.

May 30, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

As you have seen, my legs are killing me.

Yes, I had a very intense session with my personal trainer.

Name's Felicity, she is, oh man, she's full-on.

She is full-on like, we're working on legs.

So I expected that it was going to be a hard day and it was.

However, yesterday I was okay.

Yesterday I got through, okay.

Today, every step hurts, like I know, if you train, if you train, then you will know the experience of everything hurting like my quads is painful to touch.

My quads are painful to use, I managed just to do a two-kilometer walk just with my dog, maybe it's a little less than two kilometers, maybe 1.

6 kilometers, up and down the laneway relatively slow, downhill, painful, uphill, a little less painful, but still painful walking on the flat, painful.

And I'm like, Man, why does it have to hurt so much? Why do I do it? Well, here's the interesting thing.

That while I could have chosen not to do it, and therefore not experience all this pain, as I go along in life, there begin to be consequences to that choice as well.

Now they're not as fast.

They're slower.

And it slowly looks like obesity, it slowly looks like shortness of breath that slowly looks like diabetes.

And so while the short-term pain is quite intense, the long-term benefits are very strong.

And that's why I do it.

I want to be still functional in my body at 50 6070 at 80.

Like I've seen how hard it gets particularly those who've really not looked after themselves, the man at 60, smoking, drinking, never training life gets hard.

But even those who have done some didn't really pay attention.

70 gets hard.

And most men will be struggling at 80 There's only a few that have kept it together all the way through.

And so I wonder whether they thought about it or whether it was just the default mindset.

They're like, You know what, I can see that this body has to last me a long time.

And paying attention to those who are older than us has some benefits, they can act as both beacons of what to do.

And also beacons of what not to do.

So I choose to show up and train work on my legs.

Even though today it means that every step is like having a knife jammed in my quads, like, oh, man, that hurts.

Oh, man, that hurts.

Because over time, I'm going to get better.

So the principle that I want you to take from this is that you can pay now like I am paying for my training session.

Just today, it hurts, it's painful I am paying today.

Or I can pay later.

Now the crazy thing is that the pain later is way worse.

You just get away with it.

I don't know why it's designed like this.

It's fascinating to me.

But this is life.

There is a lag period where life lets us get away with things for a while.

But then eventually the credit card debt comes due.

And for some the debt is so overwhelming, it kills them, they have a heart attack, they have a stroke.

They don't cope well with COVID, whatever it is that their bodies just simply are not that functional, because they chose not to pay now like you will pay one way or the other.

In my experience, I'm choosing pay now.

Because I know that after 40 I'm 44 that life tends to be about risks of long-term disease, cardiovascular disease, strokes, dementia, cancer.

And these in my opinion can be mitigated by investing in my body, not just with weight sessions, but also with Acupuncture, with massage with stretching, with surfing, all of these things going together to create a reality in the future that I'll benefit from when I look back to now to today when I cannot go back in time and change my behaviors.

All I can do is act in the present moment and choose to make my investment today and that's why I pay now because the benefits are later.

Now this applies to business as well.

This is a really interesting outcome in business.

Because as you succeed, it opens up for problems that you may not have expected that running a business with two or three or five people is relatively okay.

You can duct tape it together, you can meet, you can talk, you can have chat, you can call up and ask questions.

Hey, how are we going? But as you succeed, and as you get better, and you start to expand 710 1520 people, and what works continues on for a while, but then there's a lag.

And suddenly the chaos of having 20 people, and that stage, it's too hard to communicate, yes, you might have mass meetings, but there are still questions that don't get answered, or there are misinterpretations or it's just a straight waste of time.

For those who are like that, that didn't help me.

Okay, great.

We've got the grand vision, but I got problems on the Drown right now.

How about we sort out those? How do I sort out those I know, we talked about something else.

So there is a lag period.

And the crazy thing is that as that lag period catches up, you've now got 20 people trying to sort out a problem that was there early.

It was there at three people it was there at five, you were just able to get around it.

And I'm talking about your systems and your processes, how you do things in your business.

Because if it's struggling a bit at three and five, it gets worse later on.

Just like the choice not to train and not invest in your body.

If you don't invest in your systems and processes early, then you will pay later, when you're succeeding when things are booming.

And it gets hard.

It means you are working long hours you are answering question after question from your team.

And then the problems continue.

Because your fulfillments are not on point you start to run into problems with your advertising and your sales, it is critical to consider what is coming.

Hopefully, you realize that your business will succeed.

Like you're a good entrepreneur, and therefore, things are going to come where you can look and go, Hey, how did they get through that? How did that business that smoothly grew on or dialed in a good experience through 1015 2030 4050 employees? How did they do that? Very hard to run a team of 50 with nothing written down.

If this is a conversation that interests you, either you're in chaos right now.

And you're like, oh my god, what the heck happened to my business.

Or you can see that it's coming.

Then I invite you to head over to www.systemio.dev and pop in your email, name and grab the training there.

This is an interesting conversation.

One of the benefits is that if you get this on point, you can do more with fewer people.

You can actually get your team of three or your team of five, to do the work that it would take 10 and 15 people without running into the major problems that come from requiring 15 people to do work with our systems and processes.

You get more done.

You get higher profitability, you get a happier team.

There's a lot to benefit from thanks so much for joining in today's episode.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

As we continue this journey into systems and processes for business.

See you then.





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