Is it worth solving the bigger problems?

Mar 31, 2022

isn't worth solving the bigger problems?

I've been confronted with this over the last 24 hours.

If you weren't listening or joining for yesterday's episode, then I invite you to go back and check that out because I had a phone call or I had a zoom call it was and I got presented with an option.

And they said, Matt, your offer will be awesome.

If you do fully done with your marketing, fully done for you.

You show up, you give me money.

I give you everything you need ads retargeting email, opt-in videos before a webinar or webinar slides, closing objection sequences, and even a high ticket phone offer after.

And you might say, well, that's a pretty good offer.

Why would you not do that? Well, first of all, I sat on it.

I'm like, You know what, if I can do this, one, I just focus on the businesses that I love, rather than doing it for all of the people who show up, because we discuss some of the challenges, and that is that some people just will not appreciate what they're getting.

They're like, Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, you just dial it all in.

And suddenly, magically, it works.

And, you know, it like took 15 years of study to actually understand and be able to deploy this stuff, not only the marketing and the sales and advertising the fulfilment, but also the challenging part, the systems and the processes.

You see, the systems are where the bigger problems lie.

And as I confronted the opportunity, I was like, You know what, I can do this.

But the problem that I'm trying to solve with systems still hasn't been solved.

And I'm going to have to use the slight jam together option of current software.

That is taking a project management software, and some kind of word document and jamming them together to make systems that work or going to say, checklists, SOP software, and then linking it up with a spreadsheet kind of making it work.

And so I was left with Well, the biggest problem remains unsolved, and that is that there is no software that does systems really well.

And so while I could distract myself from building out marketing funnels for people, I don't want to do it.

I don't want to do it because that bigger problem, that bigger problem of systems, which you know if you're in business is a weak link.

Very few businesses have dialled in systems those that have done very well.

Look at work the system look at E Myth.

Even look at system ology, these guys have all dialled in systems.

And there is an ongoing problem with how businesses do systems most businesses don't.

Most businesses have glaring system errors that they're even unaware of this is the fascinating thing.

But I've tried to solve it with existing software.

And it's very difficult.

It's very difficult to jam the current software that we've got into how systems actually work.

So I'm going to leave the opportunity for high ticket sales, building out marketing funds for other businesses, which is just not what I want to do right now.

Because what if I was going to do that and call to me, I'm still going to need the system software.

And system software is awesome.

But it doesn't exist right now.

My current software adventure is a very interesting take on systems.

So it's basically looking at the systems that you need to build out all of a funnel, the ads, the funnel, the fulfilment, all of the components that fit in there, the video ads, text ads, retargeting ads, the email advertising the opt-in the pages, the videos, the slides, the webinar, or the product, launch videos, the scripts as well as perhaps even the products themselves, how do you build those products and certainly, of critical importance is the customer experience.

These are all systems that can be built out And then the interesting thing about one way of doing systems is that I take away all of the processes and just guide you through an experience, you answer question after question after question.

And the software runs all of the systems in the background, and you get what you want, which is the results, you get the blueprints for your ads, you get the blueprints for your funnel, you get the blueprints for your customer experience.

But then that next problem opens up.

And even with all of that many people will struggle to deploy.

And yes, you could literally take it to Fiverr.

And say, put this in my account.

And yet, still, some people are going to struggle, go to Fiverr and say, install these videos, and this copy into Click Funnels.

And some people are still going to struggle.

And you could literally go to your autoresponder and have all the customer experience deployed, and some people are going to struggle.

But they're going to do a hell of a lot better.

Having those blueprints, being able to see all of these systems play out, even if they don't know what they're doing.

That's the coolest thing to me about systems that even if you do not know what you are doing if systems can be well built so that you don't see any of the processes, you just get to go through the data entry and outcomes, the results.

This is pretty cool.

But the bigger problem lies with the custom systems for your particular business.

Sure, many, many aspects of businesses are similar between businesses, but some will still be custom for you.

And you need a general solution for system software.

So that's what I'm going to go for the bigger problem.

This won't be solved tomorrow.

This is not a tomorrow problem.

But this is a problem over maybe 12 months, 18 months, and in 18 months' time the software comes out it's like oh wow, this is a general solution for software.

That solves the system's problem for business.

Big problem.

Big reward if I can pull it off if I can't, okay, cool.

Life goes on sun still goes around the Earth-sun comes up.

People still need to eat.

Everything's going to be okay.

All right.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you have an awesome day.

I'm going to go jam in my band we are on in about 45 minutes super pumped for that.

Look forward to seeing the next episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





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