Isn't it time you got the productivity you want from your team?

Nov 07, 2021

Isn't it time you got the productivity you want from your team? Welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley, and excited to talk to you about that, because this is very, very frustrating for a lot of business owners a lot, a lot of even CEOs, a lot of CEOs are like, Why can't I get my team to work productively.

And the interesting thing is that in the early stages of business, this probably was not a problem.

But as you grow and expand and experience success, you may well run into an interesting problem.

And that is that your team's productivity drops right down.

What was working with a team of two or three suddenly doesn't work when you've got 1012 people, let alone 40 people in your business? Or perhaps your team is working reasonably well.

But like, Man, I'm sure we could get more out of this.

I'm sure we could do more.

When you look at that payroll bill, every fortnight on a Friday, what do we get done, we got some stuff done, we're clearly succeeding.

But I wonder I'm not sure what we got done.

This is a problem.

And what is at stake here is that you can read books about how to systemize your business, but there is a missing link.

They hint at it.

But I'm going to give it to you and that this missing link is that there is a direct correspondence between the work that gets done and the results that come out a direct correspondence between the work that gets done and the results that come out.

Now, most businesses have little or no documentation.

They just don't even write down anything about how to do their business.

And they just teach by osmosis.

Somebody new comes into the business and it's taught by osmosis is like, well, this is how we do it.

This is how we do it.

Someone tells them how to do it.

But there is no final booklet book of Operation says hey, this is how we do it.

No, it's taught by word of mouth.

Now if you've ever played a children's game called Chinese whispers, you will know that as a business goes along, little errors creeping things get misheard things get misinterpreted.

pressure comes on a deadline.

And so a new choice is made to do it a different way.

But there's no understanding that it was done the other way because of consequences that are further downstream, it may not be immediately obvious.

And so that change to get something done by deadline seeps through and then the problems appear and now you are firefighting.

Now you were working 80 hour weeks now you're cutting sleep, now you're up to I am frustrated trying to go what is going on here, it leads to confusion, confusion for your team confusion for you.

You just don't know what to do.

The worst thing is you cannot troubleshoot this, you cannot work out what went wrong.

And you can't change it.

So that it gets done correctly next time.

Why? Because nothing is written down.

And so you might have the inspiration and say, right, I'm sick of this, I'm so sick of this.

We're going to write it down.

We're going to get some documentation.

And so you go through and perhaps painstakingly document either with video or text.

And you go through and look at how everything is done.

Like right, solved this problem.

But because you have not understood that fundamental missing link, that fundamental correlation between work and results.

What very commonly happens is that you will create a masterpiece of documentation that then never gets used.

And you may have interesting experiences when you have a new training member come on.

And you're like, great, we're going to use the operations manual, let's bring it out.

And you are actually that's not how we quite do it.

Or that's changed, that's old.

And what you have created is a snapshot of how things were done at that point in time.

But the inevitable decay of that operating manual will occur unless you continually update it.

And updating requires that you use it.

And so your actual problem begins at realizing that you must write down what your business does.

But then your next problem that opens up from that is, how do you get the team to use it? How do you get your team to update it? How do you keep these SOPs current so that you do not create a snapshot from three 612 months ago, that is no longer relevant.

This is your actual problem.

And the solution lies in seeing that correlation between work getting done and results coming out.

The work gets done, the results come out.

And so if you wanted to have this work, perhaps you would look to your children if you have them.

What is very easy with one particular type of toy, I'll tell you what's easy.

Building Lego is ridiculously easy.

If you have the instructions if you do not.

It is very difficult.

But what do you notice when you think of Lego? What do you notice you see someone opening the instructions, number one and they do step one, they turn and they do step two, they do step three, they do step four, proceeding logically through step 1234.

doing the work, the instructions match up to the work, the next instruction matches up to the work.

And this is what you must have in your business.

Your instructions link to the work and when you get this suddenly you have magic.

It is not magic, but it is close to magic compared to what is going on at the moment.

What's going on at the moment is mayhem.

It's chaos.

It's unproductive, it's inefficient.

It's firefighting, its errors, its setbacks.

And our world is moving to a place where we will begin to experience significant problems because of Coronavirus and the workflow stopping that this opportunity must be seized where we no longer have so many errors.

Because the world's production is reduced.

At this point we printed a lot of money, there's less goods, for more money, we are faced with a likely increase inflation.

That means stuffs getting more expensive.

At least where I live building has gone through the roof.

It's so expensive to build why because of less production.

And so if we do not make this link between the work getting done, and the results that it produces, then we will continue to suffer the chaos, the disappointment, the wastage, the errors, the fires, the long hours, and the inability for you to ever leave your business, go on holiday, sell it or just take the profits.

All of this is the consequence of you not getting this.

But if you can link it up, if you can make this link between the work and the results, then suddenly, magic effectiveness your team is freed from asking you freed from lining up being paid to do nothing except wait in line to see you when you tell them what to do.

I call it the magic board.

Why? Because it is ridiculously effective at getting work done.

It takes your work as the business owner, as the CEO, documented, and then it makes your team you'll be able to use it.

So you solve the first problem documentation and you solve that critical second problem.

How to get your team to use the damn instructions.

If you want some help with that.

Head over to and go through the training there.

Look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems create results.





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