Just earnt 90 minutes back in my life every week.

May 14, 2021

All right.

Thanks for joining me on today's episode I wanted to report in from the field with some interesting news and experience that I've just had over the last two days.

And that is that I deployed an untried system for my VA.

So not untried, by me.

I've been through it twice already.

But it was untried, in terms of the fact that there was no training, there was nothing other than, hey, I want you to run this system.

And we'll see what happens.

I was like, I probably they were like, Hey, we're probably going to run into some login issues, which we did.

And we'll see how it goes.

But what was most interesting was that essentially, it worked.

Essentially, the system got deployed without me having to do anything other than set it up originally.

Now, this may not sound like such a big deal.

So I got a young man, um, I get my VA to do stuff all the time, really, but how much training if you got to do and how much supervision if you got to do because this was a very interesting experience for me, I go in, and I look at the work and I see each of the processes marked off, and I look at the outcome.

And this work was to extract each of these Facebook Lives out, create the boards that then run the deployment of spreading the marketing messaging out through other channels.

So it's got to be into like, a couple of things going to happen, we're going to extract out the odor transcription of it, we've got to take it to quote cars, we're going to take it to the podcast, we're going to take it to YouTube, we're going to take it to Instagram, got to put it into hero post, like there's a bunch of stuff that has to be done.

That's all run by a board.

So each day has one board and this system was taking the Facebook Live, pulling it out of Facebook, creating the boards, and creating all the steps that then get done.

Once I have completed the data card that then distributes the information.

Now, He can't do that maybe I can't do the creation of the titles or the quote cards like I need to do that work.

But I certainly don't need to do the logging into Facebook and downloading the video and then upload it to Dropbox and then wait for the audit to do its thing.

And then when that comes logging into milk cloud and then sending it across the drive like all of this stuff, it's got to be done.

But it's hardly my highest value work.

Now, this system took me about an hour and a half a week.

And what I want you to realize is that by me deploying this to my VA, I've earned 90 minutes back in my week, now not just next week, but also the week after and the week after, and the week after.

And this hour and a half in my week are actually pretty powerful.

Like I don't know how your week is, I doubt that you're just sitting around doing nothing all day.

And so 90 more minutes doesn't mean much, at least for me this 90 minute is powerful.

This can be used for either the creation of more whatever, in my life and my business, it could be another product, it could be more marketing, it could be the deployment of a new funnel.

It could be looking after myself with some exercise with some meditation with hanging out with my kids.

Like that, in itself is extremely powerful.

If you have a busy life, then you need to assess where your time is going.

Because you have to realize that you can't do it all.

You can't do it all.

You are not going to get the results that you desire, the lifestyle that you desire.

The Lamborghinis in the first-class flights and all that stuff that comes along with the show of a successful entrepreneur.

Guess what comes when you learn to delegate work so that you can have another 90 minutes back in your life.

And guess what? I can do this again.

You can do this again.

If you knew how to do this, you could identify the repetitive work that you're currently doing that is costing you 30 minutes, 60 minutes, two and a half hours a week across multiple things that need to be done that you really shouldn't be doing.

Like how much is it costing you? Is it costing you another client? is it costing you time with your kids? is it costing you your health? Is time hard to get back? Your health is hard to get back.

Be very careful about sacrificing your health.

For money Success.

But wherever that is in your world, I want you to identify it, not just what the work is that perhaps you're not enjoying.

But how many hours it's costing you? Is it a weekly thing? Is it a fortnightly thing is a monthly thing? How many hours? Are you doing work that you just should not be doing? Because you cannot delegate work effectively? And what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? Like, think about that? Are you just going to continue to spend 90 minutes every week? That's a lot of time.

We can week out over a year, over 10 years? Or are you going to learn how to do this stuff so that you can delegate effectively and you can get other people to do the work? Perhaps you must realize that your highest calling is not actually doing $10 or $20 an hour work.

But rather, if you could learn to delegate, get your systems on point, and actually have others do this, then that frees you up to do your highest value work.

That's the game.

At some level, that is the game.

And if you know that you are stuck doing work you should not be and invite you to do something about it, which is head over to www.systemio.dev, pop your name and email, watch the training there.

And if it resonates, and you know that you either have no idea what to do about this stuff, or you're like struggling, you're like this isn't working for me.

Then you can complete an application and we can look at whether we're fit to work together.

Alright, that's all I got for you tonight.

Thanks for tuning in.

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode.

As we continue this journey about the power of a systems method that works. See you then.





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